

单词 people
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕The hospice is appealing for more people to work as bereavement counsellors. 这家安养院正呼吁更多的人来给死者家属提供辅导服务。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Sixty people are thought to have been killed in the raid on the village just west of the capital. 在首都西面这个村子的袭击事件中,疑有60人被夺去了生命。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕The forms were distributed at random to people passing by. 那些表格向过路人随意分发。朗文写作活用〔Celtic〕Of or relating to the Celtic people and languages.凯尔特人(语)的:属于或关于凯尔特民族及其语言的美国传统〔Chinook〕A member of this people.奇努克人:这个部落的成员美国传统〔Chukchi〕A member of a people of northeast Siberia.楚克奇人:西伯利亚东北部的人美国传统〔Cornish〕Of or relating to Cornwall, its people, or the Cornish language.康沃尔郡的:康沃尔郡的,关于康沃尔郡的,康沃尔郡人的,关于康沃尔郡人的,康沃尔语的,关于康沃尔语的美国传统〔DIRTY〕Several people became ill after eating hamburger meat contaminated with the E.coli bacteria. 有几个人在食用了受大肠杆菌污染的汉堡包肉之后生病了。朗文写作活用〔DON'T CARE〕Shelley couldn't care less about what other people thought of her. 谢莉根本不在乎别人怎么看她。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕He was a nasty man who mistreated people for kicks. 他是个恶人,以虐待别人为乐。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕People waited outside for the chance to see some celebrities. 人们等在外面想有机会看到名流。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕He often masked his feelings of guilt by becoming angry at the people he had wronged. 他经常对被自己冤枉的人发火,来掩饰自己的愧疚。朗文写作活用〔Hidatsa〕A member of this people.希达茨人:希达茨族的成员美国传统〔IN GENERAL〕Generally speaking, bright colors make people feel happier. 总的说来,鲜亮的颜色让人感觉更愉快。朗文写作活用〔Kyrgyz〕A member of a traditionally nomadic people living principally in Kyrgyzstan.吉尔吉斯斯坦人:主要居住在吉尔吉斯斯坦的传统游牧民族中一员美国传统〔MISTAKE〕Over 50 people were denied a vote through a computer error. 由于电脑出了错,有五十多人未能投票。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕I don't agree with the view that longer prison sentences stop people from committing crime. 我不赞同刑期长就能阻止人们犯罪这种观点。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕The ads entice young people to smoke. 这些广告诱使年轻人吸烟。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Most people believe he is being groomed for the party leadership. 大多数人认为他正被培养成为该党领导人。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕Very sick people should be allowed to die with dignity. 重病的人应当被允许有尊严地死去。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕He called on people to ignore what he called a smear campaign against the government. 他呼吁人们不要理会他所称的针对政府的抹黑行为。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕Wasn't it surprising that so few people came to the party? 这么少的人来参加聚会不奇怪吗?朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The competition was a great success. Nearly two hundred people took part. 这次比赛很成功,差不多有二百人参加。朗文写作活用〔Tehuelche〕A member of a South American Indian people of Patagonia, virtually exterminated by the European settlers.德卫尔彻人:居住在巴塔哥尼亚高原的南美印第安民族的人,他们实际上被欧洲移民者灭绝美国传统〔UNTRUE〕People think if kids are aware of a particular brand or ad campaign, they'll buy the product, but that's not the case. 人们以为小孩子知道某一品牌或广告宣传就会购买那种产品,但事实并非如此。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕All the usual people were there. 平时常来的那些人全在那里。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕Kerry started talking to the people who were in line ahead of us. 克里开始与排在我们前面的人交谈起来。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕It had taken two hours to load all the people aboard.花了两个小时才让所有乘客都上了船。柯林斯高阶〔allowance〕The plan makes no allowance for people working at different rates.这个计划没有把人们工作速度不同考虑在内。