

单词 passenger
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕As of the first of July, all back seat passengers must wear seat belts. 自7月1日起,后座的乘客都必须系安全带。朗文写作活用〔BACK〕Passengers for Birmingham should sit at the rear of the train. 前往伯明翰的乘客应坐在列车的后部。朗文写作活用〔BEST〕Our first-class passengers enjoy the ultimate in luxury and service. 我们头等舱的乘客享受最豪华的设施和最周到的服务。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕Would all passengers please extinguish their cigarettes? Thank you. 请乘客把香烟熄灭,谢谢。朗文写作活用〔CARRY〕The bus was heavily laden with passengers and baggage. 公共汽车满载着乘客和行李。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Several passengers were treated for cuts and bruises. 几名乘客因划伤和瘀肿接受治疗。朗文写作活用〔GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETC〕Passengers leaving the ship at Alexandria should proceed to the immigration office. 在亚历山大下船的旅客必须去移民局接受检查。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕These seats are only for first class passengers. 这些座位只给头等舱的乘客坐。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Passengers were jostling each other at the news kiosk for the last remaining copies of the evening paper. 乘客们为了购得最后几份晚报,在售报亭前互相推搡。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Two of the passengers were killed, and the driver was badly injured. 乘客中有两人死亡,司机受重伤。朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕Passengers are requested to extinguish all cigarettes when the red light goes on. 红灯亮起时,请乘客熄灭所有香烟。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕The message was clear - no matter how insulting passengers became, we couldn't do anything but grin and bear it. 这意思很明白—不管乘客怎么侮辱你,我们都只能默默忍受。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕Only 12 of the 140 passengers on the plane survived. 机上140名乘客中只有12人幸存。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕Dozens were injured when a passenger bus swerved into the wrong lane and slammed into another bus. 一辆客车突然转向驶上了逆向车道,结果和另一辆公共汽车相撞,数十人受伤。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕Welcome aboard!(= used to welcome passengers or a person joining a new organization, etc.) 欢迎各位乘客!;欢迎加盟(新组织等)!牛津高阶〔abuse〕He came to the help of another driver who was being racially abused by three white passengers.他前去帮助另一个遭三名白人乘客用种族歧视言辞谩骂的司机。朗文当代〔accident〕Six passengers were killed in the accident.六名乘客在车祸中丧生。柯林斯高阶〔airlift〕To transport troops, civilian passengers, or supplies by air.空运:空运军队、乘客或物品美国传统〔all〕The plane carries all cargo and no passengers.这架飞机只运货,不载客。英汉大词典〔authority〕The rules are set by the passenger transport authority.这些规定是由客运管理部门制定的。麦克米伦高阶〔aviation〕Many aviation experts have called for changes to make premium passengers pay more.很多航空专家建议提高头等舱的价格。外研社新世纪〔beneficial〕The revival of the railroad service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.铁路运输的复兴对加快客货输送大有助益。英汉大词典〔board〕Passengers are waiting to board.乘客们正在候机。牛津高阶〔boatload〕The number of passengers or the amount of cargo that a boat can hold.