

单词 plowed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SITUATION〕In some cases, mail carriers could not get to mailboxes surrounded by plowed snow. 有时候,邮筒周围都是扫起的雪堆,邮差没法走近。朗文写作活用〔crosshatch〕The fields were crosshatched by plowed paths.农田里犁耕出的垄沟纵横交错。韦氏高阶〔disperse〕The seeds were dispersed on the plowed lands.种子被撒播在耕过的土地上。21世纪英汉〔field〕We had to walk across a ploughed / plowed field.我们得步行穿过一块耕地。牛津搭配〔furrow〕We plowed furrows in the field.我们在田里犁地。韦氏高阶〔green manure〕A growing crop, such as clover or grass, that is plowed under the soil to improve fertility.绿肥作物,绿肥:一种在生长时被犁翻入地下来增加土壤肥力的作物,如红花草或草美国传统〔harrow〕A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.耙:一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具美国传统〔headland〕The unplowed land at the end of a plowed furrow.在犁沟末端未耕种的土地美国传统〔into〕A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。柯林斯高阶〔plough〕I plowed into the car in front.我刹车不及撞上了前面的车。朗文当代〔plough〕In those days the land was plowed by oxen.在那个年代是用公牛来犁地的。朗文当代〔plow into〕For the first 10 years, the profits were all plowed back into the company.头10年,利润全部用于公司再投资。韦氏高阶〔plow into〕The car plowed into the guardrail.那辆车猛地撞上了护栏。韦氏高阶〔plow into〕The company plowed millions of dollars into research.这家公司投入数百万美元用于科研。韦氏高阶〔plow on〕I was discouraged, but I plowed on.我灰心丧气,但还是继续苦撑着。韦氏高阶〔plow〕A series of damaging storms plowed across the state last fall.去年秋天,一系列破坏力强的风暴横扫这个州。韦氏高阶〔plow〕I plowed my way through the crowd.我费力穿过人群美国传统〔plow〕My street hasn't been plowed yet.我这条街道上的雪还没铲掉。韦氏高阶〔plow〕The attackers formed a wedge and plowed through the enemy line.进攻者形成了一个楔子,突破了敌军的阵线美国传统〔plow〕The soil was freshly plowed.那块地刚刚犁过。韦氏高阶〔plow〕We plowed through the crowd.我们奋力挤过人群。韦氏高阶〔ridge〕A narrow, raised strip, as in cloth or on plowed ground.皱摺,田埂:衣服上或犁过的田里狭窄隆起的条带美国传统〔top dressing〕A covering of manure or other fertilizer spread on soil without being plowed under.土表追肥:尚未犁过的土地上面撒满的粪肥或其它肥料形成的覆盖面美国传统He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 他先翻土,然后播种。译典通Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves. 我们的大船穿越汹涌的波浪航行。译典通We plowed our way through the crowd. 我们用力从人群中挤过去。译典通When the potatoes had been garnered up, the ground was plowed over for sowing. 收藏了洋芋之后,翻土准备播种。译典通




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