

单词 pirate ship
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Jolly Roger〕A black flag bearing the emblematic white skull and crossbones of a pirate ship.海盗黑旗,骷髅旗:海盗船上的黑旗,饰有白色头骨和交叉股骨的象征性图案美国传统〔board〕The pirate ship boarded the ship.海盗船靠拢轮船。21世纪英汉〔corsair〕A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction.海盗船:一种很快的海盗船,通常有官方允许美国传统〔picaroon〕A pirate ship.海盗船美国传统〔pretend〕They were pretending that their bed was a pirate ship.他们把床假想成海盗船。外研社新世纪〔sea rover〕A pirate ship.海盗船美国传统〔snug〕The pirate ship was snug in harbour.海盗船躲进港口。英汉大词典Pirate ships used to fly the skull and crossbones (= a flag with this sign on it).过去海盗船飘骷髅旗。剑桥国际The American Coast Guard dispatched 6 cutters in one swoop to surround the pirate ship. 美国海岸巡防队一口气派出了六艘巡逻艇将海盗船团团围住。译典通The football club have entered a float decorated like a pirate ship in the carnival parade.在欢庆游行典礼上,足球俱乐部成员进入了一辆装饰得像一艘海盗船的彩车里。剑桥国际




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