

单词 precinct
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕The mayor has lost support in many precincts of the city. 市长失去了许多分区的支持。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕I think they should make the whole area a pedestrian precinct. 我觉得他们应该把这里的整个地方变成一个步行区。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕They wandered around the shopping precinct for an hour while Suzie was having her hair cut. 在苏茜剪头发的时候,他们在购物区逛了一小时。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕They've got a lovely new Burton's open in the precinct now. 他们在步行商业区开了一家全新的伯顿。朗文写作活用〔captain〕A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief.警察局副巡官;消防队中队长:警察局消防队的辖区指挥官,通常级别高于中尉,低于警长(或队长)美国传统〔committeeman〕A man who is a party leader of a ward or precinct.行政区或管辖区党的领导者美国传统〔committeewoman〕A woman who is a party leader of a ward or precinct.行政区或管辖区党的女领导者美国传统〔crazy quilt〕The map was a crazy quilt of districts and precincts.这是一张由不规则的地区和选区构成的地图美国传统〔pedestrian precinct〕He took a wrong turning and ended up in the entrance to a pedestrian precinct with a barrier across the road.他拐错了弯, 结果走到了设有路障的步行区入口。外研社新世纪〔precinct〕A number of issues will be discussed at the precinct caucus.许多问题要在选区党团进行讨论。牛津搭配〔precinct〕A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.监狱院落里发现了一个地道入口。剑桥高阶〔precinct〕Campaigners walked door-to-door in targeted precincts.竞选者们在目标选区进行了挨门挨户的走访。牛津搭配〔precinct〕Detective Hennessy of the 44th precinct 第 44 警区的亨尼西警探牛津高阶〔precinct〕Did you walk your precinct on the day of the vote? 选举日那天你在你的选区巡查过了吗?牛津搭配〔precinct〕He took up residence in chambers within the precinct of a monastery.他在一个修道院院落内的寝室里住了下来。牛津搭配〔precinct〕He was handcuffed and taken down to the police precinct.他被戴上手铐,带到了辖区警察局。牛津搭配〔precinct〕He wrote yesterday from a police precinct house in New Orleans.他昨天在新奥尔良警察分局的房子里写的。牛津搭配〔precinct〕Heart surgeons' and neurosurgeons' precincts cover the most vital areas of the body.心脏和神经外科医生的手术范围涉及人体最要害的区域。英汉大词典〔precinct〕Hunting is not allowed within the precincts of the estate.在这片领地范围内不准打猎美国传统〔precinct〕I went down to my local precinct to make a report.我去当地的警察分局作了报告。牛津搭配〔precinct〕It was forbidden to enter the temple precincts.禁止进入寺庙院落。牛津搭配〔precinct〕No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple.携带武器者不得进入神殿的界域。柯林斯高阶〔precinct〕Republicans have targeted precincts throughout the country.共和党人在全国各地都选定了目标选区。牛津搭配〔precinct〕The precinct captains were able to round up 6 000 volunteers.选区领队们能聚集起 6,000 名志愿者。牛津搭配〔precinct〕The precinct gets so busy with shoppers on a Saturday.到了周六, 这地方就随处可见购物者的身影。外研社新世纪〔precinct〕The precinct returns show that the support received by both men was remarkable.选区的统计显示,两人都得到了显著的支持。牛津搭配〔precinct〕The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle.该中心是步行区, 正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。外研社新世纪〔precinct〕The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle.该中心是步行商业区,正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。柯林斯高阶〔precinct〕The event was held in the precincts of the parish church.该行动是在教区教堂周围举行的。牛津搭配〔precinct〕The former Queens precinct commander has slashed crime.前皇后区警方指挥官抨击了犯罪。牛津搭配〔precinct〕The murder occurred just a block from the precinct.谋杀案就发生在和警察分局相隔一条街的地方。牛津高阶〔precinct〕The shooting occurred in the 34th Precinct.枪击事件发生在第34警区。柯林斯高阶〔precinct〕The shooting occurred in the 34th Precinct.枪击发生在第34警区。外研社新世纪〔precinct〕The voter turnout in most precincts is expected to be high.大多数选区的选民参选率预计都会很高。剑桥高阶〔precinct〕We're literally organizing leadership down to the precinct level.实际上我们把指导工作都组织到了选区。牛津搭配〔precinct〕Women aren't allowed within the precincts of this men's club.此男子俱乐部妇女免进。英汉大词典〔precinct〕You can register to vote in your precinct by showing proof of residence.你只要出示居住证明就可以在你的选区登记投票。牛津搭配〔temple〕These deities prevent evil spirits from entering the temple precincts.这些神阻止邪灵进入寺院。牛津搭配A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.监狱院落里发现了一条隧道的入口。剑桥国际By mid-morning, crowds of souvenir sellers had set up their stalls in the museum precincts.到上午10点左右,大批卖纪念品的人已在博物馆周围摆起了货摊。剑桥国际Crime rates in neighboring precincts are much lower.邻近管辖区的犯罪率低得多。剑桥国际Gambling is prohibited within the precincts of the University. 在该所大学校园内禁止赌博。译典通It's so peaceful in the monastery precinct.寺院周围真安静。剑桥国际The turnout in precincts with many middle-class voters is expected to be high.有很多中产阶级投票人的选举区估计票数会很高。剑桥国际




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