

单词 preparation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Activase〕A trademark used for a preparation of tissue plasminogen activator.爱克提畏斯:用于组织纤维酶原激活质制剂的商标美国传统〔BABY〕Birds make nests in preparation for breeding. 鸟类筑巢准备产蛋。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕Preparations for the president's visit had been made several months in advance. 为总统访问而作的准备工作几个月前就开始了。朗文写作活用〔Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine〕A preparation consisting of attenuated human tubercle bacilli that is used for immunization against tuberculosis.卡介苗:一种由毒性已减弱的人类结核杆菌组成的药剂,用于免疫系统治疗结核病美国传统〔Chloromycetin〕A trademark used for an antibiotic preparation of chloramphenicol.氯霉素:一种由氯霉素制成的抗生素的商标名美国传统〔DHEA〕A synthetic preparation of this hormone used as a nutritional supplement.青春素,活力激素:用作营养补充的此类荷尔蒙的合成制剂美国传统〔GIVE〕Negotiations have begun in preparation for the handover of power to the new government. 准备向新政府移交权力的谈判已经开始。朗文写作活用〔Greek fire〕An incendiary preparation first used by the Byzantine Greeks to set fire to enemy ships.希腊火:首先被拜占庭希腊人用来给敌船放火的一种燃烧剂美国传统〔HAPPEN〕Barcelona was full of visitors, and preparations for the Olympic Games were in full swing. 巴塞罗那到处都是游客,奥运会的准备工作正进行得如火如荼。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food. 一些客人帮忙准备了食物。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Feverish preparations were being made for the arrival of the President. 大家都在紧张忙乱地做准备工作,等待总统的到访。朗文写作活用〔Indocin〕A trademark used for a preparation of indomethacin.印多新:一种消炎镇痛药的商标美国传统〔Librium〕A trademark used for preparations of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride.利眠宁:甲氨二氮草盐酸制剂的商标美国传统〔PREPARE〕Correct preparation of the canvas for painting is extremely important. 画布的正确处理极其重要。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕I made my preparations with great care. 我非常认真地做准备工作。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕In preparation for Passover, all ‘unclean’ items are removed from the house. 为准备过逾越节,房子里所有“不干净”的物品都被清理掉。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Japan National Railways was split up in preparation for sale to private investors. 日本国立铁路公司已被拆分,准备售与私人投资者。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Months of preparation have gone into organizing the festival. 数月的准备工夫都花在组织那个节日上。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The preparations for the wedding were fraught with difficulties, but finally everything went well. 婚礼的准备工作中困难颇多,但最后一切都很顺利。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Police officers have been equipped with batons and riot shields in preparation for tonight's match. 警察为今晚的比赛配备了警棍和防暴盾。朗文写作活用〔Retin-A〕A trademark for a preparation of retinoic acid, used in the topical treatment of acne.维生素A酸:维生素A酸制剂的商标,用于痤疮的局部治疗美国传统〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕It's worth all the hard work and preparation to make the show a real success. 要把节自做得很成功,所有的辛苦和准备工作都是值得的。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕Top TV chef Billy Williams says he couldn't manage without his food processor: ‘It cuts down preparation time by about half and saves you all those fiddly tasks.’ 