

单词 prices
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INCREASE〕rapidly escalating house prices 迅速上涨的房价朗文写作活用〔advanced〕a movie at advanced prices 高价电影英汉大词典〔advance〕a yearlong advance in stock prices 股票价格持续一年的上涨韦氏高阶〔assume〕assumed that prices would rise.See Synonyms at presume 认为价格要上涨 参见 presume美国传统〔bargain basement〕bargain-basement prices 减价部的价格牛津高阶〔commensurately〕a luxury hotel with commensurately high prices 与其昂贵价格相当的豪华宾馆韦氏高阶〔decline〕a decline in prices 物价的下跌英汉大词典〔discrepancy〕wide discrepancies in prices quoted for the work 这项工作的报价出入很大牛津高阶〔escalate〕a time when prices escalate物价节节上涨的时候21世纪英汉〔ex-works〕ex-works prices 出厂价英汉大词典〔fall〕a large fall in share prices 股票价格的大幅度下跌牛津搭配〔fancy〕fancy restaurants with fancy prices 价格昂贵的豪华餐厅牛津高阶〔flag〕flagging stock prices 疲软的股价韦氏高阶〔freeze〕a freeze on the prices of consumer goods.消费品价格的限定柯林斯高阶〔haggle〕haggle over prices 讨价还价 英汉大词典〔hardcover〕the hardcover prices 精装书售价英汉大词典〔horrific〕horrifically high prices 高得吓人的价格麦克米伦高阶〔house〕house prices 房价牛津高阶〔intervention〕government intervention to regulate prices 政府介入控制物价朗文当代〔in〕an increase in fuel prices 燃料价格的上涨朗文当代〔legislation〕legislation on prices and incomes 有关物价及所得的法令文馨英汉〔locality〕a locality with high housing prices 房价很高的地段韦氏高阶〔magnitude〕a fall in costs of sufficient magnitude to enable us to reduce prices 足以让我们降价的成本跌幅牛津搭配〔plunder〕plunder commodities at low prices from a neighbouring country 以低价从一个邻国巧取豪夺各种商品英汉大词典〔popular〕meals at popular prices 价格大众化的饭菜英汉大词典〔price〕a sharp rise in food prices 食品价格的猛涨朗文当代〔prohibitively〕the prohibitive prices charged for seats at the opera.剧院高得吓人的票价柯林斯高阶〔property〕property prices 房地产价格牛津高阶〔reaction〕a strong reaction in stock prices 股票价格的猛列回跌英汉大词典〔restrain〕restrain prices and profits 限制物价和利润 英汉大词典〔rising〕rising prices 上涨的物价 英汉大词典〔run-up〕a run-up in stock prices 股票价格的突然上涨韦氏高阶〔scandalously〕scandalously high prices 令人震惊的高价格韦氏高阶〔sensible〕sensible prices 合理的价格韦氏高阶〔share〕share prices 股价剑桥高阶〔sky-high〕sky-high prices 天价朗文当代〔sky-high〕the effect of falling house prices and sky-high interest rates.房价下跌和利率暴涨产生的影响柯林斯高阶〔slip〕a slip in house prices 房价的下跌朗文当代〔stabilize〕stabilize prices 稳定物价英汉大词典〔stay〕stay the rise in prices 抑制物价上涨英汉大词典〔steep〕a steep rise in prices 物价的飞涨英汉大词典〔stock〕stock prices 股票价格牛津高阶〔stratosphere〕oil prices soared into the stratosphere 涨得极高的石油价格朗文当代〔uncompetitive〕uncompetitive prices 缺乏竞争力的价格牛津高阶〔unstoppable〕an unstoppable rise in prices 无法遏止的价格上涨牛津高阶〔upward〕if prices continue their inexorably upward spiral.如果物价继续疯狂攀升的话柯林斯高阶〔upward〕if prices continue their inexorably upward spiral如果物价继续疯狂攀升外研社新世纪〔vicious〕a vicious spiral of rising prices 物价的恶性持续上涨牛津高阶〔wholesale〕wholesale prices 批发价格牛津高阶a bottoming out in energy prices 能源价格已降至最低点牛津商务a differential in prices 差价牛津商务a meltdown on Wall Street (= when the prices of US shares fall suddenly) 华尔街股市崩盘牛津商务an attempt to put a floor under falling share prices 为下跌的股价建底所作的努力牛津商务government measures to stabilize prices 政府稳定价格的措施牛津商务legislation to control drug prices 规限药品价格的法例牛津商务low prices on groceries 低价的食品杂货牛津商务low-season prices 淡季价格牛津商务sky-high prices 高昂的价格牛津商务stores with low prices and varied merchandise 价格低廉且商品品种繁多的商店牛津商务the deflation of raw materials prices 原材料价格的下跌牛津商务




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