船的装载量:船可装载的乘客或货物的数量美国传统〔body search〕It's now routine for air passengers to undergo body searches.搭乘飞机的乘客接受安检现在已经成为常规。剑桥高阶〔bung〕The circular sets out what passengers should be told when trains go bung.此通知说明了火车发生故障时应知会乘客的事项。外研社新世纪〔busload〕The number of passengers or the quantity of cargo that a bus can carry.载客量,载货量:一辆公共汽车所能运载的乘客的数量或货物的数量美国传统〔bus〕A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.公共汽车:一种载客的长型机动车辆,通常沿指定路线行驶美国传统〔canopy〕The perspex canopy that protects pilot and passenger is secured.保护飞行员和乘客的有机玻璃座舱盖关牢了。外研社新世纪〔carfare〕The fare charged a passenger, as on a streetcar or bus.如在市区电车或公车上找给顾客的零钱美国传统〔carry〕The city buses carry about 200,000 passengers a day.市内公共汽车每天载运乘客20万左右。英汉大词典〔carry〕The ship could carry seventy passengers.这艘轮船可以载客70名。外研社新世纪〔change〕Passengers to Shanghai will change at this station into another train.到上海的旅客在此站换车。21世纪英汉〔check in〕Passengers are requested to check in two hours before the flight.乘客应在飞机起飞前两小时办理登机手续。剑桥高阶〔clean〕They searched the passengers, but they were all clean.他们搜了乘客的身, 但他们都没带违禁品。外研社新世纪〔comfort〕The airline is keen to improve passenger comfort.该航空公司致力于改善旅客的舒适程度。麦克米伦高阶〔complement〕The ship carried its full complement of passengers.那艘船载满了乘客。牛津同义词〔crew〕The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers.飞机撞毁了,造成两名机组人员和四名乘客死亡。朗文当代〔curb weight〕The weight of a fueled automobile with standard equipment but without cargo or passengers.车重,空重:装满燃料、有标准配备但没有载货或乘客的汽车重量美国传统〔cushion〕The engine is made to concertina in a head-on collision, cushioning the impact on the passenger cabin.发动机会在迎面碰撞中折叠成褶皱状, 来减缓乘客受到的冲击。外研社新世纪〔cushion〕The suspension is designed to cushion passengers from the effects of riding over rough roads.汽车的悬架装置是用来减轻行驶在崎岖路面时乘客的颠簸感的。柯林斯高阶〔deadhead〕A vehicle, such as an aircraft, that transports no passengers or freight during a trip.空车:在旅行时不载乘客或货物的交通工具,如飞机美国传统〔deadhead〕To pilot or drive (a vehicle) carrying no passengers or freight.使放空车:驾驶没有载运乘客或货物的(交通工具)美国传统〔deck〕A number of passengers had come on deck.一些乘客已经上了甲板。韦氏高阶〔dejectedly〕Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.乘客沮丧地排队等着用越来越脏的厕所。外研社新世纪〔delay〕The passengers were delayed for an hour.乘客被延误了一个小时。柯林斯高阶〔disambiguate〕In order to disambiguate the sentence “He lectured on the famous passenger ship.”you'll have to write either “lectured about”or“lectured on board”为了消除“He lectured on the famous passenger ship.”这句子的歧义,你只好要么写上“lectured about”,要么写上“lectured on board”。21世纪英汉〔disaster〕It was a miracle any of the passengers or crew survived the disaster.在这场灾难中若有任何乘客或机组人员生还,那简直就是个奇迹。牛津搭配〔disembarkation〕I looked towards the plane. Six passengers had already disembarked.我朝飞机处望去,已有6名乘客下来了。柯林斯高阶〔disembarkation〕When passengers disembark from a ship, aeroplane, or bus, they leave it at the end of their journey.离船;下飞机;下车柯林斯高阶〔disgorge〕The bus drew up in the village square and disgorged its passengers.公共汽车驶达乡村广场后停车下客。柯林斯高阶〔disgusting〕Passengers were kept for three hours in a disgusting waiting room.乘客被迫在令人厌恶的候车室里等了好几个小时。剑桥高阶〔distinctly〕I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.