首屈一指的电视大厨比利·威廉姆斯说,他少不了食品加工机:“它能节省约一半的准备时间,并省却那些琐碎事。”朗文写作活用〔activity〕There was a lot of activity in preparation for the Queen's visit.大家都在为准备迎接女王来访而忙碌。剑桥高阶〔actual〕The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.准备婚礼要几周,而婚礼仪式本身还不到一小时。牛津高阶〔anticipate〕The army anticipated (= took action in preparation for) the explosion by evacuating the town.这支军队预料会发生爆炸,已疏散了镇上居民。剑桥高阶〔arsenical〕A drug or preparation containing arsenic.砷化合物:含砷的药剂或制剂美国传统〔attenuate〕You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。柯林斯高阶〔bang-on〕If we are not bang-on with our preparations then we could have problems.如果我们的准备工作没有做到位,就可能会遇到问题。柯林斯高阶〔botanical〕A drug, medicinal preparation, or similar substance obtained from a plant or plants.植物制剂:取自植物的药品、药物制剂或类似物美国传统〔brace〕To get ready; make preparations.准备好;做准备美国传统〔bubble bath〕A bath to which such a preparation has been added.泡沫浴:沐浴于浴水中加入泡沫剂或泡沫粉美国传统〔busy〕She busied herself with the preparations for the party.她忙于准备晚会。牛津高阶〔buzz〕They buzzed around the hall making preparations for the dancing party.他们在大厅里忙着为舞会做准备。21世纪英汉〔castigate〕The judge castigated the lawyers for their lack of preparation.法官严厉指责这几位律师没有做好准备工作。韦氏高阶〔chewing gum〕A sweetened, flavored preparation for chewing, usually made of chicle.口香糖:通常用糖胶树胶制成的一种加了糖及香料的咀嚼物美国传统〔chin〕Music To place (a violin) under the chin in preparation to play it.【音乐】 将(小提琴)放于下巴下准备演奏美国传统〔cloak〕Preparations for the wedding were made under a cloak of secrecy.婚礼的筹备是秘密进行的。外研社新世纪〔close〕The orbiter closed with the space station in preparation for docking.飞船接近空间站准备相接美国传统〔commence〕The country has commenced preparations for war.这个国家已经开始准备打仗。韦氏高阶〔confection〕A sweet preparation, such as candy.糖果:甜食,例如糖果美国传统〔con〕The student conned his books in preparation for the final exams.那学生为准备期终考试而熟读课本。英汉大词典〔cookbook〕A book containing recipes and other information about the preparation of food.食谱:一种包括食谱及其它烹饪食品信息的书美国传统〔cooker〕A person employed to operate cooking apparatuses in the commercial preparation of food and drink.蒸煮者:在食品、饮料制作业中雇佣来操纵蒸煮装置的人美国传统〔cosmetic〕A preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, designed to beautify the body by direct application.化妆品:为了美化身体而直接用于身体的调剂,例如粉或护肤霜美国传统〔countdown〕The checks and preparations carried out during this activity.准备过程,准备工作:在倒数报时期间所进行的检查和准备美国传统〔course〕The new textbook is in course of preparation.新的教科书正在准备之中。牛津高阶〔culminate〕The ceremony culminated a long week of preparation.经过长长一个星期的准备,典礼终于开始了美国传统〔dope〕A narcotic preparation used to stimulate a racehorse.兴奋剂:一种使赛马兴奋的药剂美国传统〔early〕She arrived early to help with the preparations.她提前到达帮助做些准备工作。韦氏高阶〔elaborate〕I took no notice of John's elaborate preparations for travel.我对约翰为旅行所做的过于细致的准备不予理会。麦克米伦高阶〔enough〕You've had more than enough time to make all the preparations.你已经有足够多的时间来作一切准备。朗文当代〔fastidious〕He was fastidious in his preparation for the big day.他认真仔细地准备着这个盛大的日子。牛津高阶〔fettle〕To line the hearth of (a reverberatory furnace) with loose sand or ore in preparation for pouring molten metal.涂(炉膛):为倒入熔化的金属作准备而用松散的沙子或矿渣涂(反射炉的)炉膛美国传统〔fling〕They flung themselves into the preparations for the party.他们一心一意地准备聚会。牛津高阶〔flow〕The preparations flowed smoothly.准备工作顺利地进行美国传统〔frantic〕They were making frantic preparations for the party.