

单词 all but
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕By now the war was all but over. 那个时候,战争即将结束。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The incident has all but ruined her financially. 这次事件使她经济上彻底破了产。朗文写作活用〔all but〕We had all but given up hope.我们几乎放弃了希望。韦氏高阶〔all〕Britain's coal industry has all but disappeared.英国的煤炭工业几乎已经消失。朗文当代〔all〕He has been all but forgotten.他几乎已被人遗忘。柯林斯高阶〔all〕The film is all but three hours long.这部影片差不多放了3小时。英汉大词典〔all〕The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.除了他那些铁杆崇拜者外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。柯林斯高阶〔all〕The judge cleared the court of all but (= everyone except) herself and the witness.法官命令所有人退出法庭,只留下她自己和证人。剑桥高阶〔all〕The party was all but over when we arrived.我们到的时候,聚会都快要结束了。牛津高阶〔all〕The shelf was all but empty.架上几乎全空了。英汉大词典〔all〕Their water was all but gone.他们的淡水几乎没有了。外研社新世纪〔animalism〕Indifference to all but the physical appetites.兽性,肉欲:只对肉体感兴趣美国传统〔annular eclipse〕A solar eclipse in which the moon covers all but a bright ring around the circumference of the sun.日环蚀:一种除了外圈有一个明亮的环,太阳的其余部分都被月亮遮住的日蚀美国传统〔besotted〕His shortcomings were apparent to all but his most besotted admirers.他的缺点在众人眼中显而易见, 唯独那些痴迷于他的仰慕者对此视而不见。外研社新世纪〔bottle〕The security force all but bottled up the city.保安部队把城市封锁得几乎水泄不透。英汉大词典〔but〕Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races.除了两项赛事之外,欧洲在其余5项赛事中都有代表参加。柯林斯高阶〔but〕We have solved all but the border problems.我们已解决了除边界问题外的所有其它问题。英汉大词典〔chance〕England's chances of winning the series have all but disappeared.英格兰队在这次系列赛中获胜的机会几乎已荡然无存。朗文当代〔concede〕Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival.56岁的赖纳在比赛中几乎已经向对手认输了。外研社新世纪〔dimly〕It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.20 世纪 60 年代的社会激进主义似乎只是一个模糊的记忆。柯林斯高阶〔dust〕The country has all but turned to dust under the steady pressure of famine, drought, and civil war.在饥馑、干旱和内战的持续重压下, 这个国家几乎已经化作一片废墟。外研社新世纪〔eroded〕By 1980, Miami beach had all but totally eroded.到1980年,迈阿密海滩已经完全风蚀了。柯林斯高阶〔extinct〕Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.草药医术在西方已经成了一门几乎绝迹的技艺。柯林斯高阶〔extinct〕Herbalism had become an all but extinct skill in the Western world.草药学在西方已经成了一门即将消失的技能。外研社新世纪〔faded〕The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene.维多利亚时期最显赫的诗人差不多已全部湮没无声了。柯林斯高阶〔in all but name〕She is vice-president in all but name.虽然没有正式任命,但事实上她已经是副总裁了。剑桥高阶〔in all/everything but name〕Military governors ruled the country in all but name for many years.军方统治者实际上统治这个国家许多年了,只是法定名义上不是统治者。韦氏高阶〔inner〕Cut off the stalks and all but the most tender inner leaves.把茎和叶都剪掉,留下中间最嫩的叶子。麦克米伦高阶〔little slam〕The winning of all but one of the tricks during the play of one hand of bridge.小满贯:在一圈桥牌中赢十二蹲牌美国传统〔lost〕It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生, 只针对少数人, 那将是个极大的悲剧。外研社新世纪〔mask〕The new accommodation block has all but masked the original building.新的宿舍楼几乎就是把原来的大楼包了一下。朗文当代〔name〕It's the end of the doctrine in all but name.这实际上已是该学说的终结,只是未被道明罢了。柯林斯高阶〔name〕She was his wife in all but name.她虽无名分,但事实上就是他的妻子。朗文当代〔nay〕All but four Democrats voted nay.除了四名民主党党员外,全部投票否决美国传统〔peter out〕Come August, coverage of the story had all but petered out.到了8月份, 对此事的报道几乎销声匿迹了。外研社新世纪〔pigeon〕Many journalists here choose to pigeon all but the most innocuous of stories.除了平淡乏味的报道,这儿的新闻记者将一切通过鸽子传递出去。21世纪英汉〔proof〕His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies.他的论文几乎可以经受住最专业的审查。柯林斯高阶〔purport〕I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he will not be returning for at least a year.我没有把信读完,但我想这封信的大意是说他至少一年不回来。剑桥高阶〔shake〕As the airline industry shakes out all but the very fittest, catering companies could face serious troubles.航空业除了最盈利的大公司外,其他的都要被淘汰出局,因此饮食服务公司可能会面临严重的困境。朗文当代〔slam〕The winning of all the tricks or all but one during the play of one hand in bridge and other whist-derived card games.满贯,全盛:在桥牌或其它惠斯特牌戏的一盘中赢得所有的各墩或只输一墩美国传统〔unmoor〕Nautical To release (a ship) from all but one anchor.【航海】 将(一艘船)除了一个以外的所有锚都拉起美国传统〔veil〕The women wore black veils that covered all but their eyes.那些女人戴着黑色面纱,把除眼睛之外的所有地方都遮住了。剑桥高阶〔vigilance〕All but one of these letter bombs had been intercepted by vigilant post office staff.除了一封漏网之外,警惕的邮局员工截获了其余所有的邮件炸弹。柯林斯高阶All but the privateer died in the shipwreck. 在这次海难中除私掠船船长外全船覆灭。译典通I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he will not be returning for at least a year.我没有仔细读,但我想这封信的大意是他至少一年内不会回来。剑桥国际Investors believe the controversial deal is all but dead.投资者相信这一颇有争议的交易几乎成了泡影。牛津商务She is vice-president in all but name (= in fact but without the title).除了没有名份,她处处像个副总裁。剑桥国际The home team had the game all but sewed up. 这场比赛主队稳赢的。译典通The judge cleared the court of all but (=everyone except) herself and the witness.法官让所有人都离开法庭,只留下她自己与见证人。剑桥国际The room was all but empty. 房间里几乎全空了。译典通




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