

单词 attuned
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attune to〕His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city.他已经听惯大城市的嘈杂声了。21世纪英汉〔attune to〕We are attuned to new ways of thinking.我们习惯了新的思想方法。21世纪英汉〔attuned〕A good nurse has to be attuned to the needs of his or her patients.一名优秀的护士应该对其病人的需求心领神会。剑桥高阶〔attuned〕A mother's ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.母亲对宝宝的呼吸声中哪怕是最细微的变化,都能敏锐地察觉出来。剑桥高阶〔attuned〕British companies still aren't really attuned to the needs of the Japanese market.英国公司还没有完全了解日本市场的需求。朗文当代〔attuned〕He seemed unusually attuned to people's feelings.他似乎特别善解人意。外研社新世纪〔attuned〕He seemed unusually attuned to people's feelings.他似乎特别善解人意。柯林斯高阶〔attuned〕I have become attuned to Carlisle's industrial past.我对于卡莱尔市过去的工业史已经有所了解。柯林斯高阶〔attuned〕She wasn't yet attuned to her baby's needs.她还没有熟悉她宝宝的需要。牛津高阶〔attuned〕The company needs people who are attuned to today's youth culture.公司需要那些适应当今青年文化的人。麦克米伦高阶〔attuned〕Their ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.他们依然很熟悉伦敦市郊的喧闹声。外研社新世纪〔attuned〕Their ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.他们依然很熟悉伦敦市郊的喧闹声。柯林斯高阶〔attune〕He is more attuned to the political climate of the region.他更适应这一地区的政治气候。韦氏高阶〔attune〕She has attuned herself to living in the quiet country.她使自己适应清闲的乡村生活。21世纪英汉〔attune〕The company is attuned to the needs of its customers.这家公司能够满足顾客需求。韦氏高阶〔sharply〕Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.她的耳朵很尖,宝宝一哭她就能听到。剑桥高阶〔tune〕To become attuned.变得协调美国传统A good nurse has to be attuned to the needs of his or her patients.好护士应去适应病人的需要。剑桥国际He's very attuned to the latest developments in modern music.他对现代音乐的最新动态了如指掌。剑桥国际Her ears are attuned to even the slightest variation in her baby's breathing.她对自己婴儿的呼吸声已是如此熟悉,哪怕有一丁点儿变化也能听得出来。剑桥国际Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.她的耳朵可灵敏地辨听婴孩的啼哭声。剑桥国际These workers are so attuned to their jobs that they can do them almost without thinking.这些工人对工作已得心应手,不假思索地就能去干。剑桥国际




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