

单词 practicing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AC/DC〕Engaging in or practicing bisexuality.两性恋的,对两性都感兴趣的美国传统〔MAGIC〕People who were accused of practicing witchcraft were thrown into the lake. 那些被指控施巫术的人被扔进湖里。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Even though I'd been practicing for months, by the day of the competition I was a nervous wreck. 虽然我练习了好几个月,但是到了比赛的那天,我还是紧张得要命。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕Practicing karate twice a week might be enough, but you should try to do it a bit more. 每周练习两次空手道也许足够,但是你得再多练练。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕When I was practicing for the competition, I spent eight hours a day in the conservatory practice rooms. 我为参加比赛练习时,每天花八小时在音乐学院的练习室里。朗文写作活用〔anarch〕An adherent of anarchy or a leader practicing it.无政府主义者:无政府主义的信徒或领袖美国传统〔attorney〕He is a practicing family law attorney with years of experience.他是一名有多年从业经验的家庭法律师。牛津搭配〔bar from〕He has been barred from practicing medicine.他已被禁止行医。21世纪英汉〔base community〕A lay group, especially in South America, practicing nonliturgical religious devotions and striving for socioeconomic improvement in the community.社区基础成员:一个凡俗的团体,尤指在南美从事非礼拜式宗教祈祷并为该社区社会经济的发展努力的那些人美国传统〔can〕If you keep practicing, you'll be able to play the piano someday.如果坚持练习,你总有一天能学会弹钢琴的。韦氏高阶〔cautious〕Showing or practicing caution; careful.谨慎的:表现或做事谨慎的;小心认真的美国传统〔disbar〕The lawyer was disbarred from practicing again.该律师被取消了再执行律师业务的权利。21世纪英汉〔ear〕Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.尼尔凭着记忆弹奏他曾听到姐姐练习时弹的曲子。柯林斯高阶〔eke〕To make (a supply) last by practicing strict economy.竭力维持:十分节俭以使供应能维持美国传统〔exercise book〕A booklet for use by students, usually containing problems or exercises and blank space for writing answers or practicing a lesson.练习册:学生用的小册子,通常包括为写答案和练习一课的问题、练习及填空美国传统〔fascist〕Often Fascist Of, advocating, or practicing fascism. 常作 Fascist 法西斯主义的:法西斯主义的,提倡或实行法西斯主义的美国传统〔feel〕He's been practicing for several weeks and he's starting to get a feel for the instrument.他已练习了好几个星期,开始熟悉这台仪器了。韦氏高阶〔gymnastics〕They limbered up by practicing some gymnastics on the mat.他们在垫子上做运动热身。韦氏高阶〔handicap〕She's been practicing a lot and her handicap has gone down from 18 to 12.她通过大量练习,将她的让杆数从18降到12。韦氏高阶〔here〕I'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now.我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。柯林斯高阶〔hour〕He practiced the piano for hours at a time. = He spent hours practicing the piano.他每次练钢琴都会练好几个小时。韦氏高阶〔impressionistic〕Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism.印象派的:属于、关于或实行印象主义的美国传统〔impressionist〕Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism, especially in painting; impressionistic.印象派的:印象主义的或实施印象主义的,尤指绘画方面;印象派的美国传统〔landing〕The pilot was practicing takeoffs and landings.飞行员在练习起飞和降落。韦氏高阶〔magic〕People found guilty of practising / practicing black magic were hanged.被判施邪恶巫术的人给绞死了。牛津搭配〔mendicant〕Depending on alms for a living; practicing begging.以行乞为生的:靠救济来生活的;行乞的美国传统〔monometallic〕Of, advocating, or practicing monometallism.单金属本位制的、提倡或实行单金属本位制的美国传统〔mutter〕She sat practicing her speech, muttering to herself.她坐着低声自言自语地练习演讲。韦氏高阶〔mystery〕A religious cult practicing secret rites to which only initiates are admitted.秘密的宗教礼拜:只有被创始人允许才可以举行的秘密的宗教礼拜美国传统〔perverted〕Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion.性变态的:性变态的,与性变态有关的,或体验性变态的美国传统〔phraseological〕He is only a phraseological liberal and a practicing conservative.他只是口头上故作姿态的自由派,实际上是身体力行的保守派。英汉大词典〔physician〕Dr Dennett is a practicing family physician in Atlanta.丹尼特医生是亚特兰大的执业家庭医生。牛津搭配〔polyandrous〕Relating to, characterized by, or practicing polyandry.一妻多夫的:关于或实行一妻多夫制的,或具有一妻多夫制特征的美国传统〔polygamous〕Relating to, characterized by, or practicing polygamy.多配偶(制)的:关于多配偶制的、其特征为或实行多配偶制的美国传统〔practical〕Actually engaged in a specified occupation or a certain kind of work; practicing.从事实际工作的:实际从事某种职业或工作的;实干的美国传统〔practice〕Have you been practicing your lines for the play? 你一直在练习你的台词吗?韦氏高阶〔practice〕The team is practicing for their big game on Friday.球队正在训练,备战星期五的重大比赛。牛津高阶〔practice〕There are thousands of lawyers practicing in this city.这座城市里有数千名从业律师。韦氏高阶〔practise〕She's practicing for her piano recital.她在为自己的钢琴演奏会作练习。朗文当代〔practising〕Few practicing teachers have time for such research.从事教学工作的老师很少有时间做这样的研究。朗文当代〔rehearsal〕The act of practicing in preparation for a public performance.排练:为准备公开演出而练习的动作美国传统〔right〕He kept practicing his technique until he got it right.他不断练习他的技术,直到正确无误。韦氏高阶〔rink〕The hockey team is practicing at the rink.冰球队正在场地上训练。韦氏高阶〔ritualistic〕Advocating or practicing ritual.拥护仪式的,实行仪式的美国传统〔scale〕She's practicing scales on the piano.她正在钢琴上练习音阶。文馨英汉〔scale〕We could hear her practising / practicing her scales.我们可以听到她在做音阶试唱。牛津搭配〔socialist〕Of, promoting, or practicing socialism.社会主义的:提倡实施社会主义的美国传统〔swinging〕Practicing exchange of partners, especially spouses, for sex.交换性交对象的:交换伙伴的,尤其性交伙伴美国传统〔swing〕The golfers were practising / practicing their swings.高尔夫球手正在练习挥杆动作。牛津搭配〔take〕He takes every opportunity of practicing his oral English.他利用一切机会练习英语口语。21世纪英汉〔teetotal〕Of, relating to, or practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.绝对戒酒的:属于、关于或练习完全戒除酒精类饮料的美国传统〔usurious〕Practicing usury.放高利贷的美国传统〔ventriloquial〕Of, relating to, or practicing ventriloquism.腹语术的,口技的:属于、关于或施行腹语术的美国传统〔warm〕Sports To prepare for an athletic event by exercising, stretching, or practicing for a short time beforehand.【体育运动】 做热身活动:为准备某项体育比赛而在赛前很短一段时间内做锻炼、伸体或练习等美国传统He has been barred from practicing medicine. 他被禁止行医。译典通The child is practicing a tumble. 那孩子在练习翻筋斗。译典通The school football team has been practicing new offensive plays all week.整个星期学校足球队都在训练新的进攻打法。剑桥国际




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