

单词 rough treatment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔VIOLENT〕The hostages received some rough treatment during their long period of captivity. 人质在长时间被囚禁期间受到一些粗暴的对待。朗文写作活用〔indignation〕Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable.遭受如此粗暴的待遇,她大为光火是可以理解的。朗文当代〔roughly〕They have complained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment.他们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。柯林斯高阶〔rough〕The prisoners complained about rough treatment by the guards.囚犯们抱怨受到看守的粗暴对待。韦氏高阶〔rough〕They have complained of rough treatment.他们抱怨受到了粗暴无礼的对待。外研社新世纪〔rough〕This watch is not de signed for rough treatment.这块手表不可猛烈震动。牛津高阶〔withstand〕Our toys are designed to withstand the rough treatment of the average five-year-old.我们的玩具设计得能经住普通5岁儿童粗野的摆弄。剑桥高阶Our toys are designed to withstand the rough treatment of the average five-year-old.我们玩具的设计能够经受住普通5岁儿童的胡乱摆弄。剑桥国际They got some fairly rough treatment from the policemen in the local station.在当地的警察局他们受到了警察相当粗暴的对待。剑桥国际




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