

单词 proclaim
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELIBERATELY〕The mayor denied intentionally misleading the public and proclaimed his innocence. 市长否认他是在故意误导公众,并声明自己是清白的。朗文写作活用〔LOYAL/NOT LOYAL〕Opposition leaders have proclaimed their allegiance to the new government. 反对党领袖已宣布效忠新政府。朗文写作活用〔Simeon〕In the New Testament, the devout Jew who proclaimed the Nunc Dimittis while holding the infant Jesus in his arms.西面:《新约全书》中一个虔诚的犹太人,他把幼小的耶稣抱在怀中颂读了西面祈祷语美国传统〔amnesty〕The government proclaimed a series of amnesties freeing hundreds of convicted prisoners.政府颁布了一系列赦令,释放了数百名已被定罪的囚犯。英汉大词典〔anathematize〕To proclaim an anathema on; curse.强烈谴责;诅咒美国传统〔bankrupt〕Christianity, they proclaim, is spiritually bankrupt.他们宣称基督教在精神上已经枯竭。外研社新世纪〔blazon〕To proclaim widely.宣扬美国传统〔carrot and stick〕The government is proclaiming a carrot-and-stick approach to the problem.对于这个问题,政府宣布要采取软硬两手应对。柯林斯高阶〔ceremony〕The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.共和国在公开场合非常隆重地宣布成立。柯林斯高阶〔ceremony〕The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.共和国非常隆重地宣告成立。外研社新世纪〔divulge〕Archaic To proclaim publicly.【古语】 公布,宣布美国传统〔dogmatize〕To proclaim as dogma.当做教条来宣扬美国传统〔dry〕When the hero proclaimed his love for the heroine at the end of the play, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.男主角在剧终向女主角示爱时,在场的观众无不为之动容。韦氏高阶〔enunciate〕To announce; proclaim.宣布;宣称美国传统〔favour〕Yet this is a Government which proclaims that it is all in favour of openness.但这却是个宣称全力支持开放的政府。柯林斯高阶〔green〕Supermarkets have started proclaiming the greenness of their products.超市已开始宣传他们的产品是绿色环保的。牛津高阶〔herald〕A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.使者:传送或宣布重要消息的人;送信者美国传统〔illegitimacy〕Surprising numbers of young people began to proclaim the illegitimacy of authority.为数惊人的年轻人开始公开宣称当局的非法性。外研社新世纪〔innocence〕The prisoners passionately proclaimed their innocence in front of the jury.囚犯在陪审团面前情绪激动地宣称自己无罪。牛津搭配〔intimate〕To announce; proclaim.宣布;通告美国传统〔king〕He proclaimed himself king in 1304.他于 1304 年宣布自己为国王。牛津搭配〔knell〕To signal, summon, or proclaim by tolling.鸣钟传信号,鸣钟召集:用敲钟的方式指示、召集或宣布美国传统〔legitimate〕The Scots proclaimed James Stuart as the legitimate heir to the British throne.苏格兰人宣布詹姆斯·斯图亚特为英国王位的合法继承人。麦克米伦高阶〔null〕The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.该声明无效, 因为它是在完全非法的情况下宣布的。外研社新世纪〔null〕The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.该声明无效,因为它是在完全非法的情况下宣布的。柯林斯高阶〔passé〕She has publicly proclaimed that the Socialist Party is passé.她公开声称社会党已是老古董。外研社新世纪〔plutocrat〕He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。柯林斯高阶〔preacher〕One who preaches, especially one who publicly proclaims the gospel for an occupation.布道者:讲道者,尤指以公开传播福音为职业的人美国传统〔predicate〕To proclaim or assert; declare.宣称或断言;宣布美国传统〔proclaim〕Abbot has always proclaimed his innocence of the charges.阿博特总是宣称他不曾犯有被指控的罪行。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.所有的国家都表明了他们对联盟的忠诚。剑桥高阶〔proclaim〕Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.英国骄傲地声称自己是一个热爱动物的国家。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.英国骄傲地宣称自己是一个热爱动物的国度。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕Everyone is proclaiming him as the next president.大家都说他会是下一任总统。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕He proclaimed himself emperor.他自封为皇帝。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕He proclaimed his love for her in a poem.他在一首诗中表达了对她的爱慕之情。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕He confidently proclaims that he is offering the best value in the market.他信心百倍地声称他的产品是市场上最物有所值的。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕He had loudly proclaimed the quality of his wife.他大声赞扬他妻子的品质。21世纪英汉〔proclaim〕He still proclaims himself a believer in the Revolution.他仍然声称自己拥护革命。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕He still proclaims himself a believer in the Revolution.