

单词 piety
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aeacus〕The first king of Aegina, known for his piety and justice, appointed as a judge in Hades after his death.埃阿科斯:埃伊那的第一位国王,以他的虔诚和正义闻名,死后被任命为冥府的判官美国传统〔beat in〕He beat in me the duties of loyalty and filial piety.他谆谆教导我要尽孝顺之道。21世纪英汉〔devotion〕Religious ardor or zeal; piety.虔诚:宗教热情;虔诚美国传统〔devout〕Displaying reverence or piety.虔诚的:表示敬畏或虔诚美国传统〔feed off〕As a movement, it fed off religious naiveté and piety.作为一场运动, 它依靠宗教的天真和虔诚壮大起来。外研社新世纪〔pietism〕Affected or exaggerated piety.假虔诚:虚伪或夸张的虔诚美国传统〔piety〕He had a profound piety which attached him to God.他对上帝的虔敬使他与上帝紧密相连。外研社新世纪〔piety〕He was admired for his extreme piety.他因为极度虔诚而备受称赞。韦氏高阶〔piosity〕An exaggerated display of piety.假虔诚,表面虔诚:做出过分虔诚的样子美国传统〔religiosity〕Excessive or affected piety.过分虔诚:过度的或假装的虔诚美国传统〔rhetoric〕Other critics fault Donne for over-use of rhetoric, which may clash with the supposedly sincere piety of the poems.一些批评家指责多恩过分使用华丽的辞藻, 这可能与诗歌本来的真挚与虔诚相冲突。外研社新世纪〔sanctimony〕Feigned piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness or high-mindedness.伪善:伪装的虔诚或假装的正直;虚伪的诚挚或品格高尚美国传统〔tartuffe〕A hypocrite, especially one who affects religious piety.伪君子,达杜夫:伪君子,尤指假装有虔诚宗教信仰的人美国传统That children should have filial piety toward their parents is deeply ingrained in the minds of the Chinese people. 孩子应当孝顺父母的观念早已深入中国人的人心。译典通The reformers attached great importance to personal hygiene, industriousness and piety.改革者们极其强调个人卫生、勤奋和虔诚。剑桥国际They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity. 他们被吸引到教会来不是因为对上帝的虔诚,而是由于好奇。译典通




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