他们正疯狂地为聚会做准备。韦氏高阶〔gadgetry〕In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances, food preparation took up most of the day.还没有家用小器具和省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。柯林斯高阶〔general〕The General's visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the deployment of extra troops.将军造访萨拉热窝是在为增加兵力部署做准备。柯林斯高阶〔gesso〕A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting.熟石膏粉:供绘画或作浅层浮雕表面用的混有胶水的熟石膏制剂美国传统〔gird〕To summon up one's inner resources in preparation for action.养精蓄锐准备行动:集中一个人全部内在力量准备行动美国传统〔gouache〕A method of painting with opaque watercolors mixed with a preparation of gum.树胶水彩画法:用树胶,不透明的水彩颜料混合的作画方法美国传统〔go〕She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.她不声不响、认认真真去准备了。朗文当代〔grain〕To remove the hair or fur from (hides) in preparation for tanning.去掉(皮的)毛发以准备鞣制美国传统〔greasepaint〕Theatrical makeup, especially a preparation of grease mixed with colorings.化装:戏剧化装,尤指用油彩化的装美国传统〔hand〕In preparation.在准备中美国传统〔horehound〕A candy or preparation flavored with this extract.薄荷糖或制剂:加有夏至草提取液的糖果或制剂美国传统〔hustle〕We have to hustle the preparations for a summit meeting between the USA and China.我们得赶快做好中美两国间最高级会晤的准备工作。21世纪英汉〔importance〕Hindus attach great importance to food preparation (=it is very important to them) .印度人很重视食物制作。朗文当代〔inadequacy〕The defeat was blamed upon the inadequacy of defence preparations.人们将战败归咎于防御准备不充分。外研社新世纪〔including〕Preparation time (not including chilling): 5 minutes.准备时间(不含冷却):5分钟。外研社新世纪〔instant〕A food or beverage designed for quick preparation.速食食品,即溶饮料:经过简短准备就可食用的食品或饮料美国传统〔instigation〕They were charged with the possession of articles for the preparation, instigation, and commission of terrorism acts.他们被指控持有用于准备、煽动及实施恐怖主义行为的物品。外研社新世纪〔key〕The key to success is preparation.成功的关键是准备。牛津高阶〔lutein〕A dried preparation of corpus luteum.黄体素的干燥制剂美国传统〔machine〕The party machine has swung into action with its preparation for the election.政党机器已开始为选举做准备。剑桥高阶〔marijuana〕A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria.大麻毒品:由大麻属植物晒干的花簇和叶子制成的制剂,一般通过吸食来获取异常的快感美国传统〔mass〕Thousands of troops have massed along the border in preparation for an invasion.数千大军已经集结在边境上,准备入侵。剑桥高阶〔materia medica〕The scientific study of medicinal drugs and their sources, preparation, and use.药物学:对药物及其来源、用途、药剂等进行的科学研究美国传统〔meet〕Every preparation was being made to meet the typhoon.大家正在做一切准备来应付台风。文馨英汉〔mercurial〕A pharmacological or chemical preparation containing mercury.水银剂:含水银的药剂或化学试剂美国传统〔microtomy〕The preparation of specimens with a microtome.超薄切片机使用术,超薄切片法美国传统〔noil〕A short fiber combed from long fibers during the preparation of textile yarns.精梳短毛(或落棉):在纺线的准备过程中从长的纤维中梳出的短纤维美国传统〔nothing〕All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.访问被取消,所有的准备工作都白费了。牛津高阶〔officinal〕Readily available in pharmacies; not requiring special preparation.药房常备的:不需特殊准备的;药房常预备的美国传统〔overemphasis〕The importance of preparation cannot be overemphasized.准备的重要性要一讲再讲。牛津高阶〔overemphasize〕The importance of adequate preparation cannot be overemphasized (=used to say that something is very important) .做好充足准备的重要性怎么强调也不过分。朗文当代〔overnight〕Preparations were made overnight for an early start the next morning.