

单词 piece of meat
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕I threw a piece of meat to the dog and he swallowed it in one go. 我给那狗扔了一块肉,它一口就吞了下去。朗文写作活用〔bait〕He baited his hook with a piece of meat.他把一块肉装在钩上当饵。外研社新世纪〔bait〕He baited the trap with a piece of meat.他在陷阱中放了一片肉做诱饵。牛津高阶〔chop suey〕A Chinese-American dish consisting of small pieces of meat or chicken cooked with bean sprouts and other vegetables and served with rice.炒杂碎:一道由肉片或鸡片与豆芽及其它蔬菜等做成与米饭同食的美式中国菜美国传统〔cush〕A dish made by frying or boiling cornmeal or crumbled cornbread with grease and often other ingredients such as pieces of meat or onion.煎玉米饼,煮玉米糊:借着把玉米粉或碎玉米面包与油脂和其它原料,如肉片或洋葱片,油炸或蒸煮的菜肴美国传统〔fork〕She impaled a piece of meat on her fork.她用餐叉叉了一块肉。牛津搭配〔hack ... off〕She hacked off a piece of meat and handed it to me.她砍下一块肉递给了我。21世纪英汉〔lodge〕A piece of meat lodged in his throat.一块肉卡在他的喉咙里。麦克米伦高阶〔meat hook〕A hook used to hang the carcasses of slaughtered animals or large pieces of meat.肉钩:用于悬挂被屠宰后的动物的躯体或大块肉的钩子美国传统〔noisette〕A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork.小块瘦肉:小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉美国传统〔ramen〕A Japanese dish of noodles in broth, often garnished with small pieces of meat and vegetables.拉面:日本料理,把面条放在煮肉的原汤中,常用小片的肉或蔬菜来做装饰美国传统〔repackage〕Large pieces of meat are cut and repackaged at the butcher's shop.大块的肉在肉铺被切开并重新包装。韦氏高阶〔saw〕He sawed off a piece of meat from the bone.他从骨头上切下一块肉。麦克米伦高阶〔scale〕He bought a piece of meat scaling in four pounds.他买了一块重4磅的肉。21世纪英汉〔scaloppine〕Small, thinly sliced pieces of meat, especially veal, dredged in flour, sautéed, and served in a sauce.煎火炒牛肉片:一种小而薄的肉片,尤指牛肉片拌上面粉后再进行煎炒并浇上调味汁美国传统〔slice〕Slice me off a piece of meat.给我切一片肉。英汉大词典〔spear〕I speared a piece of meat with my fork.我用叉子叉起一块肉。外研社新世纪〔stab〕He stabbed the piece of meat with a fork. = He stabbed the fork into the piece of meat.他用叉子叉住了一块肉。韦氏高阶〔stuffing〕Food put into the cavity of a piece of meat or a hollowed-out vegetable.填塞物:填塞于肉或中空的蔬菜中的食物美国传统Don't feed that to the dog--it's a waste of a good piece of meat.别拿那块好肉喂狗----那是浪费。剑桥国际He carved me a piece of meat. 他切了一块肉给我。译典通Kebabs are made by putting pieces of meat and vegetables onto a skewer.烤肉串是将肉和蔬菜串在串肉扦上制成的。剑桥国际She complained that the hospital had treated her like a piece of meat (= without showing any care for her feelings, wishes, etc.).她抱怨说医院在治疗过程中完全不顾及其心理感受。剑桥国际




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