

单词 religions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕The possibility of eternal life is a principal belief of many religions. 存在永生是许多宗教的主要信仰。朗文写作活用〔Afro-Caribbean〕Afro-Caribbean music; Afro-Caribbean religions.加勒比黑人音乐;加勒比黑人宗教美国传统〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕Many religions teach that man is predestined to suffer. 许多宗教都宣称人类注定要受苦。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Large numbers of people are converting to Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. 有很多人正改信东方宗教,如佛教和印度教。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Many religions consider that it is a sin to take your own life. 许多宗教都认为自杀是一种罪。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕When reduced to their essentials, most religions are not so different. 如果归结到要点,那么大部分宗教都大同小异。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕She is a member of a religious sect that was formed from various aspects of Asian religions. 她是一个宗教派别的成员,该宗派由亚洲诸宗教的各个方面形成。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The Buddhist and Shinto religions coexist in Japan. 佛教和神道教在日本并存。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕We respect all religions here. 我们尊重这里的所有宗教。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Various political and religions groups united to oppose the dictatorship. 各个政治、宗教团体联合起来反对独裁统治。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Indonesian civilization is an extreme mixture of races, religions, and cultures. 印度尼西亚文明是种族、宗教和文化的高度融合。朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕Islam is one of the great world religions. 伊斯兰教是世界上重要的宗教之一。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.为了生存,宗教必须同其赖以存在的更大的政治体系相调和。柯林斯高阶〔accommodation〕Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.宗教要想生存就必须顺应其赖以存在的大政治体系。外研社新世纪〔adopt〕Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。牛津高阶〔alimentary〕Alimentary regulations are not the same for all religions.有关食物的规定,各宗教不同。文馨英汉〔basic〕There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions.某些道德原则在所有主要宗教中都是必不可少的。柯林斯高阶〔circumcise〕Circumcision is an important rite in some religions.割礼在某些宗教中是一项重要的仪式。韦氏高阶〔correspondence course〕She took a correspondence course in world religions.她修了一门世界宗教的函授课程。韦氏高阶〔cremate〕Some religions do not allow cremation.有些宗教不允许火葬。韦氏高阶〔demiurge〕Demiurge A deity in Gnosticism, Manicheeism, and other religions who creates the material world and is sometimes viewed as the originator of evil. Demiurge 造物主:在诺斯替教,摩尼教和其他宗教中创造了物质世界,有时也被视为罪恶的创造者的神美国传统〔eastern〕Buddhism and other Eastern (= Asian) religions fascinate me.佛教和其他东方宗教让我着迷。剑桥高阶〔ecumenical〕Concerned with establishing or promoting unity among churches or religions.有关建立或促进全球教会或教堂大联合的美国传统〔ecumenism〕A movement promoting worldwide unity among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding.通过更多合作与增进理解而使全球宗教大联合的运动美国传统〔eternity〕Religions gain some of their worldly power by claiming they have the key to eternity (= a state of existence outside normal life).宗教所拥有的世俗权力中有一些是靠宣称自己拥有通往永恒的钥匙获得的。剑桥高阶〔externalize〕There is a tendency to externalize all religions.存在把一切宗教都视为仅具外表形式的倾向。21世纪英汉〔fashion〕Eastern religions used to be the fashion in the 60s.东方宗教曾在 60 年代很流行。朗文当代〔hereafter〕Many religions share a belief in the hereafter.很多宗教都相信有来世。麦克米伦高阶〔high place〕In early Semitic religions, a place of worship built usually on top of a hill.高殿:古代闪米特人使用的神殿或祭坛,通常建立在山顶美国传统〔horrible〕Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。柯林斯高阶〔immortality〕Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.有些宗教里有肉体永生的信条。牛津搭配〔impersonal〕Some religions favour the idea of an impersonal god.有一些宗教倾向于一个不具人格的上帝。剑桥高阶〔indifferentism〕The belief that all religions are of equal validity.冷淡主义:认为所有宗教具有相同的正确性美国传统〔influence〕This paper evaluates the relative influence of religions.该文评价了宗教的相对影响。牛津搭配〔jape〕Dennis replied that he japes about all religions.丹尼斯回答说他拿所有的宗教开玩笑。外研社新世纪〔material〕Eastern religions tend to have a negative view of material existence.东方宗教对物质性的存在往往持消极的态度。外研社新世纪〔middle〕The Mayor of Jerusalem has tried to minimise conflict by maintaining a middle way between the various religions.耶路撒冷市市长对各宗教采取折中的态度,力图使冲突最小化。柯林斯高阶〔mixed marriage〕Marriage between persons of different races or religions.异族通婚:不同种族或宗教信仰的人之间的婚姻美国传统〔motley〕Now we have a motley of cultures and religions to teach our children.现在我们可以教授我们的孩子各种各样的文化和宗教。外研社新世纪〔multireligious〕Made up of, involving, or acting on behalf of various religions or religious groups.