

单词 adjusting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFICULT〕Many of the veteran players had a tough time adjusting to the coach's style. 许多资深队员感到要适应这位教练的训练风格很困难。朗文写作活用〔adjustment〕A means of adjusting.调整装置美国传统〔adjustment〕The act of adjusting or the state of being adjusted.调整,调节:调整的行为或被调整的状态美国传统〔adjust〕He had no problems in adjusting at the new school.他在适应新学校方面没有问题。21世纪英汉〔adjust〕He spent several minutes adjusting his tie.他花了几分钟整理领带。外研社新世纪〔adjust〕My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment.我父母不习惯住公寓。朗文当代〔adjust〕They'll soon settle in – kids are very good at adjusting.他们很快就会习惯的 — 小孩子适应能力很强。朗文当代〔adjust〕This button is for adjusting the volume.这个按钮是调节音量的。牛津高阶〔back〕Nautical To maneuver a vessel in a narrow channel by adjusting the sails so as to let the wind in and out of them in alteration.【航海】 调整航向:在狭窄的水道中操纵船,通过调整风帆以便使风帆间进出的风向有所改变美国传统〔cluck〕She was clucking around him, adjusting his pillows.她一边在他身边不停地叮嘱着,一边帮他摆正枕头。麦克米伦高阶〔collar〕He was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting the collar of his shirt.他站在镜子前,整理自己的衬衫领子。牛津搭配〔dial〕I had to keep adjusting the radio dial to make the station come in clearly.为了清晰地收听到电台,我只得不断地调节收音机的调台盘。韦氏高阶〔fix〕The act of adjusting, correcting, or repairing.调整,改正:调整、改正或修理的行为美国传统〔grip〕Try adjusting your grip on the racket.试着调整一下你握球拍的方法。牛津高阶〔hard〕She's having a hard time adjusting to college life.她正在艰难地适应大学生活。韦氏高阶〔homeostasis〕The ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.体内平衡:一个生物体或细胞通过调整其生理过程从而保持体内平衡的能力或趋势美国传统〔kettledrum〕A large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension.定音鼓:一种大的半球形红铜或黄铜鼓,面为羊皮纸,能通过调整拉力调音美国传统〔make-ready〕The operation of preparing a form for printing by adjusting and leveling the plates to ensure a clear impression.垫版:印刷过程中的一个准备步骤,即通过调理和平整版面以确保印刷清晰美国传统〔mix〕Electronics A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels.【电子学】 混频录音,混音机:通过混合和调整两种或更多的音轨或频道而产生的一种录音美国传统〔nervousness〕Adjusting your tie is often a sign of nervousness.调整自己的领带通常是心情紧张的表现。牛津搭配〔picture〕The picture needs adjusting.图像需要调整。外研社新世纪〔registration〕The technique of selecting and adjusting organ stops.音栓配合术:选择和调整管风琴音栓的技术美国传统〔regulate〕You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat.你可以通过调节恒温器来控制室温。剑桥高阶〔retirement〕Topics include adjusting to retirement, health issues, and opportunities for the future.话题包括调整退休后的生活、健康问题以及将来的发展机会等。麦克米伦高阶〔seasonal variation〕Adjusting for seasonal variations, factory gate prices were unchanged.经季节变动调整, 出厂价格未发生变化。外研社新世纪〔test pattern〕A geometric chart transmitted by a television station to assist viewers in adjusting reception.测试图:电视台播送的一种帮助观众调整接受器的几何图象美国传统〔trammel〕An instrument for gauging and adjusting parts of a machine; a tram.调整机器部件用规:一种测量并调节机器部件的仪器;量规美国传统〔tram〕An instrument for gauging and adjusting machine parts; a trammel.量规;卡尺:一种有来测量并调节机器部件的仪器;椭圆规美国传统〔volume〕A control, as on a radio, for adjusting amplitude or loudness.音量调控器:一个调控器,如在收音机上,用来调节声音的响度或强度美国传统The process of adjusting to life with a baby can be pretty tough.适应和婴儿一起生活往往相当困难。剑桥国际You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat and the radiators.通过调节恒温器和散热器你可以控制屋内温度。剑桥国际




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