头一天晚上就为第二天清晨出发作好了准备。英汉大词典〔over〕She went over her notes in preparation for the final.她为了准备期末考试从头至尾复习一遍笔记。英汉大词典〔paint〕The town was all painted up in preparation for the event.为迎接这件大事,全城打扮得焕然一新。英汉大词典〔pantry〕A small room used for the preparation of cold foods.备膳室:用于准备冷菜的小房间美国传统〔peppermint〕The oil from this plant or a preparation made from it, used as a flavoring.椒薄荷油:由此种植物制成的油,用做调味品美国传统〔pharmaceutical〕A pharmaceutical product or preparation.药剂,药品:药物产品或药物制配美国传统〔pharmacopoeia〕A book containing an official list of medicinal drugs together with articles on their preparation and use.处方书,药典:含有医疗药品的正式目录,并配有其配制和用途的文章美国传统〔plank〕She's made fitness a central plank of her preparation for the tournament.她把体质锻炼作为备战锦标赛的关键。麦克米伦高阶〔powder〕Any of various preparations in the form of powder, as certain cosmetics and medicines.散剂:各种以粉末形式存在的配制品,如某些化妆品及药品美国传统〔preliminary〕They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible terrorist attack.他们正在为应付一次可能的恐怖袭击作初步的准备。英汉大词典〔preoccupied〕He's completely preoccupied with all the wedding preparations at the moment.他眼下一门心思想的就是婚礼的筹备。朗文当代〔preparation〕Preparation for the party started early.聚会的准备工作很早就开始了。牛津高阶〔preparation〕Preparation time: 15–20 minutes. Cooking time: 6–8 minutes.备菜时间:15–20分钟。烹调时间:6–8分钟。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕Preparations are being made for the President's visit.正在为迎接总统来访做准备工作。朗文当代〔preparation〕Preparations are now in hand to close half the factories.关闭半数工厂的准备工作目前正在进行中。牛津搭配〔preparation〕A week before the ceremony, wedding preparations began.婚礼前一个星期,筹备工作就开始了。牛津搭配〔preparation〕All notes used in the preparation of the main report should be retained for reference.为主报告作准备的所有笔记都应该保留以用作参考。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Behind any successful event lay months of preparation.任何成功的活动都需要好几个月的准备。柯林斯高阶〔preparation〕Behind any successful event lay months of preparation.任何活动的成功举办都有好几个月时间的准备。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕Business training is a good preparation for any career.业务培训对任何职业都是良好的基础。朗文当代〔preparation〕Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons.几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。柯林斯高阶〔preparation〕He insulated the house in preparation for winter.他给屋子装上隔热设备,准备过冬。英汉大词典〔preparation〕He is practising every day, in preparation for the ice-skating championship.为备战滑冰锦标赛,他每天都在练习。朗文当代〔preparation〕Her preparation for the role included training in karate.她为这个角色所做的准备包括空手道训练。韦氏高阶〔preparation〕Many Taiwanese children take preparation courses for the SATs.许多台湾孩子参加学业能力倾向测试的备考课程。牛津搭配〔preparation〕Other volumes on animal behaviour are in preparation.其他几卷有关动物行为的书正在筹划中。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Our teacher gives us a lot of preparation.我们的老师给我们布置很多课外预习作业。英汉大词典〔preparation〕Prior preparation is vital for achieving success.事前准备对取得成功至关重要。牛津搭配〔preparation〕Rub the surface of the wood in preparation for the varnish.把木头表面磨光, 为刷清漆做准备。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕She flew in from Paris to oversee final preparations.她从巴黎飞过来监督最后的准备工作。牛津搭配〔preparation〕She had made up the beds in preparation for their visit.她已经铺好了床, 为他们的来访做准备。