牛津高阶〔anger〕There is growing anger among the people against the government.民众对政府越来越不满。朗文当代〔anguish〕The loss of a pet can cause some people real anguish.失去宠物会使一些人十分悲痛。牛津搭配〔annoy〕Some people annoy, others simply disgust.一些人叫你讨厌,另一些人则简直叫你作呕。英汉大词典〔apathy〕People have shown a surprising apathy toward/about these problems.人们对这些问题表现出令人吃惊的冷漠。韦氏高阶〔appreciate〕Living in the city has taught me to appreciate the differences between people.居住在城市使我意识到要重视人与人之间的不同之处。韦氏高阶〔apprehensive〕People are still apprehensive about the future.人们仍然在为未来担惊受怕。外研社新世纪〔around〕People living in and around the Chernobyl area were the worst affected.住在切尔诺贝利地区及附近的民众受害最为严重。麦克米伦高阶〔astonished〕I was astonished to see so many people there.看见这么多人在那儿,我很吃惊。麦克米伦高阶〔aye〕The ayes have it(=most people have voted yes).赞成票占多数。麦克米伦高阶〔back away〕Even well-disposed people back away from Jack when they see that ingratiating smile.即使是乐于助人的人,见到杰克那副阿谀奉承的笑脸,也要退避三舍。21世纪英汉〔be above〕There were not above a hundred people present.出席者不超过100人。21世纪英汉〔become〕The truth became known to the people.真相(终)为人们所知。文馨英汉〔bite into sth〕People are worried about inflation biting into their savings and investments.人们担心通货膨胀使自己的储蓄和投资贬值。剑桥高阶〔blast〕Ten people were injured in the blast.10人在这次爆炸中受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔blazing〕Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.有好几个人在外面烈日下吃东西。外研社新世纪〔bondage〕All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain, and lust.她说, 所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望。外研社新世纪〔boom〕The dance club was empty and then—boom!—a hundred people were there.舞蹈俱乐部起先空无一人,然后——砰!来了上百人。韦氏高阶〔buzz〕The plane/pilot buzzed the people watching the show.飞机/飞行员驾机低空掠过观看表演的人群。韦氏高阶〔central〕The central necessity is the union of the people.最关键的是人民的团结。英汉大词典〔certain〕Certain people are always late for dinner.某些人总会在晚饭时迟到。韦氏高阶〔cheering〕Thousands of cheering people greeted him.成千上万的人向他欢呼致敬。英汉大词典〔claim〕Some 25 per cent of the people who are entitled to claim State benefits do not do so.有权申领政府补贴的人当中,约有25%没有提出申请。柯林斯高阶〔colonize〕For more than 400 years, we were a colonized people.我们经受过400多年的殖民统治。柯林斯高阶〔come down to〕What it comes down to is, there are bad people out there, and somebody has to deal with them.归根究底,就是有坏人存在,必须有人去对付他们。柯林斯高阶〔common〕Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day.莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受平民百姓的欢迎。牛津高阶〔cool off〕The local people had called the police, and Cherry and Guapo had spent the night cooling off in the jail.当地人报了警, 彻丽和瓜波被关进监狱冷静一夜。外研社新世纪〔corner〕Young people came from the four corners of the nation.全国各地的年轻人都来到这里。柯林斯高阶〔cultivate〕The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.这里的人们主要种植稻米和豆类。牛津高阶〔custody〕Three people appeared in court and two of them were remanded in custody.有3个人出庭,其中两个被还押候审。柯林斯高阶〔danger〕Despite the high levels of radiation, people are now moving back into the danger zone.虽然有高强度的辐射,人们现在还是要返回到危险区。牛津搭配〔deal with〕We weren't able/equipped/prepared to deal with such a large crowd of people.我们没有能力/条件/准备去应付如此庞大的人群。韦氏高阶〔dismay〕Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.当地人对工资增加的幅度感到失望。麦克米伦高阶〔dizzying〕The dizzying pace of political change in the country caught many people by surprise.这个国家的政治变革快得让很多人感到吃惊。剑桥高阶〔dovish〕The defence minister is a bit more dovish than other people in the ruling elite.与其他当政领导人相比, 国防部长的态度更温和些。外研社新世纪〔d〕Many people who are learning to read confuse b's and d's.很多英语初学者分不清字母b和d。韦氏高阶〔easy〕For most people it is all too easy to put on weight.对大多数人来说,增加体重太容易了。麦克米伦高阶〔employment〕People move for various reasons: for employment, for a bigger house, for a better neighbourhood.