

单词 practiced
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adept〕a form of kung fu practiced by only a handful of adepts 只有少数几个行家才会的一种武功朗文当代〔austerity〕the austerities practiced by monks 僧人的禁欲生活韦氏高阶〔go for〕she goes for a doc-tor, but I don't think she ever studied or practiced medicine.人们把她看成是个医生,不过,我想她从未学过医,也没有当过医生。21世纪英汉〔improv〕practiced improv with my acting class.与我的表演课同学一同练习即兴表演美国传统〔matriarchy〕a region in which matriarchy is practiced 实行母权制的地区韦氏高阶〔neoclassical〕a painter who practiced neoclassicism in the late 18th century 践行18世纪晚期新古典主义风格的画家韦氏高阶〔patriarchy〕a region in which patriarchy is practiced 实行父权制的地区韦氏高阶〔practiced〕a practiced burglar 老练的窃贼文馨英汉〔practiced〕a practiced chef 有经验的厨师韦氏高阶〔practiced〕a practiced hand at politics 政治老手文馨英汉〔practiced〕a practiced smile 做作的微笑文馨英汉〔practiced〕greeted the guests with practiced courtesy.以训练有素的礼节待客美国传统〔practice〕practiced the students in handwriting.教学生们练习书法美国传统




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