我清楚地听到扩音器里在请都灵至阿姆斯特丹航班的旅客登机。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.罢工导致部分轮渡停运,数百名旅客滞留码头。剑桥高阶〔eighty〕Eighty of the passengers were led to safety.有八十名乘客被带到安全地带。外研社新世纪〔fear〕I watched with alarm as the current carried the raft and its passengers toward the dam.我惊恐地看着激流带着小木筏和乘客冲向水坝。美国传统〔ferry〕Passengers were ferried to the island in a small plane.用小型飞机把乘客们运送到了岛上。麦克米伦高阶〔ferry〕A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.渡口:如河或海湾等用渡船将乘客或货物运送过水体的场所美国传统〔first class〕The most luxurious and most expensive class of accommodations on a train, passenger ship, airplane, or other conveyance.头等舱:火车、客轮、飞机或其它运载工具中最豪华、最昂贵的住宿等级美国传统〔flew〕How many passengers do this airline fly weekly?这条航线一周能运送多少乘客?21世纪英汉〔freight〕The ship carries both freight and passengers.这艘船既载货又载客。剑桥高阶〔gate〕Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check in there.携带手提行李的乘客可直接到登机口办理登机手续。柯林斯高阶〔gate〕A passageway, as in an airport terminal, through which passengers proceed for embarkation.登机门:一种通道,比如在机场终点,乘客通过它而登机美国传统〔go under〕The ship went under just minutes after the last passenger had been rescued.最后一名乘客获救后仅几分钟轮船就沉没了。剑桥高阶〔green〕It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green.渡海时风浪很大,多数乘客看上去脸色发青。牛津高阶〔heart attack〕One of the passengers suffered a heart attack.其中的一位乘客心脏病发作。麦克米伦高阶〔held hostage〕The passengers were taken hostage.那些乘客被劫持为人质。韦氏高阶〔her〕This dramatic photograph was taken from Carpathia's deck by one of her passengers.这张激动人心的照片是一名乘客从“喀尔巴阡”号的甲板上拍的。柯林斯高阶〔hijacking〕A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。柯林斯高阶〔hijack〕The hijack ended with the release of all the plane's passengers unharmed.劫机事件以所有机上乘客平安获释而告终。剑桥高阶〔impose〕Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国对搭载无有效证件乘客入境的航空公司处以罚款。外研社新世纪〔incensed〕Passengers are incensed that rail companies make huge profits while service remains poor.铁路公司盈利丰厚,但服务质量依然低劣,乘客对此极为愤怒。朗文当代〔inconvenience〕We apologize for the inconvenience caused to passengers.我们对给乘客带来的不便之处表示歉意。麦克米伦高阶〔increase〕The immediate reason for the fare increase is a drop in the number of passengers.乘客数量减少是票价上涨的直接原因。外研社新世纪〔jam〕He jammed on the brakes, throwing the passengers forward.他猛地刹车,乘客们都向前摔去。英汉大词典〔jolt〕The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road.长途汽车在很糟糕的公路上行驶,把乘客们颠得够呛。英汉大词典〔jump into〕I jumped into the passenger seat.我蹿上了乘客座位。外研社新世纪〔laden〕Passengers got off the train laden with boxes and suitcases.旅客们携带着大包小箱下了火车。麦克米伦高阶〔landau〕A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached.双排座活顶四轮马车:一种四轮马车,设有面对面的前后乘客座,两部分的顶棚可以下降或脱卸美国传统〔launch〕A new passenger liner is launched.一艘新客轮下水了。英汉大词典〔launch〕They will launch on the production of passenger cars next month他们将于下个月开始生产客车。21世纪英汉〔lay off〕He went on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off.他不停地打她,直至其他乘客过来叫他住手。柯林斯高阶〔lead off〕The passengers were led off the plane.乘客在帮助下离开飞机。外研社新世纪〔lift〕Chiefly British A passenger or cargo elevator.【多用于英国】 电梯:载客或载货电梯美国传统〔load〕The passengers loaded on/onto the bus.乘客们上了公共汽车。韦氏高阶〔load〕The bus stopped to load a few more passengers.