

单词 rim
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EDGE〕Her lipstick left a red mark on the rim of the cup. 她的口红在杯沿上留下了一个红色的印记。朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕John's glasses had small lenses and steel rims. 约翰的眼镜片小小的,镜框是钢的。朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕The china set was blue with a gold rim. 这套瓷器是蓝色的,镶有一道金边。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕A shot by Best glanced off the rim of the basket. 贝斯特投篮,球擦过篮框弹开了。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕The President will meet other Pacific Rim leaders at next week's economic summit. 总统将与其他的环太平洋地区国家领导人在下周的经济峰会上会晤。朗文写作活用〔Pacific Rim〕His family immigrated from the Pacific Rim.他家是从太平洋周边国家移民过来的。韦氏高阶〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕He ran a calloused finger around the rim of his glass. 他用长了茧的手指在眼镜框架上抹了一圈。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕Rimes, who is rarely at a loss for words, was overcome with emotion as she received her award. 莱姆斯是一个很少会因为激动而说不出话的人,领奖的时候也难以自持。朗文写作活用〔air ball〕A shot that misses the backboard, rim, and net.空心入球:没有触到篮板、篮圈及篮网的投篮美国传统〔bead〕A projecting rim or lip, as on a pneumatic tire.轮胎卷边:突出的外围或边缘,如充气轮胎的边缘突起美国传统〔brim〕The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.边沿,边缘:浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边美国传统〔chime〕The rim of a cask.桶的边缘美国传统〔cling〕Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim.她的杯口上粘有一些橙汁。外研社新世纪〔cling〕Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim.她的杯口上粘有些许橙汁。柯林斯高阶〔coaming〕A raised rim or border around an opening, as in a ship's deck, designed to keep out water.舱口栏板:船的甲板上围绕舱口通道的高边缘栏板或边缘,用于防止水流入美国传统〔cog〕One of a series of teeth, as on the rim of a wheel or gear, whose engagement transmits successive motive force to a corresponding wheel or gear.齿轮的嵌齿:一系列齿之一,如在轮或齿轮的边缘上的,其啮合传输连续的运动力到相应的轮或齿轮上美国传统〔collet〕A circular flange or rim, as in a ring, into which a gem is set.宝石座:环形法蓝盘或轮圈,用以在戒指上镶嵌宝石美国传统〔cushion〕Games The rim bordering the playing surface of a billiard table.【游戏】 橡皮垫条:围在撞球桌台面周围的边缘美国传统〔cushion〕There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。柯林斯高阶〔cushion〕There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘, 以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。外研社新世纪〔dented〕A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim.我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、轮辋凹陷。柯林斯高阶〔discus〕A disk, typically wooden or plastic with a metal rim, that is thrown for distance in athletic competitions.铁饼:在体育比赛中用以投掷的圆盘,常为带有金属边的木制或塑料盘美国传统〔disk wheel〕A spokeless wheel in which a disk joins the hub to the rim.盘形轮,盘式车轮:圆盘将毂和缘连接起来的无轮辐的车轮美国传统〔felly〕The rim or a section of the rim of a wheel supported by spokes.轮辋:由辐条支撑着的轮子的轮缘或轮缘的一部分美国传统〔flange〕A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object.凸缘:车轮或管道上突出的边、缘、肋条或环圈,用来增加物体强度、固定物体或使某一物体附着在另一物体上美国传统〔floral cup〕A tubular or cup-shaped structure of a flower, bearing on its rim the sepals, petals, and stamens.花托:花朵长于萼、花瓣和雄蕊边缘的管状或杯形结构美国传统〔gearwheel〕A wheel with a toothed rim.齿轮:边缘带齿的轮子美国传统〔glass harmonica〕An instrument consisting of a set of graduated glass bowls on a rotating spindle that produce tones when a finger is pressed to their moistened rims.玻璃碗琴:由一组固定在旋转轴上的分音级的玻璃杯组成的乐器,手指擦过湿润的碗沿时便产生音调美国传统〔glint〕The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the sun.他眼镜的金框在太阳光下闪烁。朗文当代〔hairline〕There's a hairline crack in the rim of that jar.