

单词 piece
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BEND〕a stiff piece of cardboard 一块硬纸板朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕when a road, piece of land etc becomes flat 路、地面等变平整朗文写作活用〔Kleenex〕a green piece (square) of Kleenex 一张(一方)绿色的舒洁纸巾英汉大词典〔PIECE〕a small piece of something bigger 某物的小片朗文写作活用〔action〕scramble for a piece of the action 争相分一杯羹英汉大词典〔adaptable〕an adaptable piece of summer clothing一件适用广泛的夏装外研社新世纪〔angular〕an angular piece of rock 有尖角的石块英汉大词典〔arrangement〕an arrangement of a piece by Mozart莫扎特一首曲子的改编曲外研社新世纪〔calculation〕a piece of paper covered with scrawled calculations 写满算式的一张纸麦克米伦高阶〔capture〕the capture of sb.'s fancy by a piece of music 一段乐曲对某人的吸引英汉大词典〔constructivist〕a huge and rambling piece of constructivist sculpture 一件巨大而形状不规则的构成主义雕塑品英汉大词典〔drive〕to drive a nail into a piece of wood 把钉子钉进一块木头牛津高阶〔elastic〕a piece of elastic一根橡皮筋外研社新世纪〔flimsy〕a flimsy piece of paper/fabric/plastic 薄薄的一张纸╱一块织物╱一片塑料牛津高阶〔fluorescent〕a piece of fluorescent tape一段荧光带外研社新世纪〔fold〕a silver dagger folded in a piece of white cloth 裹在一块白布里的一把银色匕首朗文当代〔furniture〕a piece of furniture 一件家具牛津高阶〔gammon〕a piece of gammon 一片腊腿文馨英汉〔gossip〕a shameless piece of tabloid gossip一则无耻的小报传言外研社新世纪〔jewellery〕a piece of jewellery 一件首饰朗文当代〔land〕a piece of open land (=land which has not been built on) 一块空地朗文当代〔laughable〕a laughable piece of bureaucratic red tape 荒唐可笑的官僚主义繁文缛节英汉大词典〔liver〕a piece of liver 一片肝文馨英汉〔misinformation〕a piece of blatant misinformation 一件明显的误报文馨英汉〔pass〕pass a needle through a piece of cloth 把针穿过一块布英汉大词典〔pick〕to pick your teeth(= use a small sharp piece of wood to remove pieces of food from your teeth) 剔牙牛津高阶〔piece〕piece out a set of china 补齐一套瓷器 英汉大词典〔piece〕a piece of candy/chalk 一块糖果;一支粉笔韦氏高阶〔piece〕a piece of cloth torn from her coat 从她大衣上撕下的一块布剑桥高阶〔piece〕a piece of clothing 一块布料韦氏高阶〔piece〕a piece of clothing.一件衣服。牛津同义词〔piece〕a piece of information/advice 一条消息/建议剑桥高阶〔piece〕a piece of luck (impudence) 一桩幸运的(厚颜无耻的)事英汉大词典〔piece〕a piece of paper (= a whole sheet) 一张纸剑桥高阶〔piece〕a piece of waste ground 一片荒地朗文当代〔piece〕a missing piece of the puzzle 拼图玩具丢失的一片牛津高阶〔piece〕a skilful piece of work/research 一件精巧的作品/一项富有技巧的研究剑桥高阶〔piece〕a ten-pence piece 10便士的硬币麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕an interesting piece of research 一项有趣的研究牛津高阶〔piece〕try to piece sb. together 试图勾勒出某人的总体形象 英汉大词典〔pizzicato〕a piece designed to be played pizzicato.专门为拨弦设计的一段音乐柯林斯高阶〔pizzicato〕a piece designed to be played pizzicato一首需要用手指拨奏的曲子外研社新世纪〔promiscuous〕a stylistically promiscuous piece of music 一支风格杂乱的乐曲牛津高阶〔punctuate〕to punctuate a piece of writing.给一篇文章加标点。牛津同义词〔real estate〕the most spectacular piece of real estate he had ever imagined.他能想象出来的最气派的房产柯林斯高阶〔seasoned〕a highly seasoned piece of fish 味道很浓的一块鱼朗文当代〔sell-by date〕a piece of cheese four weeks past its sell-by date.一块超过保质期4周的奶酪柯林斯高阶〔set〕set a piece of music for the violin 作一支小提琴曲英汉大词典〔shout〕to shout somebody a piece of pie请某人吃一块馅饼21世纪英汉〔silverware〕a piece of silverware 一件银器牛津高阶〔slapdash〕a slapdash piece of writing 一篇粗制滥造的文章牛津高阶〔solid〕a solid piece of furniture 一件结实的家具朗文当代〔substantial〕a substantial piece of furniture 一件又大又结实的家具朗文当代〔transcribe〕a piece transcribed for piano 为钢琴改编的一首乐曲朗文当代〔turf〕a piece of turf 一块草皮韦氏高阶〔waste ground〕a piece of waste ground 一块荒地朗文当代〔well-placed〕a well-placed piece of furniture 安放适当的家具韦氏高阶〔wizardry〕a piece of technical wizardry.一桩技术奇迹柯林斯高阶〔woody〕a woody piece of land 一片树木茂盛的林地韦氏高阶a piece of machinery 一台机器牛津商务




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