这辆公共汽车又停下来载了几位乘客。韦氏高阶〔luggage〕Each passenger was allowed two pieces of luggage.每位乘客可携带两件行李。外研社新世纪〔menu〕Passengers are offered a daily choice of menu.乘客可以选择每天的饭菜。牛津搭配〔minivan〕A small passenger van having a boxlike shape, side and rear windows, and typically removable rear seats for cargo.小型客货车:一种呈盒状的、有侧窗和后窗的、且后座可移开放货的小型乘用车美国传统〔misdirect〕Passengers for six flights were misdirected to the same gate.6个航班的乘客被错引到同一个登机口。外研社新世纪〔narrow-bodied〕Being or designating a jet aircraft having a narrow fuselage with seats for passengers on either side of a single aisle running the length of the fuselage.窄身的:有窄机舱的喷气式飞机的,在有机舱的长度的单通道每一边有乘客座位美国传统〔obstreperous〕There was a passenger who was being obstreperous, who was subdued by sky marshals.一个乘客故意大吵大闹, 被空中便衣警察制服。外研社新世纪〔one〕One passenger said she had been waiting for 13 hours.一位乘客说她已经等了13个小时。麦克米伦高阶〔operation〕Until the rail links were in operation, passengers could only travel through the tunnel by coach.在铁路连线开通之前, 乘客只能乘坐长途客车穿越隧道。外研社新世纪〔orderly〕The passengers were asked to leave the plane in an orderly fashion.乘客被要求井然有序地离开飞机。剑桥高阶〔outbound〕Airport staff are screening outbound passengers for flulike symptoms.机场工作人员正在筛查出港乘客是否有流感样症状。外研社新世纪〔outright〕The passenger was killed outright .乘客当场遇害。朗文当代〔outside〕Passengers are asked not to ride outside of their part of the train.请乘客们留在自己的车厢里。英汉大词典〔overfly〕If no passengers are to be dropped or picked up, stops are overflown.如无乘客上机或下机,飞机即不着陆。英汉大词典〔passenger〕Airlines have always viewed passenger safety as a priority.航空公司总是把乘客的安全放在首位。外研社新世纪〔passenger〕More than six hundred passengers boarded the ship.有600多位乘客上了这条船。麦克米伦高阶〔passenger〕Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.司机和乘客均未受伤。朗文当代〔passenger〕The Albert is a passenger ship, not a man-of-war.“艾伯特”号是一艘客船, 而不是军舰。外研社新世纪〔passenger〕The bus stopped to let its passengers off.公共汽车停下来,让乘客下车。牛津搭配〔passenger〕The firm cannot afford to carry passengers.公司养不起白吃饭的人。牛津高阶〔passenger〕The safety of the passengers and crew is our first priority.乘客和全体机组人员的安全是我们首先要考虑的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔passenger〕The ship can accommodate 450 passengers.这艘船能载 450 名乘客。牛津搭配〔passenger〕Thousands of passengers were stranded last night at Heathrow airport.数千乘客昨天晚上滞留希思罗机场。牛津搭配〔passenger〕Two passenger trains were involved in the accident.这起事故涉及到两列客运火车。剑桥高阶〔payload〕The total weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft carries or can carry.有效负荷:飞机负荷或所能载运的旅客和货物总重美国传统〔people mover〕The automated people mover carries 20 to 100 passengers and is used in places such as airports.自动短途客运系统载客20到100名,用于机场等地。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕The train derailed and a number of passengers were pinned under the carriages.火车出了轨,一些旅客被困在车厢下。英汉大词典〔pluck up〕Even those passengers who were most distrustful of themselves pluck up amazingly.甚至那些对自己最缺乏信心的乘客也令人惊奇地鼓起了勇气。21世纪英汉〔pocket〕He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference.他经常多收乘客票钱,把差额塞进自己的腰包。