

单词 passionately
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FEEL〕She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. 她双臂搂住他,激情地吻着他。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The new MP argued passionately for better housing, education, and welfare services for the poor. 新议员为改善穷人的住房、教育及福利服务而慷慨激昂地据理力争。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕Brad was prepared to accept that opposing beliefs could be held equally strongly and passionately. 布拉德愿意接受,对立的信仰也会有人以同样的决心和热情去持守。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕He was passionately against nuclear weapons. 他强烈反对核武器。朗文写作活用〔behalf〕Hayley spoke passionately on Roy's behalf.海利代表罗伊深情发言。外研社新世纪〔care〕They cared passionately about the environment.他们热切关注环境。麦克米伦高阶〔champion〕He passionately championed the poor.他满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。外研社新世纪〔champion〕He passionately championed the poor.他满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。柯林斯高阶〔desire〕He passionately desired to continue his career.他热切渴望继续自己的事业。外研社新世纪〔each other〕Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately.苏珊和罗伯特深情地亲吻。朗文当代〔embrace〕He threw his arms round her and they embraced passionately.他伸出手臂搂住她,他们热情相拥。柯林斯高阶〔embrace〕He threw his arms round her and they embraced passionately.他把她搂在怀里, 两人激情相拥。外研社新世纪〔enthuse〕He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children (with it).他酷爱古典音乐,但却没能让他的孩子也(对此)产生兴趣。剑桥高阶〔grab〕She grabbed hold of me and kissed me passionately.她一把抓住我, 对我狂吻。外研社新世纪〔inhibition〕As the drink flows they gradually lose their inhibitions and Dev kisses her passionately.酒越喝越多, 他们渐渐地不再拘束, 德夫热烈地亲吻着她。外研社新世纪〔innocence〕The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.囚犯在陪审团面前情绪激动地宣称自己无罪。牛津搭配〔kiss〕The lovers kissed passionately.这对情人热烈地接吻。英汉大词典〔kiss〕There was a young couple on the sofa, kissing passionately.沙发上一对年轻人正在热烈地接吻。剑桥高阶〔kiss〕They kissed each other passionately.他们深情地亲吻着对方。韦氏高阶〔love〕She could hate as passionately as she could love.她恨起来可以跟爱起来一样强烈。英汉大词典〔more〕Play that last section more passionately.演奏最后那一部分要更有激情。剑桥高阶〔passionately〕He was passionately in love with her.他深爱着她。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕He was passionately in love with her.他热恋着她。柯林斯高阶〔passionately〕He was passionately interested in painting.他对画画非常感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕I am passionately opposed to the death penalty.我坚决反对死刑。柯林斯高阶〔passionately〕I believe passionately that children should be taught to think.我强烈地认为应该教会孩子如何思考。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕She kissed him passionately.她充满激情地吻了他。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕She kissed him passionately.她忘情地亲吻了他。柯林斯高阶〔passionately〕She spoke passionately about animal rights.她动情地讲述动物权利。韦氏高阶〔passionately〕She spoke passionately about the need for aid.她激昂地讲述了提供帮助的必要性。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕That's what I care passionately about.这就是我所热切关心的。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕The couple kissed passionately.这对夫妇热烈地接吻。外研社新世纪〔passionately〕They kissed passionately.他们忘情地亲吻。韦氏高阶〔passionately〕They were passionately opposed to the war.他们强烈反对战争。韦氏高阶〔passionate〕He kissed her passionately.他狂热地亲吻了她。朗文当代〔passionate〕He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately.他把她搂在怀里狂热地亲吻。牛津高阶〔passionate〕Peter is passionately involved in environmental issues.彼得热衷于环境问题。朗文当代〔passionate〕She began kissing him passionately.她开始热烈地吻他。麦克米伦高阶〔passionate〕They are all passionately interested in environmental issues.他们都热衷于环境问题。牛津高阶〔right-wing〕He was passionately right-wing.他是个狂热的右派。英汉大词典〔soapbox〕Speaking one's views passionately or self-importantly.热情地或自大地表述自己的观点美国传统〔stepsister〕I remember being passionately jealous of my stepsister.我记得我曾经非常嫉妒我的继妹。外研社新世纪〔talk〕She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about including education and nursery care.她将会谈一些自己十分感兴趣的话题,包括教育和幼儿护理。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕She will talk on the issues she cares passionately about.她将就自己非常关心的问题发表观点。外研社新世纪〔tongue〕The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对他们的母语非常热爱。柯林斯高阶〔tongue〕The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对自己的母语无比热爱。外研社新世纪An unreconstructed socialist, he is passionately against all forms of privatization.作为一个顽固守旧的社会主义者, 他激烈地反对一切形式的私有化。剑桥国际Ann has always believed passionately in a woman's right to choose.安一直激情地相信女人有权选择。剑桥国际He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children (with it).他对古典音乐有着强烈的兴趣,但却没能感染他的孩子们。剑桥国际I felt so embarrassed when I walked into the room and found them kissing passionately.我走进房间,发现他们在热烈地亲吻,实在尴尬。剑桥国际Play that last section more passionately.演奏最后一部分要更加热情。剑桥国际She clasped her daughter passionately in her arms. 她深情地将女儿搂在怀里。译典通She spoke passionately about her love of opera.她充满激情地谈论对歌剧的热爱。剑桥国际There was a young couple on the sofa, kissing passionately.沙发上有一对年轻夫妇热烈地接吻。剑桥国际They believe passionately in being loyal to their country.他们坚信要忠于祖国。剑桥国际They were kissing passionately. 他们在热情地接吻。译典通




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