

单词 piece of material
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alternately〕Each piece of material has to be washed alternately in soft water and coconut oil.每块料子必须轮流地用软水及椰手油洗濯。文馨英汉〔bar〕To fasten securely with a long, straight, rigid piece of material.闩:用长而直且坚硬的材料制成的东西牢固地系紧美国传统〔bead〕A small, often round piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood, that is pierced for stringing or threading.珠子:小而圆的材料(如玻璃、塑料、木材),其上有可穿在线上的孔美国传统〔cleat〕A wedge-shaped piece of material, such as wood, that is fastened onto something, such as a spar, to act as a support or prevent slippage.楔子,防滑木:楔状物,如木楔子,为了支撑或防滑固定在某物上,如翼梁美国传统〔combings〕Small loose pieces of material, such as hairs or wool, removed with a comb.梳下的毛发:一小缕如头发或毛一样的东西,随梳子移动美国传统〔diaper〕A similar piece of material, worn by incontinent adults.成人尿布:失禁成年人穿着的类似物品美国传统〔entrails〕The sofa's entrails (= pieces of material from inside) were sticking out in places.沙发有些地方的填充物鼓了出来。剑桥高阶〔facing〕A piece of material sewn to the edge of a garment, such as a dress or coat, as lining or decoration.贴边,镶边:作为陪衬或装饰缝在衣服,如裙子或大衣边上的一块材料美国传统〔inset〕A piece of material set into a garment as decoration or trim.装饰或点缀:镶在衣物中作为装饰或点缀的材料美国传统〔mark〕A knot or piece of material placed at various measured lengths on a lead line to indicate the depth of the water.测标:系在测深绳上已测定过长度的不同位置之处的结或一种物质,以此来测定水深美国传统〔miter〕The edge of a piece of material that has been beveled preparatory to making a miter joint.斜接面:准备做斜面接合的已被斜切的一块用材料的边儿美国传统〔patch〕A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear.补片,补钉:补缀在较大的一片材料上的一小片材料,用来添补、加强或修补一磨损部分、小洞或撕裂处美国传统〔pin〕Pin all the pieces of material together.把这些材料都钉到一起。牛津高阶〔seam〕A line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces of material along their margins.缝线:通过将两块材料沿边缘缝合而形成的结合处的线美国传统〔sew〕I made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together.我把两块料子缝在一起,就做成了这条裙子。剑桥高阶〔shank〕A piece of material, such as metal, that is used to reinforce or shape this part of a shoe.鞋芯垫片:用来加固或使鞋成形部分的一片材料,例如金属美国传统〔sheet〕A broad, thin, usually rectangular mass or piece of material, such as paper, metal, glass, or plywood.薄片,板:宽阔、薄的,通常是长方形或片状的材料,例如纸张、金属、玻璃或夹板美国传统〔shim〕A thin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to fit properly.垫片:一种一端比另一端薄的薄片,由木头、石头或金属等材料制成,用于填补缝隙,使物体保持水平或调整某物使之能正好被容纳美国传统〔shingle〕A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.木瓦:一种长方形的薄片,由木头或板岩等材料制成,搭接铺成行,用于覆盖房子或其它建筑物的房顶或侧面美国传统〔swatch〕A sample strip cut from a piece of material.样本,样品:从一块物品上剪下的一条样品美国传统〔wick〕A piece of material that conveys liquid by capillary action.纱布条:通过毛细引力来传送液体的一块材料美国传统〔width〕A piece of material measured along its smaller dimension, especially a piece of fabric measured from selvage to selvage in sewing.一块料子:沿较小的部分测量的一块材料,尤指缝纫时从一个布边到另一个布边测量的一块织物美国传统I made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together.我把两块布缝在一起,就做成了这条裙子。剑桥国际




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