

单词 piece of furniture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕It's a nice piece of furniture, but in such terrible condition you won't get much money for it. 这家具是不错,可是这样破,你卖不了多少钱的。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕We could only save some clothes and a few pieces of furniture before the house burned down. 房子烧毁前,我们只来得及抢救出一些衣服和几件家具。朗文写作活用〔armrest〕A support for the arm, as on a piece of furniture or within a motor vehicle.扶手:扶手,如安装在家具上或汽车门里面的美国传统〔bear〕Every piece of furniture bears a number and letter.每件家具上带有一个号码和字母。文馨英汉〔bed〕A piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping, typically consisting of a flat, rectangular frame and a mattress resting on springs.床:一件为躺靠和睡觉用的家具,典型的由一个平的,矩形的柜架和放在弹簧上的垫子组成美国传统〔bits and pieces〕There are just a few bits and pieces of furniture in the office.办公室里只有零星几件家具。韦氏高阶〔bit〕We have a few bits and pieces of furniture, but that's all.我们有零星的几件家具,仅此而已。麦克米伦高阶〔bookcase〕A piece of furniture with shelves for holding books.书架:有搁板的用来装书的家具美国传统〔breadth〕We measured the height, breadth, and depth of each piece of furniture.我们量了每件家具的高度、宽度和深度。韦氏高阶〔breakfront〕A piece of furniture, such as a cabinet or a bookcase, in which the frontal plane is interrupted horizontally by a projecting central section.断层式橱,断层式书架:正面被突出的中间部分水平地中断的一件家具,如橱或书架美国传统〔chair〕A piece of furniture consisting of a seat, legs, back, and often arms, designed to accommodate one person.椅子:有底座、支撑腿和靠背的家具,通常带扶手,设计用来供一人坐美国传统〔chest of drawers〕A piece of furniture consisting of a set of drawers that fit within a frame.五斗橱:一件由嵌于框架中的一组抽屉组成的家具美国传统〔chifforobe〕A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.两用衣橱:一件通常一边有抽屉、另一边有挂衣服的地方的高家具美国传统〔claw foot〕The foot of a piece of furniture designed to resemble an animal's foot and claws.爪脚家具:一件家具的脚。被设计成与一种动物的脚和爪子相似美国传统〔customary〕We put the various pieces of furniture back in their customary places.我们把各种家具放回到它们通常的位置。外研社新世纪〔desk〕A piece of furniture typically having a flat or sloping top for writing and often drawers or compartments.桌子:通常有一个平面或斜面以供写字并经常配有抽屉的家具美国传统〔door〕A similar part on a piece of furniture or a vehicle.类似门的装置:车辆或家具上的类似部件美国传统〔dual〕The piece of furniture serves a dual purpose as a cupboard and as a table.这件家具有两个用途,既作食橱也作饭桌。牛津高阶〔dust catcher〕A little-used decorative object or piece of furniture.极少使用的装饰物品或家具美国传统〔flute〕A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture.凹槽,褶痕沟:如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹美国传统〔foot〕The termination of the leg of a piece of furniture, especially when shaped or modeled.底座,脚:家具腿的末端,尤其当制作或形成时美国传统〔furniture〕Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house.他们家里的每件家具都和房子的风格相得益彰。柯林斯高阶〔furniture〕Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house.他们家每一件家具都很契合房子的风格。外研社新世纪〔furniture〕I can't think of a single piece of furniture in my house that I bought new.我想不出家里有哪件家具是买新的。朗文当代〔masculine〕This piece of furniture is masculine; it is large and strong.这件家具适合男人使用,它又大又结实。英汉大词典〔movable〕Something, especially a piece of furniture, that can be moved.可被移动的物体,尤指一件家俱美国传统〔piece〕We had several new pieces of furniture delivered to our home.我们有几件新家具送货上门。韦氏高阶〔save〕The curtained stage was empty save for a few pieces of furniture.降下帷幕的舞台上空荡荡的,只有几件家具。英汉大词典〔sectional〕A piece of furniture made up of sections that can be used separately or together.组合式家具:由各部分组成的既可单独使用又可组合使用的一套家具美国传统〔sign〕Wood dust beneath a piece of furniture is a sure sign of woodworm.家具下面出现木屑是有蛀虫的明显迹象。外研社新世纪〔spread〕A cloth covering for a bed, table, or other piece of furniture.床单,桌布:盖桌子、床或其它家具用的布美国传统〔stick〕Informal A piece of furniture.【非正式用语】 一件家具美国传统〔table〕Games A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface, as for faro, roulette, or dice. Often used in the plural.【游戏】 赌桌:供玩游戏用的一件家具,如法罗赌博、轮盘赌或掷骰游戏时所用的桌子。常用作复数美国传统〔tray table〕A tray mounted on or in a piece of furniture, such as an airplane seatback, designed to fold or swing out of the way for storage.托盘桌:安装于家具表面或家具内部的托盘,如飞机座位后背的托盘桌,可折叠或拉出以便保管美国传统〔workmanship〕The workmanship that went into some of these pieces of furniture was truly remarkable.这些家具的制作工艺的确很精湛。剑桥高阶Her lecture will include a slide-show of historic pieces of furniture decorated with marquetry.她的讲座上将有幻灯片演示,是关于带镶嵌细工的古代家具。剑桥国际I want to buy a new sink unit (= a piece of furniture into which a sink is fitted), but I can't find one that I like.我想买一套新的洗涤槽台,但找不到我所喜欢的。剑桥国际That Georgian chair is a very graceful piece of furniture (= it has an attractive form).那张乔治亚椅子是一件雅致的家具。剑桥国际The workmanship which went into some of these pieces of furniture was truly remarkable.这些家具有的制造工艺确实非常出色。剑桥国际You can always tell by the quality of a hand-made piece of furniture if it was made by someone who knew (=was good at) their craft.人们总能从手工制作的家具的质量判断出这是否出自巧匠之手。剑桥国际




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