

单词 politics
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Hamlet〕a Hamlet in politics 政治上优柔寡断的人英汉大词典〔POLITICS〕an important figure in the world of politics 一位政界要人朗文写作活用〔approach〕a pragmatic approach to the role of religion in politics 解决宗教在政治中的作用的务实方法牛津搭配〔beltway〕politics inside the Beltway 华盛顿政府内部的政治斗争韦氏高阶〔big business〕links between politics and big business 政治和大企业之间的联系牛津高阶〔big shot〕a big shot in local politics 当地政界的要人韦氏高阶〔campus〕campus politics 校园政治(指人际倾轧等) 英汉大词典〔career〕a career in politics 从政生涯牛津高阶〔centre〕a party that occupies the centre ground of national politics 在国家政治中持中间立场的政党牛津搭配〔colour〕life that has been coloured by politics 受政治影响的生活英汉大词典〔consensus〕consensus politics (government, journalism) 代表多数人意见的政纲(政府,新闻业) 英汉大词典〔cross〕to cross the line between politics and sport跨越政治和体育之间的界线外研社新世纪〔cut-throat〕the cut-throat world of politics 斗得你死我活的政界牛津高阶〔engagement〕his lifelong engagement with politics 他终生从政韦氏高阶〔enter〕enter politics 开始从政英汉大词典〔enthusiast〕an enthusiast for politics 热中于政治的人英汉大词典〔entrance〕his entrance into politics in 1993他于1993年涉足政坛外研社新世纪〔extreme〕the racist politics of the extreme right.极右派的种族主义政治柯林斯高阶〔fling〕a fling at politics 从政的尝试英汉大词典〔global〕global politics 全球政治文馨英汉〔go〕go in for politics 从政英汉大词典〔hand〕wash one's hands of politics 不再过问政治 英汉大词典〔hurly-burly〕the hurly-burly of politics 政治骚乱韦氏高阶〔indistinct〕an indistinct account of the politics of socialism关于社会主义政治的模糊描述外研社新世纪〔involvement〕have no direct involvement in politics 未直接卷入政治英汉大词典〔in〕engage in politics 从事于政治英汉大词典〔keen〕be keen on politics 热衷于政治英汉大词典〔lecture〕a lecture about/on politics 政治讲座韦氏高阶〔marginalia〕the meat and marginalia of American politics 美国政治的主要内容和次要项目英汉大词典〔narrow〕a narrow view/perspective of politics 狭隘的政治观韦氏高阶〔national〕national and regional politics 国家和地区政治牛津高阶〔novice〕a novice in politics 政界新人牛津搭配〔parish pump〕parish pump politics 地方政治麦克米伦高阶〔parish-pump〕parish-pump politics 区域性的政治文馨英汉〔participate〕the participation of women in politics 女性参政韦氏高阶〔personalize〕the mass media's tendency to personalize politics 大众传媒使政治个人化的倾向朗文当代〔pivotal〕a pivotal figure/player in US politics 美国政治中举足轻重的人物/角色麦克米伦高阶〔play〕play power politics 耍弄强权政治 英汉大词典〔politics〕a degree in politics 政治学学位麦克米伦高阶〔politics〕play politics with an issue 在一个问题上耍手段英汉大词典〔politics〕studied law with a view to going into politics; felt that politics was a worthwhile career.为了有朝一日步入政坛而学习法律;感觉到政治是一项值得从事的事业美国传统〔politics〕study politics at university 在大学学政治英汉大词典〔politics〕the politics of race and class at American universities 美国大学中的种族政治和阶级政治朗文当代〔politics〕the politics of the office办公室权术外研社新世纪〔politics〕the politics surrounding reproduction and fertility 围绕繁殖和生育的政治牛津搭配〔politics〕young politics graduates.年轻的政治学毕业生柯林斯高阶〔propensity〕have a propensity for politics 性喜从事政治活动英汉大词典〔pungent〕a pungent satire of/on current politics 对当前政治的尖锐讽刺韦氏高阶〔radical〕radical politics 激进派政治 英汉大词典〔ramshackle〕the ramshackle politics of the empire 帝国的腐败政治英汉大词典〔rhetoric〕the rhetoric of politics 政治上的虚华辞藻韦氏高阶〔run〕run politics 搞政治文馨英汉〔sectional〕sectional politics 地方政治文馨英汉〔shuttlecock〕shuttlecocks of politics 政治上的拉锯交锋英汉大词典〔sleaze〕sleaze and corruption in politics 政治上的肮脏和腐败朗文当代〔stateside〕stateside politics 美国的国内政治英汉大词典〔tricolo(u)r〕tricolo(u)r politics 法国政治英汉大词典〔upfront〕play an increasingly upfront role in party politics 在党派政治中发挥越来越重要的作用英汉大词典〔weary〕be weary of power politics 对强权政治感到厌倦英汉大词典〔wise〕was wise to the politics of the department.明了部分内的尔虞我诈美国传统




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