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕The preparation program was well designed.准备方案设计得很好。牛津搭配〔preparation〕The country is making preparations for war.这个国家正在备战。牛津高阶〔preparation〕The experience was good preparation for a career in journalism.这些经验是从事新闻工作的良好基础。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕The family can now go ahead with preparations for the funeral.家人现在可以为葬礼做准备工作了。牛津搭配〔preparation〕The festival involves a lot of preparation.节日需要做很多准备工作。韦氏高阶〔preparation〕The festival was a great success, and preparations are underway (=have started) for another one next summer.节庆活动举办得很成功,现在已经开始筹备明年夏天的下一届活动了。朗文当代〔preparation〕The flowers were ordered in preparation for the wedding.鲜花是为准备婚礼而预订的。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕The teacher didn't seem to have done much preparation for the class.看来这位教师这堂课准备得不是太充分。剑桥高阶〔preparation〕The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win.这支球队把他们未能获胜归咎于受伤和准备不充分。剑桥高阶〔preparation〕The third book in the series is currently in preparation.丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。牛津高阶〔preparation〕They are busy with preparations for their wedding.他们正忙着筹办婚礼。韦氏高阶〔preparation〕To complete this recipe, plan on about 30 minutes of preparation and 40 minutes of baking.要按食谱完成这份食物,预计需要约30分钟的准备工作和40分钟的烘焙。韦氏高阶〔preparation〕War preparations intensified.备战加剧。牛津搭配〔preparation〕Was going to college a good preparation for your career? 上大学是否为你的事业打下了良好基础?牛津高阶〔preparation〕We're making the final preparations for the party.我们正在为聚会做最后的准备工作。牛津搭配〔prep〕To study or train in preparation for something.预备…:学习或训练以为某事作准备美国传统〔presoak〕A liquid preparation in which laundry is presoaked.去污迹浸洗剂:衣服可预浸在其中的液体制剂美国传统〔put〕To make final preparations for the printing of (a newspaper, for example).印刷前最后准备:为(例如报纸)的印刷而做最后的准备美国传统〔ramekin〕A cheese preparation made with eggs and bread crumbs or unsweetened puff pastry, baked and served in individual dishes.小干酪蛋糕:一种奶酪制品,用蛋和面包屑或加糖的膨化油酥皮制成,烤制后,盛于供单人使用的盘子美国传统〔ready〕To make preparations.做准备美国传统〔redaction〕The act or process of editing or revising a piece of writing; preparation for publication.编写修订:编辑或修改一部作品的行动或过程;出版作品的准备工作美国传统〔reflect〕The hasty preparation of this report reflects on you.这份仓促而就的报告使你受到指摘美国传统〔rehearsal〕The act of practicing in preparation for a public performance.排练:为准备公开演出而练习的动作美国传统〔rotate〕The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening.俱乐部的成员可以轮流工作,而且一个人就能做好晚上的所有准备工作。柯林斯高阶〔salt lick〕A block of salt or an artificial medicated saline preparation set out for cattle, sheep, or deer to lick.盐砖,舐盐:为牛、羊或鹿舔食用的盐砖或人造医用盐药剂美国传统〔save〕I got the fishmonger to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time.我让鱼贩给鱼去了鳞, 这样就节省了准备时间。外研社新世纪〔scammony〕A cathartic preparation made from this resin.药旋花泻剂:用这种树脂制成的泻剂美国传统〔scout〕One that is dispatched from a main body to gather information, especially in preparation for military action.侦察者:离开大部队去搜寻信息的人,尤指在军事行动的预备中美国传统〔share〕We shared the preparation for the party between us, so it wasn't too much work.我们一起分担聚会的准备工作,这样工作就没有多少了。剑桥高阶〔sight-read〕To read or perform (music, for example) without preparation or prior acquaintance.