牛津高阶〔presentation〕On presentation of a valid ticket, passengers may claim a free drink.旅客出示有效票据,即可获赠一份饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔presume〕Twelve passengers are missing, presumed dead.有十二名旅客失踪,并已推定罹难。牛津高阶〔prisoner〕The pilot and several passengers were held prisoner by the gunmen for 57 hours.飞行员和几名乘客被持枪歹徒扣押了57个小时。剑桥高阶〔prohibit〕Tourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge.经济舱(或二等舱)乘客禁用头等舱休息室。英汉大词典〔promenade deck〕The upper deck or a section of the upper deck on a passenger ship where the passengers can promenade.散步甲板:客轮的上层甲板或上层甲板的一部份,乘客可在此散步美国传统〔put ... down〕The bus stopped to put down some passengers.公共汽车停下来让一些旅客下车。21世纪英汉〔rail〕A train left/went off the rails and crashed into the bank, killing several passengers.一列火车脱轨后撞到路堤上,造成数名乘客死亡。剑桥高阶〔rail〕Several passengers were leaning against the ship's rail.几名乘客斜靠在轮船的栏杆上。朗文当代〔ram〕A high-speed passenger train rammed into a stationary train.一列高速列车猛地撞到一列静止的火车上。麦克米伦高阶〔rescue〕Sixty passengers were rescued.有60位乘客获救。外研社新世纪〔ridership〕The number of passengers who ride a public transport system.全体乘车者,乘客数:乘坐公共交通工具系统的乘客数量美国传统〔ripple effect〕Delayed flights have a ripple effect. Just one late flight could be carrying passengers for a dozen connecting services.航班晚点会引发连锁反应。仅仅一趟晚点的航班就可能运载着许多需要转机的乘客。柯林斯高阶〔rush〕The panic-stricken passengers tried to rush the boat.惊慌失措的旅客都拼命往救生艇挤去。英汉大词典〔scramble〕As the burning plane landed, the terrified passengers scrambled for the door (= tried to reach the door quickly).起火的飞机降落后,惊慌失措的乘客奋力向舱门口跑去。剑桥高阶〔seat〕She put her bag on the passenger seat and started the car.(司机旁的)客座麦克米伦高阶〔second-class〕Seven second-class passengers prepared to disembark.7 名普通舱的旅客准备下船。柯林斯高阶〔security〕We are all concerned for the security of the passengers on the aircraft.我们都很担心飞机上旅客的安全。英汉大词典〔several〕Several of the passengers were badly injured.好几位乘客受了重伤。麦克米伦高阶〔shipwreck〕To cause (a passenger or sailor on a ship) to suffer shipwreck.使(人)遇上海难:使(乘客或船上的水手)遇到船只失事事故美国传统〔ship〕There were over 350 passengers aboard ship.船上有350多名乘客。麦克米伦高阶〔shocked〕The passengers were badly shocked but unharmed.乘客们受了很大的惊吓,但并未受伤。牛津搭配〔shock〕Several passengers from the wrecked vehicle were taken to hospital suffering from shock.出事的车上有几位乘客处于休克状态,被送往医院。剑桥高阶〔sidecar〕A one-wheeled car for a single passenger, attached to the side of a motorcycle.边斗,跨斗:只能容纳一个乘客的单轮车,连接在摩托车的侧部美国传统〔slip〕She slipped into the passenger seat.她迅速爬上了旅客席。外研社新世纪〔start〕All of the passengers started the day with a swim.所有旅客一天中的第一件事是游泳。外研社新世纪〔start〕All of the passengers started the day with a swim.所有的乘客那天一开始就先游了个泳。柯林斯高阶〔stranded〕Thousands of air passengers were left stranded by the strike.罢工使得数千名航空旅客滞留。牛津搭配〔take ... over〕The ferryboat took the passengers over to the island.渡船将乘客们送到岛上。21世纪英汉〔take on〕The train took on a few more passengers before leaving the city.火车在离开这座城市之前又搭载了一些乘客。韦氏高阶〔terminate〕This train will terminate at the next stop - passengers who wish to continue should change trains.下一站就是本次列车的终点,继续行程的乘客请换车。剑桥高阶〔thirty〕Thirty of the passengers were led to safety.