人们搬家的原因多种多样:有时是为了工作, 有时是为了住更大的房子, 有时是为了住到更好的地段。外研社新世纪〔enough〕I had had enough of other people for one night.我已经受够了别人搞一夜情。柯林斯高阶〔expend〕People of different ages expend different amounts of energy.不同年龄的人花费的精力就不一样大。朗文当代〔experience〕Beth's experience suggests that people don't really change deep down.贝丝的经历表明人们内心深处并不会真正改变。朗文当代〔exterminate〕The invaders nearly exterminated the native people.入侵者几乎把原住民斩尽杀绝。韦氏高阶〔farm〕The processing will be farmed out to people in local villages.加工活将外包给当地的村民。朗文当代〔few〕I've made this argument, and not a few people would disagree with me.我提出了此论点,而这会是相当多的人都不同意的。柯林斯高阶〔firework〕Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。柯林斯高阶〔flock〕People have been flocking to the exhibition.看展览的人络绎不绝。朗文当代〔four〕The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing two people and wounding four.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸, 造成两人死亡, 四人受伤。外研社新世纪〔goad〕Ellie uses wit as a goad to try to force people to see what is in front of them.埃利运用机智来激励人们看清他们面前的状况。外研社新世纪〔hijack〕Some people think the party has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.有人认为该党已经被右翼极端分子所把持。朗文当代〔hoax〕People were hoaxed by the Web site.人们被这个网站欺骗了。韦氏高阶〔hope〕Young people are growing up in our cities without any hope of finding a job.城市里的年轻人在一天天长大,却根本就没有希望找到工作。剑桥高阶〔hot〕I don't understand why people are getting so hot under the collar about it.我不明白为什么人们为这件事如此愤怒。朗文当代〔houseparent〕A person who supervises a residence, such as a dormitory, for young people.舍监:管理监督居民的人,例如供年轻人居住的宿舍美国传统〔human〕The inspector declared the meat fit for human consumption (= in good enough condition for people to eat).检查员宣布这种肉适合人类食用。剑桥高阶〔if〕The changes will affect thousands, if not millions, of ordinary people.这些变化即使不会影响到数百万普通民众,至少也会影响到几千人。麦克米伦高阶〔incentive〕Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.奖赏鼓励年轻人努力提高自己的技能。朗文当代〔incline〕Lack of money inclines many young people towards crime.缺钱使很多年轻人产生了犯罪倾向。牛津高阶〔judge〕It's for other people to judge how much I have improved.至于我进步了多少该由别人来评判。外研社新世纪〔judgmental〕You should not be judgmental about people and their differing sexualities.你不应对别人以及他们不同的性取向品头论足。外研社新世纪〔kin〕You are of kin in heart to these people.你的感情跟这些人相似。英汉大词典〔land〕The people of a nation, district, or region.人民:一个民族、地区或区域的人民美国传统〔language〕They fell in love in spite of the language barrier(= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages).尽管有语言障碍,他们还是相爱了。牛津高阶〔lay〕They laid a wreath at the place where so many people died.他们在这个牺牲了这么多人的地方放了一个花圈。朗文当代〔like〕He's never liked talking about people behind their backs.他从来不喜欢在背后议论别人。朗文当代〔line〕Large numbers of families are living on or near the poverty line (=the point at which people are considered to be very poor) .很多家庭生活在贫困线上或贫困线的边缘。朗文当代〔line〕Thousands of people lined the streets to watch the presidential procession pass by.数千人站在街道两旁观看总统车队通过。剑桥高阶〔lose〕Hundreds of people lost their homes in the floods.水灾中成百上千的人失去了家园。朗文当代〔lump〕The danger is that people who pay their bills on time will be lumped in with those that don't.危险的是,按时付账单的人和不按时付账单的人会被混为一谈。朗文当代〔make〕New curtains have become so expensive that people have decided to make do and mend.新窗帘那么贵,人们只好将旧的缝缝补补再用。英汉大词典〔manner〕I got into trouble if I didn't show good manners towards / toward other people.如果我对别人不够礼貌,就会给自己惹麻烦。牛津搭配〔message〕People who message a lot feel unpopular if they don't get many back.如果人们发出大量短信但收到的回复却不多,就会觉得自己不受欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔minimize〕Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.忧心忡忡的人们希望尽可能降低罹患癌症的风险。