

单词 religious ceremony
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anoint〕To put oil on during a religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration.涂油于:在宗教仪式上涂油是神化或任圣职的象征美国传统〔celebrant〕A person who participates in a religious ceremony or rite.参加宗教仪式或庆典的人美国传统〔celebrate〕To perform a religious ceremony.举行宗教庆典美国传统〔circumcision〕A religious ceremony, as in the Jewish or Moslem faith, in which someone is circumcised.行割礼:犹太教和穆斯林教的宗教仪式,在仪式里进行割包皮活动美国传统〔common-law marriage〕A marriage existing by mutual agreement between a man and a woman, or by the fact of their cohabitation, without a civil or religious ceremony.习惯法婚姻:存在于男女之间相互同意或根据他们同居的事实的婚姻,没有民事或宗教典礼美国传统〔cult〕The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.宗教仪式:表达宗教信仰的正式用法;宗教典礼和仪式美国传统〔dead〕The dead included six people attending a religious ceremony.死者包括 6 位参加宗教仪式的人。柯林斯高阶〔habdalah〕A religious ceremony observed at the close of the Sabbath or a holy day.安息日结束仪式:在安息日或其它节日结束时举行的一种宗教仪式美国传统〔inunction〕The act of anointing, as in a religious ceremony.敷油:用油涂抹的行为,例如宗教仪式中美国传统〔kachina〕A masked dancer believed to embody a particular spirit during a religious ceremony.在宗教仪式上被认为是代表某个神灵的戴面具的舞蹈者美国传统〔ritual〕The prescribed order of a religious ceremony.仪式程序:宗教仪式的指定秩序美国传统The ordination (= a religious ceremony at which someone is officially made a priest) took place in Bristol cathedral.神职授任仪式在布里斯托尔大教堂举行。剑桥国际




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