他仍然声称自己拥护革命。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕He took command of the government and proclaimed himself emperor.他掌管了政府并自封为皇帝。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕His accent proclaimed him a Scot.他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕His accent proclaimed him to be a Scot.他的口音表明他是苏格兰人。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕His acts proclaimed him a friend.他的行动说明他是个朋友。英汉大词典〔proclaim〕His behavior proclaimed his good upbringing.他的举止显示出他良好的教养。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕His boyish looks seemed to proclaim his inexperience.他孩子般的长相使他显得缺乏经验。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕His manners proclaim him a scholar.从他的举止可以看出他是一名学者。21世纪英汉〔proclaim〕His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American.他的发音表明他是美国人。英汉大词典〔proclaim〕His son was immediately proclaimed king.他的儿子立即被宣布为国王。朗文当代〔proclaim〕I hereby proclaim June 12 as a computer-free day.我特此宣布 6 月 12 日为无计算机日。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕In 1882, Brazil proclaimed itself independent from Portugal.1882年,巴西宣告脱离葡萄牙独立。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕It gave me a chance to proclaim that I was not just a cyclist, but a racing cyclist.这给了我一个机会明确表示我不仅会骑自行车, 还是个自行车赛车手。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕It was the famous speech in which he proclaimed that socialism was dead.就是在那场著名的演讲中他宣称社会主义已经死亡。剑桥高阶〔proclaim〕Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel proclaimed one God who rules all nations.耶利米、以赛亚、以西结及但以理都赞美了统治所有国家的唯一的神。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕Lopez proclaimed his innocence but was convicted.洛佩斯强调自己的无辜, 但是他仍被判有罪。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕Protesters proclaimed that the girl was innocent.抗议者宣称那个女孩是无辜的。朗文当代〔proclaim〕Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.刚刚得到几张选票,共和党人就准备自信地宣布胜利了。剑桥高阶〔proclaim〕She proclaimed her innocence to the world.她向全世界表明她的无辜。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕She proclaimed that she will run for governor.她宣布将竞选州长。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕She boldly proclaimed that her goal was to win the championship.她大胆地宣布,她的目标是赢得冠军。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕She repeatedly proclaimed her devotion to the cause.她反复强调她对事业的献身精神。牛津搭配〔proclaim〕She was proclaimed Queen at the age of 13 after the sudden death of her father.父亲突然去世后,她13岁就被立为女王。剑桥高阶〔proclaim〕Steve checked the battery and proclaimed it to be dead.史蒂夫检查了电池后宣布它没电了。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880.布尔人反抗英国统治,并于1880年12月30日宣布独立。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕The President proclaimed a national day of mourning.总统宣布了国家哀悼日。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕The President proclaimed the republic's independence.总统宣布共和国独立。朗文当代〔proclaim〕The Republic was proclaimed in January 1935.该共和国于1935年1月宣告成立。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕The charter proclaim ed that all states would have their own government.宪章规定,所有各州皆允建立各自的政府。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕The eastern islands proclaimed a separate republic of their own.东部诸岛宣告成为独立的共和国。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕The house's drawn curtains and closed windows seemed to proclaim its emptiness.房子低垂的窗帘和紧闭的窗户似乎清楚表明它是空的。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕The king was executed and a republic proclaimed.国王被处决, 共和国宣布成立。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕The magazine proclaimed him to be the best player in baseball.这本杂志称他为最佳棒球运动员。韦氏高阶〔proclaim〕The mayor proclaimed Monday as a city holiday.市长宣布星期一为该市假日。英汉大词典〔proclaim〕The people proclaimed him king.人民宣告立他为王。