那只罐子的口沿有条极细的裂缝。柯林斯高阶〔helix〕Anatomy The folded rim of skin and cartilage around most of the outer ear.【解剖学】 耳轮:弯折的皮肤边缘,耳廓周围的软骨美国传统〔kohl〕A cosmetic preparation, such as powdered antimony sulfide, used especially in Middle Eastern countries to darken the rims of the eyelids.眼圈粉:一种化妆品,如硫化锑粉,用来涂黑眼睑,在中东地区尤为常见美国传统〔leading〕A border or rim of lead, as around a windowpane.铅框:一铅制边界或框,如围在窗玻璃格四周的美国传统〔lip〕A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater.边:容器、铃和坑的边缘美国传统〔margarita〕A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒:一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒,通常用杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用美国传统〔mill〕To groove or flute the rim of (a coin or other metal object).印出沟槽:在(钱币或其他金属制品)的边上印出沟槽的美国传统〔monteith〕A large punch bowl having a notched rim on which cups can be hung.凹口大银碗:一种能用于悬挂杯子的碗边有缺口的大碗美国传统〔mug〕He ran his finger around the rim of the mug.他的手指来回摸着杯口。牛津搭配〔noria〕A water wheel with buckets attached to its rim, used to raise water from a stream, especially for transfer to an irrigation channel.戽水车:边缘安有桶的水轮,用于从溪流中提水,特指向灌溉水渠传递美国传统〔overhang〕Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.用油酥面皮盖住边缘, 每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。外研社新世纪〔overhang〕Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。柯林斯高阶〔over〕Lava flowed over the rim of the volcano.熔岩沿着火山口流下来。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕The dishes have a floral pattern around the rim.餐具边缘饰有一圈花卉图案。韦氏高阶〔pendentive〕A triangular section of vaulting between the rim of a dome and each adjacent pair of the arches that support it.弧三角拱,方墙四角圆穹顶支承拱:拱形结构的三角形部分,位于顶穹边缘和每对支撑此拱形结构的相邻圆拱之间美国传统〔perfect rhyme〕Rime riche.富韵美国传统〔prize〕I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials.我把其中一个刻度盘的金属边撬开了。柯林斯高阶〔rebound〕Basketball To retrieve and gain possession of the ball as it bounces off the backboard or rim after an unsuccessful shot.【篮球】 抢得篮板球:在球没有入篮而是从篮板或篮框弹出来之后重新获得球的控制权美国传统〔rime〕Age has rimed his once black hair.年岁给他当年的黑发蒙上了一层白霜。英汉大词典〔rim〕He bought stainless steel rims for his new car.他给自己的新车买了不锈钢轮辋。韦氏高阶〔rim〕He looked at them over the rim of his glass.他从杯口的上方看着他们。牛津高阶〔rim〕Her glasses had gold rims.她的眼镜镶有金边。麦克米伦高阶〔rim〕His spectacles have gold (shell) rims.他的眼镜有副金(玳瑁)框。英汉大词典〔rim〕Lovely parks rim the lakefront.一座座美丽的公园环绕在湖滨四周。英汉大词典〔rim〕My reading glasses have wire rims.我的阅读用放大镜镶着金属丝边。剑桥高阶〔rim〕She looked at him over the rim of her glass.她从玻璃杯口的上方看着他。外研社新世纪〔rim〕She looked at him over the rim of her glass.她的目光越过玻璃杯的边沿看着他。柯林斯高阶〔rim〕Sports To roll around the rim of (a basket or golf cup, for example) without falling in.【体育运动】 洗蓝圈:在(例如,篮球或高尔夫球洞)边缘周围滚动而不落入美国传统〔rim〕The rim of the cup was chipped and broken.杯口上碰出了裂纹,碎了。剑桥高阶〔rim〕The rims of her eyes were red with crying.她的眼眶都哭红了。牛津高阶〔rim〕There was a rim of dirt on the inside of his collar.他的衣领内侧有一圈污渍。麦克米伦高阶〔rim〕There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin.洗脸盆边上已经有一圈黑头发和肥皂沫。柯林斯高阶〔rim〕There were chips on the rim of the plate.这个盘子的边缘有些缺口。韦氏高阶〔rim〕They were standing on the rim of the volcano.他们正站在火山口的边缘。麦克米伦高阶〔rim〕To furnish with a rim.装边,装轮胎美国传统〔rim〕We stood on the canyon's rim.我们站在峡谷的边缘上。英汉大词典〔seize〕The rims of her eyes went pink as tears seized her eyes.她热泪盈眶,眼圈发红。英汉大词典〔sheave〕A wheel or disk with a grooved rim, especially one used as a pulley.滑轮:有沟槽边缘的轮或盘,尤指用作滑轮的美国传统〔sidewall〕A side surface of an automobile tire, between the edge of the tread and the wheel rim.