外研社新世纪〔mix up〕People often mix me up with other actors.人们常常把我同其他演员弄混。柯林斯高阶〔moralize about〕She's always moralizing about the behaviour of today's young people.她总是就当今青年人待人的态度方面进行说教。21世纪英汉〔muddle〕Some people just muddle along, waiting for their big break.有的人无非在混日子,坐等鸿运高照。英汉大词典〔night shift〕People who work (on) the night shift are paid more.上夜班的人薪酬高一些。剑桥高阶〔occult〕People in their sixties will be asked to send off a sample of their stools to be tested for traces of fecal occult blood.60多岁的人将被要求寄出一份自己的粪便样本, 以便检测是否有微量的粪便隐血。外研社新世纪〔opener〕More than 12 million people watched the series opener in America last September.去年9月份1,200多万美国人观看了这一系列赛事的首场比赛。外研社新世纪〔oral〕He was interested in oral history(= history that is collected from interviews with people who have personal knowledge of past events).他对口述历史感兴趣。牛津高阶〔outside〕I seldom meet anyone outside of the people I work with.除了同事以外我难得接触到别人。麦克米伦高阶〔oversell〕The couple idea is certainly oversold. There's so much pressure to become a couple that people feel failure if they don't conform.结婚的观念无疑被过分渲染了。人们面临来自各方的结婚压力, 让他们觉得不结婚就是一种失败。外研社新世纪〔pack out〕We're packed out and again chiefly to young people.我们的票卖完了,主要又是卖给年轻人的。21世纪英汉〔paradox〕We get this apparent paradox of people migrating to an area that has very high unemployment.我们得出这样一个显然是自相矛盾的结论:人们移民到的是失业率极高的地区。麦克米伦高阶〔passion〕Passions were running high(= people were angry and emotional)at the meeting.会上群情沸腾。牛津高阶〔payday loan〕It is all too easy for people to get into debt by taking out payday loans.去借发薪日贷款太容易让人身陷债务了。剑桥高阶〔persuade〕Her legal advisers persuaded her into/out of mentioning (= to mention/not to mention) the names of the people involved in the robbery.她的法律顾问劝她说出/不要说出参与抢劫的人的名字。剑桥高阶〔philosophical〕Some old people are philosophical about death.有些老年人把死亡看得很淡。朗文当代〔pinch〕We can get six people round this table at a pinch.必要时,这张桌子可以坐六个人。牛津高阶〔police force〕More young people are needed to join the police force.需要更多的青年加入到警察队伍中来。剑桥高阶〔population〕All of the people inhabiting a specified area.全体人员:居住于某一地区的所有的人美国传统〔pot〕Local people kill these animals for the pot (= to eat).当地人把这些动物杀来吃。牛津搭配〔practical〕It's simply not practical to divide the work between so many people.把这份工作分给这么多人是完全不切实际的。剑桥高阶〔practising〕The number of practising doctors is falling even though more people are qualifying in medicine.虽然更多的人有了行医资格,但执业医生的人数在下降。剑桥高阶〔precedent〕There are plenty of precedents in Hollywood for letting people out of contracts.在好莱坞, 允许影视人员解除合同的先例有很多。外研社新世纪〔precious〕Lots of people will start, but precious few will finish.许多人将开始去做,但极少数能完成。剑桥高阶〔predisposed〕Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.有些人因先天遗传易患糖尿病。外研社新世纪〔preier〕The oppressed people will never allow themselves to be preyed upon any longer by others.被压迫人民决不听任其他人再对他们的掠夺。21世纪英汉〔principle〕Some people hold water to be the first principle of all things.有些人认为水是万物之本。英汉大词典〔pulse〕He knew the pulse of the people.他了解民意。英汉大词典〔r.a.m.〕The new tax laws were rammed through regardless of the opposition of the majority of the people.不顾大多数人民的反对,新的税法强行通过了。21世纪英汉〔refer to〕At one time, people referred to the city as the Paris of the East.人们曾一度称这座城市为“东方巴黎”。韦氏高阶〔regularly〕People who exercise regularly are less likely to feel stress.定期锻炼的人不大会感到有压力。麦克米伦高阶〔rental〕There are restrictions against rentals to people with pets.对于出租给养宠物的人有限制规定。韦氏高阶〔revelation〕The noise, the buildings, the people, came as a revelation.这里的噪音、建筑物和人都令人出乎意料。柯林斯高阶〔rightly〕Many people rightly believe that the war is a sham.很多人认为这场战争只不过是个骗局,这是真知灼见。剑桥高阶〔rub〕She rubs up against all sorts of people in her profession.她在她那一行的工作中常接触各种各样的人。