随看随读,随看随唱:无事先准备或事先不熟悉地读或演奏(如音乐作品)美国传统〔sight-read〕To read or perform something on sight without preparation or prior acquaintance.随看随读,不预习即表演:无事先准备或事先不熟悉地看着读或表演美国传统〔smelling salts〕Any of various preparations of ammonium carbonate and perfume, sniffed as a restorative or stimulant especially to relieve faintness and headache.嗅盐:由碳酸铵和香料配制而成的一种药物,给人闻后有恢复或刺激作用,特别用来减轻昏迷或头痛美国传统〔smoothly〕For work to flow smoothly, proper preparations must be made.为了使工作进展顺利,必须进行适当的准备。麦克米伦高阶〔snake oil〕A worthless preparation fraudulently peddled as a cure for many ills.蛇油,万灵油:一种贩卖者声称能治各种疾病,实际上并无用处的药方美国传统〔speed brake〕A flap on an aircraft for decreasing speed while in flight in preparation for landing.减速板:飞行中准备降落时用以减低飞行速度的板美国传统〔spread〕He had promised to spread himself in the preparation of this meal.他已答应尽力准备好这顿饭。英汉大词典〔success〕Thorough preparation will increase your chances of success.充分的准备将增加你成功的机率。麦克米伦高阶〔sun block〕A preparation, as of PABA, that prevents sunburn by filtering out the sun's ultraviolet rays, usually offering more protection than a sunscreen.滤光剂:一种制剂,如对氨基苯酸制剂,通过滤出太阳的紫外线而防止太阳灼伤,通常比遮光剂的保护作用更有效美国传统〔sun protection factor〕The degree to which a sun block, a sunscreen, suntan lotion, or a similar preparation protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.阳光保护度:阳光阻塞剂、遮光剂、防晒油或类似产品,保护皮肤免受紫外线照射的程度美国传统〔sunscreen〕A preparation, often in the form of a cream or lotion, used to protect the skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun.遮光剂:通常为膏状或油状的一种制剂,用以保护皮肤免受阳光紫外线的照射美国传统〔tamarind〕The fruit of this tree, eaten fresh or used in the preparation of chutney, curry, or soft drinks.罗望子:这种树的果实,可以在新鲜时食用或用来做印度酸辣酱、咖喱或不含酒精的软饮料美国传统〔tea ceremony〕The Japanese ceremonial ritual for the preparation, serving, and drinking of tea; chanoyu.茶道:日本用于准备、供应和饮茶的礼仪性仪式;茶道美国传统〔teutonic〕The preparations were made with Teutonic thoroughness.各项准备工作均以日耳曼人缜密的精神完成。牛津高阶〔throw together〕Too often, picnic preparation consists of throwing together some sandwiches and grabbing an apple.准备野餐往往不过是随便做几个三明治,再来一个苹果。柯林斯高阶〔tisane〕A herbal infusion or similar preparation drunk as a beverage or for its mildly medicinal effect.药剂:一种草药浸剂或类似的制剂,当作饮料或因其温和的药性而饮用美国传统〔tutorial〕We offer tutorial instruction for test preparation.我们提供备考辅导。韦氏高阶〔under way〕Preparations for their arrival are already under way.为迎接他们到来的各项准备工作已在进行中。韦氏高阶〔underway〕Preparations for the trial are underway.审判的筹备工作正在进行。英汉大词典〔venene〕A preparation of snake venoms used in medicine, especially in the treatment of epilepsy.配制蛇毒素:对用于医学的蛇毒素的配制,尤指用于治疗癫痫美国传统〔view〕From a teacher's point of view, activities that can be done with minimal preparation are invaluable.对于老师来说,只需稍加准备就可以开展的活动十分有用。牛津搭配〔vinaigrette〕A small decorative bottle or container with a perforated top, used for holding an aromatic preparation such as smelling salts.香料嗅瓶:小装饰瓶或容器,瓶顶上有小孔可用作撒调味料(如嗅盐)美国传统〔war paint〕Pigments applied to the face or body in preparation for battle, as in certain tribal societies.作战涂抹颜料:作战前涂于险上或身上的干粉颜料,如某些部落社会中有抹此颜料风俗美国传统〔wash〕A preparation or product used in washing or coating.洗涤剂,涂料:用于洗涤或涂层的备料或产品美国传统〔wax〕A preparation containing wax used for polishing floors and other surfaces.