轮胎胎壁:汽车轮胎的侧部表面,位于踏面边缘与轮子边缘之间美国传统〔sip〕She sipped from her coffee mug, watching him over the rim.她端着咖啡杯小口地喝着,目光越过杯沿注视着他。柯林斯高阶〔sip〕She sipped from her coffee mug, watching him over the rim.她端着咖啡杯小口地喝着咖啡, 目光越过杯沿注视着他。外研社新世纪〔slop〕Coffee slopped over the rim of her cup.咖啡从她的杯口溢了出来。朗文当代〔slop〕Suds slopped over the rim of the washtub.溅到洗衣盆沿上的肥皂沫美国传统〔slosh〕Juice sloshed over the rim of her glass.果汁从她的玻璃杯边缘洒了出来。韦氏高阶〔spoke〕Nautical One of the handles projecting from the rim of a ship's steering wheel.【航海】 舵轮把柄:安装在轮船舵轮边上的手柄美国传统〔spoke〕One of the rods or braces connecting the hub and rim of a wheel.辐条,轮辐:用于连接轮子边缘和轴部的铁丝或条带美国传统〔springform pan〕A cake pan having an upright rim that can be unclamped and detached from the bottom of the pan.弹簧扣平底锅:一种平底或底部有模子的烤盘,四周有垂直高边,用夹头或弹簧扣固定在底并可卸下美国传统〔sprocket〕A cylinder with a toothed rim that engages in the perforations of photographic or movie film to pull it through a camera or projector.滚筒:齿状凸缘的筒体,通过照相机或摄影机把胶片或电影胶片转动美国传统〔sprocket〕Any of various toothlike projections arranged on a wheel rim to engage the links of a chain.链齿:在轮缘上的牙状凸出物,用以链条得以连续运动美国传统〔spur gear〕A gear with teeth radially arrayed on the rim parallel to its axis.正齿轮:牙状齿按辐射形安置在与轴平行的边缘上的齿轮美国传统〔sugar〕He sugared the rims of the martini glasses.他在盛马提尼的酒杯杯沿上缀以糖粒。剑桥高阶〔tambourine〕An instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks that are fitted into the rim. It is shaken with one hand and struck with the other.小手鼓:一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面构成的一种乐器,演奏时人们一只手摇它而另一只手敲它美国传统〔the Pacific Rim〕We supply systems for clients on the Pacific Rim.我们为太平洋沿岸诸国的客户提供系统方案。剑桥高阶〔thickly〕He wore glasses with thick rims.他戴了一副厚框眼镜。柯林斯高阶〔tire iron〕A metal bar having one end shaped like a chisel and often the other in the form of a socket wrench, used for changing tires on metal rims.拆装车胎橇杠:一端像凿子而另一端像套筒板手的金属棒,用于更换车子轮圈上的轮胎美国传统〔tray〕A shallow, flat receptacle with a raised edge or rim, used for carrying, holding, or displaying articles.浅盘:一种有凸起的边或缘的平底浅容器,用于运送、盛装或展示物体美国传统〔tubeless tire〕A pneumatic vehicular tire in which the air is held in the assembly of casing and rim without an inner tube.无内胎轮:没有内胎并在装配时充气的车辆轮胎美国传统〔water wheel〕A wheel with buckets attached to its rim for raising water.辘轳:边缘有水桶的轮子,可用于提水美国传统〔yip〕Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。柯林斯高阶He fitted the tire around the rim of the wheel. 他把轮胎安到轮辋上。译典通His reading glasses had gold/plastic/horn/wire rims.他的放大镜有的金/塑料/牛角/金属丝边。剑桥国际His spectacles have gold rims. 他的眼镜镶著金框。译典通Margaritas are usually served in glasses with salt round the rim.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒的酒杯周边常撒着一些盐。剑桥国际Most countries were waiting to see how the new rime behaved before passing comment.这个新政权作何表现,大多数国家正拭目以待,不发表看法。剑桥国际Pacific Rim countries/regions/markets 环太平洋国家/地区/市场牛津商务The rim of the cup was chipped and broken.杯子的边缘有缺口和破损。剑桥国际The company supplies systems for clients on the Pacific rim (= countries on the edge of the Pacific ocean).公司为太平洋沿岸的客户供应设备。剑桥国际The mountain is over 2 000m tall and is the highest of the four summits along the eastern rim of the massif.这座山高2000余米,是山丘东部4座山峰中最高的一座。剑桥国际The village is just below the rim of the crater.这个村庄就在火山口边缘的下方。剑桥国际There was a pattern of flowers all around the rim of the plate.在盘子的整个边缘上都有花的图案。剑桥国际Whisky splashed over the rim of his glass. 威士忌酒从他杯子的边缘溅了出来。译典通




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