

单词 passer-by
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕The burglar was foiled by a passer-by who noticed the broken window and phoned the police. 窃贼被一名路人识破,这位路人发现窗户破了,于是报了警。朗文写作活用〔aid〕A passer-by heard her screams and rushed to her aid.一个过路人听见她的尖叫,便冲过去帮助她。麦克米伦高阶〔assistance〕A sympathetic passer-by came to his assistance.一位富有同情心的路人来帮助他。牛津搭配〔barge into〕She started to run away and barged into a passer-by.她拔腿逃跑,一下子和一位行人撞了个满怀。21世纪英汉〔barge〕He was in such a hurry to get out that he barged into a passer-by.他急急忙忙地往外走,竟与一位行人撞了个满怀。21世纪英汉〔call〕A passer-by heard his calls for help.一个路人听到他的呼救声。麦克米伦高阶〔capture〕A passer-by captured the whole incident on film.一位路人拍摄下了事件的全过程。剑桥高阶〔catch〕A snow ball caught the passer-by on the shoulder.一个雪球正打在过路人的肩上。21世纪英汉〔drive on〕If a passer-by does offer to help, ask them to drive on and call for official help.如果有路人想要提供帮助, 让他们继续上路, 并向官方渠道寻求帮助。外研社新世纪〔film〕A passer-by recorded the incident on film.一个过路人用胶片拍下了这一事件。剑桥高阶〔fortunate〕By a fortunate coincidence, a passer-by heard her cries for help.正巧有人路过听到了她的呼救。朗文当代〔harmless〕The bullet struck a harmless passer-by.子弹击中了一个无辜的过路人。英汉大词典〔passer-by〕A passer-by described what he saw moments after the bomb had exploded.一个过路人描述了他在炸弹爆炸之后不久所看到的情形。外研社新世纪〔passer-by〕A passer-by described what he saw moments after the car bomb had exploded.一位过路人描述了汽车炸弹爆炸后他看到的情形。柯林斯高阶〔passer-by〕I stopped a passer-by and asked him to phone an ambulance.我拦住了一个过路人,请他打电话叫救护车。英汉大词典〔passer-by〕The gunmen opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.持枪者开枪打死了一名警察和一位路人。剑桥高阶〔tell〕A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction.一个过路人叫那个司机把他的车挪一挪,免得挡道。柯林斯高阶〔trip up〕He was tripped up by a passer-by.他被一个过路人绊倒了。外研社新世纪〔trip〕He was tripped up by a passer-by.他被一个路人绊倒了。柯林斯高阶A passer-by recorded the incident on film.一个过路人拍下了这个事件。剑桥国际The brat sicked his dog on the passer-by. 那个顽童纵狗去咬过路人。译典通The would-be assassins opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.杀人未遂的刺客开了枪,杀死了一名警察和一名过路人。剑桥国际




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