

单词 propelled
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THROW〕I felt myself being propelled into the air by the force of the explosion. 我感觉自己被爆炸的冲力抛向空中。朗文写作活用〔ammunition〕All projectiles, such as bullets and shot, together with their fuses and primers, that can be fired from guns or otherwise propelled.弹药,军火:用枪炮或其它推动形式发射的抛射物,如连同其引信和导火线的子弹、弹药美国传统〔bark〕A small vessel that is propelled by oars or sails.轻舟:用桨或帆驱动的小船美国传统〔boat〕The boat is propelled by a powerful outboard motor.这船是由一个强大的舷外发动机推进的。牛津搭配〔body English〕The usually irregular movement or spin of a propelled object as if it were influenced by this twisting.侧旋,侧扭:推出物体的不规则的运动或旋转,象有人用身体侧扭动作来影响它一样美国传统〔canoe〕A light, slender boat that has pointed ends and is propelled by paddles.独木舟:两端尖的轻巧细长小船,用桨来推动美国传统〔catamaran〕A raft of logs or floats lashed together and propelled by paddles or sails.捆扎筏:由圆木或浮体捆扎起来的用桨或帆推动的筏子美国传统〔chest pass〕A pass, as in basketball, in which the ball is propelled away from the chest with a quick extension of the hands and arms.胸前传球:篮球中的传球。其借着手与手臂的快速伸展把球从胸前推出去美国传统〔cue ball〕The white ball that is propelled with the cue in billiards and pool.主球:在桌球戏或落袋式台球戏中用球杆推动的那个白色球美国传统〔driven〕The new ships, propelled by gas turbines, require less maintenance than older, steam-driven ones.这些由汽轮机驱动的新型轮船比蒸汽驱动的老式轮船更易于养护。剑桥高阶〔galley〕A large, usually single-decked medieval ship of shallow draft, propelled by sails and oars and used as a merchant ship or warship in the Mediterranean.单层甲板大帆船:中世纪地中海巨型舰,通常是大且吃水浅并用帆和桨推进的单甲板船,用作商船或战舰美国传统〔galley〕An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars.远洋轮船:一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船美国传统〔handcar〕A small open railroad car propelled by a hand pump or a small motor.手泵式四轮小车:由一个小马达或一台手泵驱动的小型无篷路轨车美国传统〔jet boat〕A boat propelled by a powerful jet of water created by a specially designed engine.喷气快艇:用特殊设计的发动机造成强大水流来推动前进的船美国传统〔jetfoil〕A passenger-carrying hydrofoil that is propelled by a jet engine.喷流水翼船:由喷气动力装置驱使的载客水艇美国传统〔lob〕A ball hit, thrown, or propelled in a high arc.高球:被击、推或抛成一个高弧形的球美国传统〔ornithopter〕A machine shaped like an aircraft that is held aloft and propelled by wing movements.飞行器:一种形状类似于飞机、通过翅膀运动推动且上升的机械美国传统〔paddle〕To convey in a watercraft propelled by paddles.搬运,运输:在用船桨推动的船只内输送美国传统〔projectile〕A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.抛射体:被发射出去、扔出去或被推动的物体,比如子弹,它没有自我推进的能力美国传统〔propel〕A sailing boat is propelled by wind.帆船是由风力推进的。21世纪英汉〔propel〕Company directors were propelled into action.公司的董事们不得不采取了行动。朗文当代〔propel〕Fury propelled her into action.怒火驱使她行动起来。牛津高阶〔propel〕He grabbed him and propelled him through the door.他揪住他,把他推进了门。韦氏高阶〔propel〕He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father.他受到内疚感和为父报仇之心的双重驱使。外研社新世纪〔propel〕He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father.他受到内疚感和为父报仇之心的双重驱使。柯林斯高阶〔propel〕He took her arm and propelled her towards the door.他抓着她的手臂,推着她向门口走去。朗文当代〔propel〕He was grabbed from behind and propelled through the door.有人从后面抓住他,把他推过门去。牛津高阶〔propel〕His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime.吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路。21世纪英汉〔propel〕It was a shooting star that propelled me into astronomy in the first place.最初是一颗流星促使我从事天文学。外研社新世纪〔propel〕It was a shooting star that propelled me into astronomy in the first place.最初是一颗流星促使我从事天文学。柯林斯高阶〔propel〕Rebecca took Steve's elbow and propelled him towards the staircase.丽贝卡抓着史蒂夫的胳膊肘, 把他推向楼梯。