

单词 portuguese
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Catherine of Braganza〕Portuguese princess and queen of England as the wife of Charles II.布莱冈泽的凯瑟琳:葡萄牙公主,是英国王后查理二世妻子美国传统〔Creole〕A person descended from or culturally related to the Spanish and Portuguese settlers of the Gulf States.土生西班牙人,土生葡萄牙人:海湾各州的西班牙和葡萄牙殖民者的后裔或与其有文化联系的人美国传统〔Dom〕Used formerly as a title for men of Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, aristocracy, and hierarchy, preceding the given name.老爷:用在教名前,旧时表示对葡萄牙和巴西皇室、贵族、宗教集团人物的尊称美国传统〔Galician〕The Portuguese dialect spoken in Spanish Galicia.加利亚西方言:西班牙加利西亚地区中带葡萄牙口音的方言美国传统〔Latin America〕The countries of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States, especially those speaking Spanish, Portuguese, or French.拉丁美洲:西半球美国以南的国家,尤其是指那些说西班牙语、葡萄牙语或法语的国家美国传统〔Latin〕Of or relating to the languages that developed from Latin, such as Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, or to the peoples that speak them.拉丁语系的:从拉丁语演化而来的语言的,如意大利语,法语,西班牙语和葡萄牙语,讲这些语言的人的,或关于这样的语言或人的美国传统〔Marrano〕A Spanish or Portuguese Jew who was forcibly converted to Christianity in the late Middle Ages but who continued to practice Judaism in secret.马拉诺:西班牙或葡萄牙境内的犹太人,在中世纪晚期被迫改信基督教,但他却在暗地里继续信奉犹太教美国传统〔Papiamentu〕A creole based on Portuguese and pidginized Spanish and spoken in the Netherlands Antilles.帕皮亚门托语:一种荷属安的列斯群岛讲的基本葡萄牙语,并混有西班牙语的克里奥语化的语言美国传统〔Portuguese〕Portuguese customs/food 葡萄牙习俗/食物韦氏高阶〔Portuguese〕Portuguese food/customs 葡萄牙食品/风俗剑桥高阶〔Portuguese〕Portuguese history 葡萄牙历史麦克米伦高阶〔Portuguese〕Portuguese pronunciation葡萄牙语发音外研社新世纪〔Portuguese〕A person of Portuguese descent.葡萄牙人后裔美国传统〔Portuguese〕If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese, there is no better place.如果你一心想学葡萄牙语, 那么这里是最好的选择。外研社新世纪〔Portuguese〕If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese, there is no better place.如果你想学葡萄牙语,没有比这儿更好的地方了。柯林斯高阶〔Portuguese〕She is teaching her son Portuguese.她正在教她的儿子葡萄牙语。韦氏高阶〔Portuguese〕There are six Spaniards and a Portuguese in the class.班里有6个西班牙人和1个葡萄牙人。剑桥高阶〔Terceira〕A Portuguese island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean.特尔赛拉岛:北大西洋上亚速尔群岛中部,属于葡萄牙的一个岛屿美国传统〔actual〕I thought she was Portuguese, but in actual fact she's Brazilian.我以为她是葡萄牙人,可实际上她是巴西人。剑桥高阶〔appear〕He only ever appeared in Portuguese films.他只出演过葡萄牙电影。外研社新世纪〔bilingual〕He is virtually bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese.他算得上会讲西班牙语和葡萄牙语两种语言。牛津搭配〔chart〕Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。柯林斯高阶〔chart〕Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.葡萄牙探险家绘制了远达塞拉利昂的非洲西海岸地图。外研社新世纪〔completely〕Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.葡萄牙语和西班牙语发音完全不同。朗文当代〔contingent〕Let's welcome the Portuguese contingent.让我们欢迎葡萄牙代表团。麦克米伦高阶〔crusado〕An old Portuguese coin of gold or silver having a cross pictured on the reverse.克鲁扎多:旧时葡萄牙发行的一种金币或银币,其背面刻有十字架图形美国传统〔dago〕Used as a disparaging term for an Italian, a Spaniard, or a Portuguese.拉丁人:用作对意大利人、西班牙人或葡萄牙人的贬称美国传统〔distinguish〕I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.我有时很难分清西班牙语和葡萄牙语。剑桥高阶〔fado〕A sad Portuguese folksong.思乡曲:一种悲伤的葡萄牙民歌美国传统〔few〕This is a feature of languages such as Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese, to name but a few.