

单词 posting
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔breakable〕wrap breakables well before posting 邮寄前把易碎物品包好英汉大词典〔notify〕notified the citizens of the curfew by posting signs.以邮寄标志来通知市民们宵禁了美国传统〔posting〕a posting about cats 关于猫的帖子牛津搭配〔posting〕a Foreign Service posting in Paris 派驻巴黎的驻外事务处韦氏高阶〔posting〕a diplomatic posting 外交任命朗文当代〔posting〕an overseas posting 派驻海外牛津高阶〔posting〕awaiting his posting to a field ambulance corps in early 1941.他1941年年初等待被派往野战救护队柯林斯高阶〔posting〕shortly before his posting to South Africa 在他被派往南非前不久朗文当代〔posting〕the company's latest posting of profits 这家公司最新公布的赢利情况韦氏高阶〔post〕posting the colours把旗帜送到指定地点21世纪英汉posting notices on the firm's internal website 在公司内部网站上发布通知牛津商务a two-year posting in/to Athens 派驻雅典工作两年牛津商务an overseas posting 派驻海外牛津商务flames about inexperienced users posting stupid messages 对发布愚蠢信息的初级用户发出的火药味电邮牛津商务identifying and correcting routine posting errors 找出并纠正日常的过账错误牛津商务transaction and payment posting 交易和付款过账牛津商务




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