

单词 passing
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔HNC〕passing his HNC in computer studies.他通过了计算机学科国家高级证书考试柯林斯高阶〔ablaze〕a passing pleasure-boat, with all its lights ablaze 一艘驶过的游船上灯火辉煌朗文当代〔acquaintance〕a man with whom I had a passing acquaintance 我不甚了解的一个男子牛津搭配〔beg〕a ragged child begging from passing shoppers 向过路的购物者行乞的衣衫褴褛的孩子朗文当代〔between〕a grade between passing and failing 介乎及格与不及格之间的分数英汉大词典〔commandeer〕commandeer passing lorries 征用过路卡车英汉大词典〔crosscurrent〕the political crosscurrents that interfere with the passing of laws 阻碍法律出台的政治逆流韦氏高阶〔defence〕whipsaw a defence with one's passing 以传球挫败防守队员英汉大词典〔dog〕halo arcs passing through each sun dog穿过每个幻日的晕弧外研社新世纪〔drone〕the drone of passing traffic 过往车辆的嗡嗡声韦氏高阶〔drown〕screams that were drowned out by the passing train.被经过的火车压倒的尖叫声美国传统〔ephemeron〕ephemera Printed matter of passing interest. ephemera 只具有极短吸引力的印刷品美国传统〔exhaust〕diesel exhaust from passing trucks 过往卡车排出的柴油废气韦氏高阶〔faith〕the role of parents in passing on the faith to their children 父母在给孩子传承宗教信仰方面所起的作用牛津搭配〔fancy〕a passing fancy 一时的爱好英汉大词典〔flag down〕to flag down a passing car打旗号使一辆过往的汽车停下21世纪英汉〔flag〕flag down a passing car.招一辆过路车停下美国传统〔gaze〕construction workers on their lunch hour ogling passing women. 建筑工人在午饭时色迷迷地盯着经过的妇女 美国传统〔hitch〕hitch a ride from a passing motorist 向路过的司机求得免费搭乘英汉大词典〔lament〕to lament the passing of someone or something.为某人去世而感到悲痛或为某景况的消逝而悲嘆。牛津同义词〔outline〕the outline of someone passing the window.从窗口经过的某人的身影。牛津同义词〔overhead〕aircraft passing low overhead 低空掠过头顶的飞机牛津搭配〔pass off〕amateurs passing themselves off as professionals 冒充专业人士的业余爱好者韦氏高阶〔passing〕passing interest 一时的兴趣英汉大词典〔passing〕a passing fancy.一时的爱好美国传统〔passing〕a passing glance 匆匆的一瞥英汉大词典〔passing〕a passing glance.匆匆的一瞥美国传统〔passing〕a passing grade.及格分数美国传统〔passing〕a passing knowledge of French 对法语的粗浅了解麦克米伦高阶〔passing〕a passing lane 可通行的小巷英汉大词典〔passing〕a passing mention 顺便的提及英汉大词典〔passing〕a passing pedestrian 过路的行人英汉大词典〔passing〕a passing phase in childhood 童年转瞬即逝的阶段韦氏高阶〔passing〕a passing phase/thought/interest 过渡阶段;一闪念;一时之兴牛津高阶〔passing〕a passing phrase 昙花一现的短语英汉大词典〔passing〕shooting and passing skills 投篮和传球技术韦氏高阶〔passing〕the passing of a major bill 一项重大法案的通过英汉大词典〔passing〕the passing of another summer.又一个夏天的逝去美国传统〔passing〕the passing of one of this century's great artists, Miles Davis.本世纪艺术巨匠迈尔斯·戴维斯的逝世柯林斯高阶〔passing〕the passing of the old customs 旧习俗的消失英汉大词典〔passing〕the passing of the old year 旧的一年的流逝剑桥高阶〔passing〕the passing of the old year(= on New Year's Eve) 辞旧岁牛津高阶〔passing〕the noise of passing cars 过往车辆的嘈杂牛津高阶〔passing〕watch the passing of a procession 观看队伍走过英汉大词典〔passing〕with every passing year 一年又一年韦氏高阶〔pass〕passing through the different stages of human development 经过人类发展的不同阶段韦氏高阶〔pass〕a road passing around the hill.环绕山丘的路21世纪英汉〔pass〕a woman passing as a man.被误认作男人的女人柯林斯高阶〔phase〕just a passing phase.只是一个过渡段美国传统〔recognition〕give sb. a passing recognition 向某人颔首招呼而过英汉大词典〔reference〕the President's passing reference to(= brief mention of)the end of the war 总统对战争的结束一语带过牛津高阶〔regret〕express one's regret at the passing of sb.对某人逝世表示痛惜英汉大词典〔sensory〕sensory information passing through the spinal cord.经过脊髓传送的感官信息柯林斯高阶〔silent witness〕a tired old oak, a silent witness to passing time疲惫而衰老的橡树, 无声地见证着岁月的流逝外研社新世纪〔thrum〕the thrum of passing cars 过往车辆的轰轰声朗文当代〔torturous〕the torturous path to passing the bill 通过此项法案的艰苦过程剑桥高阶〔train〕the roar of a passing train 火车经过时的轰鸣声牛津搭配〔unstructured〕the vast amounts of unstructured data passing through organisations在各组织之间流转的海量未经系统梳理的数据外研社新世纪〔volt〕a high security fence with 5 000 volts passing through it 有 5 000 伏电流通过的森严铁丝网牛津高阶〔wind〕the wind of the passing train 火车驶过刮起的风英汉大词典




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