这是某些语言的一个特征,略举几个例子来说,如阿拉伯语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语。朗文当代〔foodie〕Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese, Portuguese or Greek food.城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡式菜、希腊菜等多种选择。柯林斯高阶〔foodie〕Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese, Portuguese or Greek food.城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡萄牙菜、希腊菜等多种选择。外研社新世纪〔from〕Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? 葡萄牙语与西班牙语区别很大吗?牛津高阶〔infanta〕A daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king.公主:西班牙人或西班牙国王的女儿美国传统〔infante〕A son of a Spanish or Portuguese king other than the heir to the throne.王子:西班牙或葡萄牙国王非王储身份的儿子美国传统〔intendant〕An administrative official serving a French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarch.地方行政长官:法国、西班牙或葡萄牙封建王朝的行政官员美国传统〔introduce〕The word 'Pagoda' was introduced to Europe by the 17th century Portuguese.Pagoda 这个词由 17 世纪的葡萄牙人引入欧洲。柯林斯高阶〔juxtapose〕Contemporary photographs are juxtaposed with a sixteenth century, copper Portuguese mirror.几幅当代照片和一面16世纪的葡萄牙铜镜并排摆在一起。柯林斯高阶〔language〕Portuguese is the national language of Brazil.葡萄牙语是巴西的国语。牛津搭配〔linguiça〕A highly seasoned Portuguese pork sausage flavored with garlic, onions, and pepper.葡萄牙猪肉香肠:用大蒜、洋葱及黑胡椒调味的葡萄牙猪肉香肠,味道极佳美国传统〔man-of-war〕A Portuguese man-of-war.僧帽水母美国传统〔mercantile〕The Dutch, Portuguese and French had their own mercantile interests in the subcontinent.荷兰人、葡萄牙人和法国人在次大陆都有他们各自的商业利益。外研社新世纪〔origin〕Her family is Portuguese in origin.她的家族是葡萄牙血统。牛津搭配〔paroxytone〕Having an acute accent on the next to last syllable. Used of some words in Greek and certain Romance languages, such as French and Portuguese.倒数第二个音节重读的:倒数第二个音节重读的。用于希腊语和包括法语与葡萄语在内的罗曼斯语中一些词语美国传统〔pattern〕Portuguese colonial rule followed a similar pattern to that of other powers.葡萄牙的殖民统治遵循了与其他强权国家相似的模式。牛津搭配〔pneumatophore〕A gas-filled sac serving as a float in some colonial marine hydrozoans, such as the Portuguese man-of-war.气囊,浮囊:在某些群居的海生水螅纲动物中,用作漂浮物的一种充气小囊,如葡萄牙的僧帽水母的浮囊美国传统〔stopover〕The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart.总统在里斯本作短暂停留期间和葡萄牙总统进行了会谈。柯林斯高阶〔twiddle〕Twiddle a dial/knob on a radio in the city and you may hear voices speaking Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, or Russian.在这座城市里,如果旋弄收音机的旋钮,你可能会收听到西班牙语、汉语、葡萄牙语或俄语。剑桥高阶〔what〕To the Portuguese, the dry salted cod is what pasta is to the Italians.咸鳕鱼干对葡萄牙人来说,就像面食对意大利人一样不可或缺。英汉大词典〔which〕It's either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I've forgotten which.她说的要么是西班牙语,要么是葡萄牙语,我忘了是哪一种了。剑桥高阶French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian are all Romance languages.法语、意大利语、西班牙语、加泰罗尼亚语、葡萄牙语及罗马尼亚语都是罗曼语。剑桥国际I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.有时候我难以辨别西班牙语和葡萄牙语。剑桥国际I thought she was Portuguese, but in actual fact she's Brazilian.我以为她是葡萄牙人,但实际上她是巴西人。剑桥国际It's either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I've forgotten which.她说的要么是西班牙语要么是葡萄牙语,但我忘记了是哪一种。剑桥国际Portugal is a seafaring nation (= The sea is an important part of Portuguese life).葡萄牙是一个航海国家。剑桥国际




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