

单词 renewal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔URA〕Urban Renewal Administration.都市重建局美国传统〔attach〕The licence renewal had two special conditions attached.执照换新有两个特别附加条件。麦克米伦高阶〔calendar〕Mark the renewal date on the calendar so you don't forget.把续订日期标注在日历上,这样你就不会忘记了。牛津搭配〔come up for〕These three clubs could come under close scrutiny when their licenses come up for renewal.要更新执照的时候,这3家夜总会可能会受到严格审查。柯林斯高阶〔come〕His contract is coming up for renewal.他的合同快到续订期了。牛津高阶〔instance〕The post was for one year in the first instance with possible renewal to a further year.该岗位初始为一年期,有可能会再续聘一年。柯林斯高阶〔instance〕The post was for one year in the first instance with possible renewal to a further year该职位的初始任期为一年, 有可能会延期一年。外研社新世纪〔leitmotiv〕Death and renewal are leitmotivs running through the whole novel.死亡与新生是贯穿这部小说的主题。剑桥高阶〔membership〕Club members are reminded that membership renewals are now due.俱乐部成员已被提醒, 说现在又到了会员更新的时候了。外研社新世纪〔occasion〕A chance meeting was the occasion of the renewal of their friendship.一次偶然的相遇是他们重温友谊的机会。英汉大词典〔ostracize〕Rather than ostracizing women, we should accept and honour this eternal renewal of the feminine principle.我们不应排斥女性, 相反我们应当接受并尊重女权主义原则的这种持续不断的修正与改进。外研社新世纪〔personnel〕There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.从事高等教育的人员新老更替极其缓慢。柯林斯高阶〔personnel〕There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.高等教育领域很少有人员上的新老更替。外研社新世纪〔reaccreditation〕Renewal of accreditation status.重评估:给予新的水平级别美国传统〔rejuvenescence〕A renewal of youthful appearance or character.返老还童:年轻的面容或性格的更新美国传统〔renewal〕All the local clergy are involved in the renewal movement.当地所有的教士都参与了精神重生运动。英汉大词典〔renewal〕All the major union national contracts are up for renewal.各大工会的全国性合约现正提请审议续订。英汉大词典〔renewal〕He sought renewal of the grant.他申请继续领取补助金。牛津搭配〔renewal〕Her contract is coming up for renewal in the spring.她的合同春天就应该续签了。牛津搭配〔renewal〕High fuel prices have led to a renewal of interest in electric cars.高油价让人们重新对电动汽车产生了兴趣。韦氏高阶〔renewal〕His contract came up for renewal.他的合同该续签了。柯林斯高阶〔renewal〕How many visa renewals have we had so far? 我们迄今为止办理了多少人次的签证展期?英汉大词典〔renewal〕License renewals can be done online.执照展期可以在网上完成。韦氏高阶〔renewal〕Mark's contract comes up for renewal at the end of this year.马克的合同将在今年年末到续订期。朗文当代〔renewal〕My membership is up for renewal again next year.我的会员资格明年又要到期待续了。麦克米伦高阶〔renewal〕Now it is spring, a time of renewal.现在是春天,万物重生的季节。柯林斯高阶〔renewal〕Recently there has been a renewal of interest in environmental issues.最近人们又重新开始对环境问题感兴趣了。麦克米伦高阶〔renewal〕She uses flowers in her art as symbols of rebirth and renewal.她在自己的艺术作品中用鲜花象征重生和复兴。韦氏高阶〔renewal〕Some licences need yearly renewal.某几类执照要求每年换新。英汉大词典〔renewal〕Spring is a time of renewal.春天是万物复苏的时节。朗文当代〔renewal〕The renewal of your contract is just a formality.将合同延期只是个手续问题。麦克米伦高阶〔renewal〕The lease calls for yearly renewals.租约需要每年续期。韦氏高阶〔renewal〕The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month.本租约到月底需要办理展期。牛津高阶〔renewal〕The office dealt with visa renewals.这个办事处办理签证延期。外研社新世纪〔renewal〕The premium should be received in this office within fourteen days of the renewal date.保险费用需在14天的续约期内交到此办公室。柯林斯高阶〔renewal〕They felt the need to bring about a renewal of society.他们感到有必要进行社会重建。牛津搭配〔renewal〕They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations.他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。柯林斯高阶〔renewal〕You can contact us at the number shown on your last renewal notice.你可以按最后一个更新通知上的号码与我们联系。牛津搭配〔renewal〕You can get a 10 percent savings on subscription renewals.续订刊物可以获得10%的折扣。韦氏高阶〔resegregation〕Renewal of segregation, as in a school system, after a period of desegregation.对…重新实行种族隔离:在种族隔离制度一度取消后重新实行的种族隔离,如在学校系统中美国传统〔resurgence〕A continuing after interruption; a renewal.中断之后的继续;重新开始美国传统〔resurgent〕Experiencing or tending to bring about renewal or revival.复活的,复苏的:经历或倾向于更新或复兴的美国传统〔revival〕Law Renewal of validity or effect, as of a contract or judicial decision.【法律】 重新生效,再生效:有效性或效果的恢复,如合同或法庭裁决美国传统〔re〕Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.亲爱的考克斯夫人,关于房屋保险一事,我们的文件显示尚未收到您的续保通知。柯林斯高阶〔spring〕A time of growth and renewal.增长和更新时期美国传统〔symbolize〕Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.复活蛋象徵新生。牛津同义词〔up〕The contract is up for renewal next year.该合同已被提出考虑明年续签。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕Their contract is up for renewal this year.他们的合同今年要续签。外研社新世纪Renewal of a passport in Britain can be done at any post office.在英国,护照延期可在任何一家邮局办理。剑桥国际The contract is coming up for renewal.合同快到续签期限了。牛津商务The insurance policy is coming up for renewal.保单该办理展期了。牛津商务The new model is part of an ongoing product renewal.这一新型号是正在更新的产品中的一种。牛津商务We will be allowing our contract with you to lapse when it comes up for renewal on December 31st. 12 月31日我方与贵方的合同将续订,届时原合同自动失效。剑桥国际When hot weather comes there will be a renewal of interest in swimming. 当热天来临时,人们又会对游泳发生兴趣。译典通Your new premium is shown on your renewal notice.新保险费写在续保通知书上。牛津商务




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