外研社新世纪〔propel〕She was propelled by a desire to prove everyone else wrong.她被一种想要证明其他人都错了的欲望所驱使。麦克米伦高阶〔propel〕The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.“太阳神康提基号”帆船借助风力横渡了太平洋。剑桥高阶〔propel〕The album propelled the band to fame.这张专辑使乐队一举成名。韦氏高阶〔propel〕The boat is propelled solely by wind power.这艘船只靠风力推进。外研社新世纪〔propel〕The change is being propelled by the new economic upsurge.变革正受到新的经济高潮的促进。英汉大词典〔propel〕The crowd propelled me forward.人群把我向前推。牛津同义词〔propel〕The film propelled her to stardom.那部电影让她成了明星。朗文当代〔propel〕The film propelled him to international stardom.这部电影使他成为了国际巨星。剑桥高阶〔propel〕The film's success propelled him to stardom.该影片的成功使他一举成名。麦克米伦高阶〔propel〕The spacecraft was propelled by a rocket.宇宙飞行器靠火箭发动机推进。牛津同义词〔propel〕The train is propelled by steam.这列火车是由蒸汽驱动的。韦氏高阶〔propel〕They propelled him into the room.他们把他推入房间。英汉大词典〔propel〕University fees was the issue which propelled her into politics.大学的学费问题促使她从政。外研社新世纪〔punt〕An open, flat-bottomed boat with squared ends, propelled by a long pole and used in shallow waters.方头或平底船:一种用于浅水中并用长篙撑船行进的无篷方头平底船美国传统〔rocket ship〕A spacecraft powered and propelled by rockets.火箭飞行器,火箭推进式航空器:以火箭发动机作动力并由它驱动的宇宙飞船美国传统〔rocket〕A projectile weapon carrying a warhead that is powered and propelled by rockets.火箭发射器:一种装有以火箭发动机为动力且由其推动的弹头的发射武器美国传统〔rocket〕A vehicle or device propelled by one or more rocket engines, especially such a vehicle designed to travel through space.火箭:尤指为太空飞行而设计制造的,由一个或多个火箭发动机推动的飞行器或飞行装置美国传统〔rotor ship〕A ship propelled by one or more tall cylindrical rotors operated by wind power.旋筒式风力推进船,旋筒船:由一个或多个由风力操纵的高旋筒推动的船只美国传统〔rowboat〕Nautical A small boat propelled by oars.【航海】 划艇:用浆划的小船美国传统〔row〕To carry in or on a boat propelled by oars.用浆划的船美国传统〔sailboat〕A small boat propelled partially or wholly by sail.帆船:部分或全部靠帆来推进的小船美国传统〔sampan〕A flat-bottomed Asian skiff usually propelled by two oars.舢板:亚洲的一种平底小船,常用两桨划动美国传统〔shell〕A long, narrow racing boat propelled by rowers.单人赛用艇:由桨来推动前进的长而窄的赛船美国传统〔shoot〕The motion or movement of something that is propelled, driven, or discharged.发射:被推,击或发射的物体的动作或运动美国传统〔skiff〕A flatbottom open boat of shallow draft, having a pointed bow and a square stern and propelled by oars, sail, or motor.轻舟,快艇:平底无篷的浅槽小船,具有尖顶船头和宽船尾,由浆、帆或马达驱动美国传统〔steamship〕A large vessel propelled by one or more steam-driven screws, propellers, or paddles.汽船:靠一个或多个蒸汽螺旋浆推进的大船美国传统〔stern-wheeler〕A steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel at the stern.艉明轮船:一种由在船尾的浆轮推动的轮船美国传统〔tricycle〕A vehicle, used especially by small children, that has three wheels, one at the front and two at the back, and is usually propelled by pedals.三轮车:一种运输工具,尤指儿童用有三个轮子的童车,一个在前,两个在后,通常用脚踏板推进美国传统〔umiak〕A large open Eskimo boat made of skins stretched on a wooden frame, usually propelled by paddles.爱斯基摩皮筏:一种爱斯基摩大型皮制敞舱船,用木架撑开,通常用短桨划动美国传统〔unicycle〕A vehicle consisting of a frame mounted over a single wheel and usually propelled by pedals.独轮脚踏车:一种由装有单轮的机架构成的车辆,通常由脚蹬推动美国传统〔velocipede〕An early bicycle propelled by pushing the feet along the ground while straddling the vehicle.脚蹬车:一种骑车时用双脚踩踏推动车前进的早期自行车美国传统〔water wheel〕A wheel propelled by falling or running water and used to power machinery.水轮:用冲下或流动的水推动的轮子,用于带动机器美国传统The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power. Kon-Tiki 号由风力推动横渡了太平洋。剑桥国际The new ships, propelled by gas turbines, require less maintenance than older, steam-driven ones.由汽轮机驱动的新船比起古老的蒸汽机驱动的船来需要较少的维修。剑桥国际




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