英汉大词典〔ruination〕The clerics have brought ruination on our people.这些牧师给我们带来了灭亡。柯林斯高阶〔sensitize〕The association aims to sensitize employers to the problems faced by left-handed people in the workplace.协会意在使雇主们意识到惯用左手的员工在工作上所面临的问题。剑桥高阶〔shamanism〕A similar religion or set of beliefs, especially among certain Native American peoples.类似萨满教的宗教:一种类似的宗教或一系列信仰,尤指在土著美洲民族中间美国传统〔should〕It's hardly surprising that people should be suspicious of politicians' promises.人们对政治家的承诺表示怀疑,这一点都不让人吃惊。麦克米伦高阶〔show〕We had 200 people show up for our seminar.我们的研讨会来了 200 人。朗文当代〔skin〕What really gets under my skin is people who push straight to the front of the line.那些插队的人真叫我恼火。朗文当代〔sleep〕The room can sleep 3 people.这房间可供三人睡觉。21世纪英汉〔stock up〕During the emergency, people stocked up on essential items.在非常时期,人们囤积了各种基本用品。剑桥高阶〔stop〕People just don't stop to think about the consequences.人们做事情就是不肯停下来想想后果。牛津高阶〔stretch〕The restaurant normally seats 200 people, but I think we could manage 220 at a stretch.这个餐厅一般可坐200个人,不过我想我们可设法勉强安排下220个座位。 英汉大词典〔stump〕When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak.当竞选人在全国作巡回演说时,人们会步行、骑马或坐车数英里赶去听他们的演讲。柯林斯高阶〔suffer〕She doesn't suffer fools gladly and, in her view, most people are fools.她对笨人没有耐心, 而在她看来, 大多数人都是笨人。外研社新世纪〔teem〕The beach was teeming with people.那海滩充满了人。文馨英汉〔the〕The faster he spoke, the less people understood him.他说得越快, 能听懂他说什么的人就越少。外研社新世纪〔threatened〕The survey found that 4 per cent of people felt threatened by the sight of beggars.调查发现,4% 的人看见乞丐时会觉得危险。柯林斯高阶〔throw together〕People of different occupations were thrown together for the jury.不同职业的人们聚到一起组成陪审团。韦氏高阶〔towards〕A lot of people think that most newspapers are biased towards one particular political party.许多人认为大多数报纸都偏袒某一政党。剑桥高阶〔turn up (somewhere)〕Do you think many people will turn up? 你觉得会有很多人来吗?剑桥高阶〔unashamed〕People were weeping unashamedly.人们哭泣着,并不觉得难为情。麦克米伦高阶〔unfriendly〕People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.人们总是抱怨大银行和大公司不友善、不愿提供帮助。柯林斯高阶〔vast〕The people who have taken our advice have saved themselves vast amounts/sums of money.那些听从了我们建议的人省了一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔voluntarily〕Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people.一些当地机构和志愿组织也为残疾人开设了一些工场。柯林斯高阶〔week〕National Children's Week(=aweek in which people raise money for children) (为儿童筹款的)全国儿童周麦克米伦高阶〔wheat〕Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people across the world.小麦是一种为全世界亿万人提供主食的农作物。剑桥高阶〔whereas〕Whereas many people have supported the proposal, others have opposed it very strongly.很多人都表示支持这一提案,但还有一些人强烈反对。韦氏高阶〔which〕He knew which people had paid and which hadn't.他知道哪些人付过钱了,哪些人还没付。韦氏高阶〔work〕She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.她有一段时间曾帮助垂危的癌症患者。柯林斯高阶People are buying environmentally friendly cars in increasing numbers.购买环保车的人数日渐增加。牛津商务People can float very easily (=lie at the surface without sinking) in / on the Dead Sea because it is so salty.因盐分多,人们可以轻松地飘浮在死海海面上。剑桥国际People have a tendency to undercharge when they start in business.人们刚开始做生意时往往要价偏低。牛津商务People in the West sometimes wear sarongs on the beach.西方人有时在海滩上穿纱笼。剑桥国际People with gastric ulcer must watch what they eat. 得了胃溃疡的人必须注意饮食。译典通A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy. 有同情心的女孩是会设法帮助人并使他们快乐的。译典通AIDS is a terrible disease, but I don't think that people who suffer from it should be stigmatized.艾滋病是可怕的疾病,但我认为对患者不应施加污辱。剑桥国际All her distant relatives (= people who were not closely related to her) came to the wedding.她所有的远亲都来参加了婚礼。剑桥国际Clinical studies show that aspirin can reduce the incidence of death from heart attack or stroke in people who have already suffered from vascular disease.