多种宗教的:多种宗教或宗教组织组成的或者作为其代表的美国传统〔notwithstanding〕Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions.世界上的宗教尽管各不相同,但都有明显的相似之处。朗文当代〔phenomenon〕Miracles are a phenomenon that many religions recognize.神迹是许多宗教都承认的现象。外研社新世纪〔physically〕Some religions suppose that there is a Heaven physically above the earth.有些宗教认为地球之上真的有一个天国。英汉大词典〔posit〕Most religions posit the existence of life after death.大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。牛津高阶〔potent〕This potent mix of religions and cultures was to prove explosive.这种宗教和文化强有力的糅合将会引起争议。外研社新世纪〔presupposition〕Hick's presupposition is that all religions believe in the same God.希克的假设是所有宗教都信奉同一个神。朗文当代〔punishment〕Some religions teach that wicked people will suffer eternal punishment in hell after they die.某些宗教告诫人们说,恶人死后将下地狱永受惩罚。韦氏高阶〔religion〕Almost all religions offer the idea of sacred space.几乎所有的宗教都有神圣空间这种概念。牛津搭配〔religion〕Christianity, Islam and other world religions 基督教、伊斯兰教和其他世界性宗教牛津高阶〔religion〕Eastern religions such as Shintoism 日本神道教之类的东方宗教牛津搭配〔religion〕He believes that all religions originated from a single source.他认为所有的宗教都有同一个本源。牛津搭配〔religion〕I believe we should respect all religions of the world equally.我认为我们应该平等地尊重世界上所有的宗教。牛津搭配〔religion〕I like the fact that the children are learning about different cultures and religions.我很高兴孩子们可以了解不同的文化和宗教。麦克米伦高阶〔religion〕Judaism is one of the great world religions.犹太教是世界上几大宗教之一。牛津搭配〔religion〕There are many religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.世界上有很多宗教,比如佛教、基督教、印度教、伊斯兰教和犹太教。韦氏高阶〔religion〕These faiths draw on the traditional religions of indigenous peoples.这些信仰出自原住民的传统宗教。牛津搭配〔ritual〕Women's roles in the rituals of many religions have been limited.在许多宗教的仪式中,妇女的作用都很有限。牛津搭配〔self-disciplined〕Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.多数宗教教导人们要真诚和律己。柯林斯高阶〔spirit〕Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies.一些宗教认为同一个灵魂会多次转世到不同的肉身里。韦氏高阶〔teach〕We were never taught anything about other religions.我们从未接受过其他宗教的教育。朗文当代〔thread〕All religions are united by the common threads of fighting evil and helping others.所有宗教都因为惩恶助人这一共同主题而联合起来。柯林斯高阶〔tolerant〕He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.他对其他宗教持非常包容的态度。牛津高阶〔tolerate〕The government tolerates all religions.政府尊重各种宗教信仰。英汉大词典〔toleration〕He preached toleration for all religions.他宣扬对一切宗教信仰都应宽容。牛津搭配〔truthfully〕Most religions teach you to be truthful… 大部分宗教都教导人要诚实。柯林斯高阶〔unbound〕Many religions have strict rules about women displaying unbound hair.许多宗教对女性露出未束起的头发有严格的规定。外研社新世纪〔understanding〕Some religions have a common understanding of the nature of a divine being.一些宗教对神的本质有同样的认识。牛津搭配〔uniquely〕Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是, 佛教植根于人类共知苦难的普遍经验。外研社新世纪〔uniquely〕Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted only in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教是唯一基于全人类所共知的苦难而产生发展起来的。柯林斯高阶〔worship〕Under the new regime, all religions enjoy freedom of worship.在新的政权下,所有的宗教都享有信仰自由。牛津搭配Religions gain some of their worldly power by claiming they have the key to eternity (= a state of existence outside normal life).宗教获有部分世俗威力,是由于声称其拥有进入永恒世界的钥匙。剑桥国际Buddhism and other Eastern (= Asian) religions fascinate me.佛教和其他东方宗教令我着迷。剑桥国际In certain religions Hell is believed to be the place where wicked people are punished after they die. 在某些宗教中,地狱被认为是恶人死后受惩罚的地方。译典通In some religions, sex that is not for the purpose of reproduction is considered a sin.在某些宗教中,非为繁衍后代而发生性行为被认为是一种罪孽。剑桥国际Some religions suppose that there is a Heaven physically above the earth. 一些宗教认为地球上面真有一个天国。译典通Some upright stones in wild places are the vestige of ancient religions. 荒原上一些直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹。译典通Sunday is the day when members of Christian religions go to church.星期日是基督教会做礼拜的日子。剑桥国际The religions of Japan are both theologically and institutionally, quite different from those of the Western world. 日本的宗教与西方世界的宗教在神学上和制度上都完全不同。译典通The doctoral student has studied all religions, oriental and occidental. 这位博士生研究过东西方的所有宗教。译典通The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics. 异教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂热分子拆除了。译典通The tenets of some religions are against idolatry. 有些宗教的教义反对偶像崇拜。译典通The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Christianity, Judaism and Islam.三个教徒最多的一神宗教是基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教。剑桥国际




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