地板蜡:含蜡的制剂用于打光地板和其它表面美国传统〔wind〕Baseball To swing back the arm and raise the foot in preparation for pitching the ball.【棒球】 掷球前挥舞(手臂):准备投球时挥动手臂并抬起脚美国传统〔xanthan gum〕A natural gum of high molecular weight produced by culture fermentation of glucose and used as a stabilizer in commercial food preparation.黄原胶:一种高分子量的天然胶,它是将葡萄糖作培养发酵后制得,在食品加工业中作稳固剂美国传统〔xylotomy〕Preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study.木材解剖术:用切片机截片以备显微镜观察之用美国传统Preparations (= Preparation) for the opening ceremony are well under way.开幕式的准备工作正在进行之中。剑桥国际After a year of arguments, preparations for the festival are now proceeding smoothly.在一年的争论后,艺术节的准备工作现在顺利进行了。剑桥国际All the preparations are complete, but we can't go ahead without more government money.各项准备都已完成,但没有政府的资金我们干不了。剑桥国际Before starting to write a play, he does a lot of preparation, taking notes and trying ideas out on friends.动笔写剧本前,他做了大量的准备工作,又记笔记又和朋友们推敲想法。剑桥国际He organized the event with such meticulousness that the preparations took over six months.他如此兢兢业业地组织这项活动以至于准备工作花了六个多月。剑桥国际Hurricane-force winds have been predicted. In anticipation (of these) (=In preparation for these), the radio and television are broadcasting warnings to the public.据预测,将出现飓风强度的风暴。为了作好预防,电台和电视台正向公众播出警报。剑桥国际If we share the preparation for the party between us, it won't be so much work for one person.如果我们一起来准备这次晚会的话,一个人做的工作就没有那么多了。剑桥国际It was foolish to take the test without preparation. 没有准备就去应试是愚蠢的。译典通It's described on the bottle as ‘an anti-ageing preparation to reduce fine lines and restore elasticity’ 瓶子上的说明是“抗衰老的配方,可消除皱纹,恢复皮肤的弹性。”剑桥国际Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.为写此书,投入了许多小时一丝不苟的先期准备。剑桥国际Nobody likes to have wars, but we must make preparations for a hypothetical warfare. 没有人喜欢战争,但我们一定要为假设性的战争作出准备。译典通Protocol would require detailed preparations and notification of appropriate authorities in advance of a royal visit.外交礼节要求在王室成员来访前做好细致的准备,并事先通知有关当局。剑桥国际She made elaborate preparations for the party, but no one showed up. 她为了聚会费心准备,但是一个人也没来。译典通She's very thorough in her preparation for her lessons.她备课很仔细。剑桥国际The army anticipated (=took action in preparation for) the explosion by evacuating the town.这支军队预计会发生这次爆炸而提前撤出该城。剑桥国际The company is developing a new pharmaceutical preparation suitable for the treatment of gastric ulcers.该公司正在研制一种能治疗胃溃疡的新药剂。剑桥国际The course teaches traditional methods of food preparation.这个课程教授食品准备的传统方法。剑桥国际The dictionary is now in rapid preparation. 这本词典现在正在迅速编写之中。译典通The teacher didn't seem to have done much preparation for the class.看来这个教师对这堂课没有作好充分的准备。剑桥国际The team blamed inexperience, injuries and lack of preparation time for their failure to win in Australia.关于在澳大利亚的失败,这支球队总结为缺乏经验,伤病太多,缺乏准备时间。剑桥国际The writer was assisted in the preparation of this article by other members of her family.这个作家在准备这篇文章时得到了其他家庭成员的帮助。剑桥国际Their success was in great measure the result of thorough preparation. 他们的成功大半是由于作了充分的准备。译典通They made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy. 他们作好准备挫败以这个阴谋。译典通We are making preparations to fly Mr Goodall to the nearest hospital.我们正在做准备,要把古德尔先生火速送往最近的医院。剑桥国际We made preparations for the trip. 我们为旅行作准备。译典通




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