临床研究表明阿司匹林能够减少血管疾病患者因心脏病或中风而死亡的病例。剑桥国际Floods and earthquakes are natural disasters (= are caused by nature and not by people.) 洪水和地震是自然灾害。剑桥国际Four salesmen were showing people suits and sweaters. 四个推销员在给人们展示套装和毛衣。译典通He always thinks he has the right to pass judgment (on others) (= to say whether he thinks other people are good or bad).他总认为自己有权评价别人。剑桥国际He always tries to cultivate famous people. 他总是结交名人。译典通He wouldn't get much help from them -- they were such rude and disobliging people.他从他们那儿得不到多少帮助的----他们这么粗鲁,又是不肯施惠的人。剑桥国际It would be better for the environment if more people used bikes rather than cars.如果有更多的人使用自行车而不是汽车,那将对环境有更多的益处。剑桥国际Many young people think old people are too proper. 许多年轻人认为老人太循规蹈矩。译典通Most people said they thought that cigarette advertising should be banned outright.大多数人说他们认为香烟广告应该完全被禁止。剑桥国际Now that so many people use computers, the typewriter has become almost an extinct species.由于许多人都在使用计算机,打字机几乎快成了一种灭绝的东西。剑桥国际Politicians will pay a heavy price (= will suffer disadvantages) if they do not listen to the people.如果从政者不倾听人民的呼声,就会付出沉重的代价。剑桥国际Some people like older buildings and others prefer bold new architecture--it's really just a question of taste.有些人喜欢比较老的房子,而有些人却更喜欢全新的房子----这实在是个人喜好的问题。剑桥国际Some people say that you can achieve a general diminution in your stress level by taking regular exercise.有些人说定期锻炼可以使你的紧张程度得到全面下降。剑桥国际Some people think it's wrong to spend money on exploring space (= going into space in order to discover more about it).一些人认为花钱探测太空是错误的。剑桥国际Some insurance companies offer lower premiums to people who make their houses more secure.一些保险公司向那些使房屋更安全的人收取较低的保险费。剑桥国际The people are prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve victory.人们已作好准备为取得胜利而献出一切。剑桥国际The audiences aggregated a million people. 观众总数达一百万人。译典通The decolonization of Africa by white Europeans was largely welcomed by the indigenous people.欧洲白人取消对非洲的殖民地化,受到当地人民的热烈欢迎。剑桥国际The hurricane was a great misfortune for many people in the area. 飓风给这一地区许多人带来很大灾难。译典通The musical society I belong to is only loosely organized (= is not controlled very closely, but contains people who share similar interests) .我参加的音乐协会只是一个松散的组织。剑桥国际The number of people out of work has shamed the government into taking action to prevent further job losses.没有工作的人数之多使政府感到羞愧而采取行动阻止了失业问题的进一步恶化。剑桥国际There are five people under her supervision. 有五个人在她的监督之下。译典通There are so many windows in the office, it's like being in a goldfish bowl (= people can easily see what you are doing)! 办公室里这么多窗户,简直像在金鱼缸里(别人可以轻易看见你在干什么)!剑桥国际There is no reason to believe that people of every estate will support the political platform. 没有理由相信社会各阶层的人都会拥护这个政纲。译典通These people are at the sharp end of the industry.这些人物都是工业部门的决策者。剑桥国际They asked for real justice, no papering over the cracks so that important people were not embarrassed.他们要求真正的公正,而不是弥补一下裂痕使得要人们不会下不来台。剑桥国际Through the smoke, the rescuers could hear people screaming for help.隔着烟雾,救援者可以听见求救的呼叫。剑桥国际Too many people fail to apply for the benefits to which they're entitled because of the jungle of regulations/laws surrounding them.许多人由于身处混乱不堪的规章制度/法律而未能申请到他们应得的补助金。剑桥国际Until public attitudes change, these people are destined to remain a fringe organization.在公众态度改变之前,这些人注定还是属于一个无足轻重的组织。剑桥国际We have 10 people keyboarding 24 hours a day.我们有十个人一天24小时输入。剑桥国际When the shop burned down, some people muttered (darkly) about (= suggested it might be the result of) arson, but nothing was proved.当商店烧毁时,有人暗中嘀咕是纵火犯所为,但没有证据。剑桥国际




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