英汉大词典〔proclaim〕The president proclaimed a state of emergency.总统宣布了紧急状态。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕The president proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the new republic.总统正式宣告新共和国的主权和独立。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕The ringing bells proclaimed the birth of the prince.鸣响的钟声宣布王子诞生了。21世纪英汉〔proclaim〕The senator proclaimed how shocked he was at the news.那名参议员声称他听到这消息时是多么的震惊。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕The stripes on her uniform proclaimed her seniority.制服上的条纹表明了她的级别很高。朗文当代〔proclaim〕Their banners proclaimed ‘Elections now'.他们的横幅上写着“现在就进行选举”。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕They continue to proclaim their innocence.他们继续宣称自己无辜牛津搭配〔proclaim〕They still proclaim that their policy was successful.他们仍然宣称说他们的政策是成功的。麦克米伦高阶〔proclaim〕This building, more than any other, proclaims the character of the town.这座建筑比任何其他建筑都能代表本城的特色。牛津高阶〔proclaim〕Through that life you can proclaim to all the world that Christ is alive.通过那个生命, 你可以向世人表明, 基督是活在人世的。外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕Two gold rings edged with white on her cuffs proclaimed her job and seniority.她袖口上的两道镶白边的金环表明了她的工作和资历。英汉大词典〔proclaim〕Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.足球迷们戴着表示忠诚的头巾和帽子,如潮水般涌入酒吧。剑桥高阶〔proclamation〕Something proclaimed, especially an official public announcement.公告,宣言:宣布的事物,尤指当众正式公布的通告美国传统〔proclamation〕The act of proclaiming or the condition of being proclaimed.公布,宣布:公布的行为或被公布的状况美国传统〔providence〕The first Slav pope, John Paul, said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.第一位斯拉夫教皇约翰·保罗声称上天选择了他来昭示欧洲的精神统一。柯林斯高阶〔providence〕The pope said that providence had chosen him to proclaim the spiritual unity of Europe.这位教皇声称上天选择了他来昭示欧洲的精神统一。外研社新世纪〔recant〕We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership.我们应当放弃所有与中央领导所宣布的有抵触的意见。21世纪英汉〔shallowly〕She once shallowly proclaimed to love his money.她曾肤浅地声称爱他的钱。外研社新世纪〔sing〕To proclaim or extol something in verse.歌颂:用诗歌赞扬或称颂美国传统〔sovereignty〕The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.这份宣言宣告这个共和国完全独立自主。牛津高阶〔state〕The Government proclaimed a state of emergency.政府宣布处于紧急状态。英汉大词典〔town crier〕A person formerly employed by a town to proclaim announcements in the streets.公告传报员:被城镇正式雇用在大街上宣布公告的人美国传统〔trumpet〕To sound or proclaim loudly.大声说出或宣告美国传统〔unswerving〕In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不渝。外研社新世纪〔unswerving〕In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.他在1944年的日记里声称对君主忠贞不贰。柯林斯高阶〔verity〕The verities that the church proclaims are not verifiable. 教会所宣布的真理无法得到证实。英汉大词典All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.所有的国家都表明了它们对联盟的忠诚。剑桥国际He does not accept, as the aesthetes proclaim, that good music must have violins in it.他不认为像审美家说的那样,好的音乐里必须要有小提琴的声音。剑桥国际In 1967 Albania proclaimed itself the world's first atheist state.阿尔巴尼亚在1967年宣布该国为世界上第一个无神论国家。剑桥国际Placards amid the waving banners proclaimed the desire for independence.在飘扬的旗帜间,一些标语牌宣示了独立的愿望。剑桥国际Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.共和党人在收到开始几张选票时就自信地宣布胜利。剑桥国际She was proclaimed Queen at the age of thirteen after the sudden death of her father.在父亲突然死亡后,她13岁被立为女王。剑桥国际That was the famous speech in which he proclaimed that slavery was dead.那是篇著名的演讲,在演讲中他宣称奴录制度已死亡。剑桥国际The Government proclaimed a state of emergency. 政府宣布了紧急状态。译典通The protesters waved aloft placards proclaiming ‘Hands off our woodland!’ and ‘No airport here!’ 抗议者高高挥动着标语牌,上写“不许破坏我们的林区”和“此处不要机场”。剑桥国际There was a feather on the rock, proclaiming that a bird had been there. 岩石上有一根羽毛,说明有鸟到过那儿。译典通They proclaimed him King. 他们称他为国王。译典通They proclaimed that he was a traitor. 他们宣称他是叛徒。译典通Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.足球迷们戴着表示忠心的头巾和帽子潮水般涌入酒吧。剑桥国际




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