有30名乘客被带到安全地带。外研社新世纪〔ticketless〕By the end of the year, 30 percent of passengers will be flying ticketless.到今年年底,30%的乘客将在飞机时不需出示纸质机票。剑桥高阶〔ticket〕Passengers can now be ticketed electronically.旅客现在可以电子购票。牛津高阶〔traffic〕Passenger traffic has gone up by about 12 per cent.客运量上升了约12%。英汉大词典〔traffic〕Passenger traffic through Britain's airports has increased by 5 per cent.英国各机场的客流量上升了5%。麦克米伦高阶〔train〕Passengers were getting off the train on Platform 8.乘客们在8号站台下火车。麦克米伦高阶〔trolley〕Passengers with trolleys piled high with luggage waited at the check-in desk.旅客们推着行李摞得高高的手推车等候办理登机手续。牛津搭配〔unaccounted for〕A fire on the ship killed a hundred or more passengers - some likely victims are still unaccounted for. 船上的大火让一百多名乘客丧生,可能还有些人生死未知。剑桥高阶〔unaccounted〕Two passengers are unaccounted for.两名乘客下落不明。外研社新世纪〔uniform〕Some airlines let their senior passenger agents out of uniform.有些航空公司允许年资高的客运主任不穿制服。英汉大词典〔unload〕The train made several stops to unload passengers.这趟火车停了好几次让乘客下车。韦氏高阶〔waterbus〕A large motorboat used for carrying passengers on rivers or canals.交通艇:在河流或运河上接运乘客的大型机动船美国传统〔wide-bodied〕Most of the planes which carry passengers across the Atlantic are wide-bodied jets.大多数飞越大西洋上空的客机都是宽体喷气式飞机。剑桥高阶〔wilt〕The passengers were visibly wilting with the heat and movement of the bus.由于天热和公共汽车的颠簸,乘客们都明显地蔫儿了。牛津搭配〔wreck〕Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck.有两名乘客仍被困在失事的车辆里。牛津高阶〔yield〕The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.劫机者拒绝了释放乘客的要求。朗文当代Passengers can check in using the self-service kiosks.乘客可以使用自助公众资讯查询系统查询。牛津商务Passengers checked their baggage before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。译典通Passengers pay in advance, but the holiday company pays its suppliers in arrears.乘客预付给旅行社,而旅行社后付给供应商。牛津商务Passengers swarmed the deck. 甲板上挤满了旅客。译典通Passengers without proper documentation (= official papers) will not be allowed to travel.没有官方正式证明的旅客是不允许旅行的。剑桥国际A passenger perchance riding on the wagon prevented a fatal accident. 一个偶然坐车的旅客使这辆大车免遭了一场大祸。译典通A few bedraggled passengers stood in the rain, waiting for the train.几名浑身湿透的乘客站在雨中等候列车。剑桥国际Airport officials received a stream of verbal abuse from angry passengers whose flights had been delayed.机场官员们受到了航班延误了的旅客们的一顿臭骂。剑桥国际All carry-on luggage (= small bags and cases taken onto the part of an aircraft in which the passengers sit) must be stored under your seat or in the overhead compartments.随身所携行李须放在座位下面或头顶上方的行李格内。剑桥国际Both passenger lounges have a good view of the runway and apron area.从这两个候机厅都可清楚地望见跑道和停机坪。剑桥国际Concorde was the first passenger aircraft to fly at supersonic speed.协和式飞机是第一架载客型超音速飞机。剑桥国际Environmental groups argue that more passenger and freight traffic should be moved off the roads and onto trains.环保团体主张应该把更多的客运和货运从公路转到火车上。剑桥国际First-class passengers get various give-aways, such as in-flight slippers.头等舱的乘客可得到各种各样的赠品,比如飞机上穿的拖鞋。剑桥国际Many of the passengers flying into regional airports are travelling onwards to other destinations.许多飞到地区性机场的乘客要前往其它目的地旅行。剑桥国际None of the passengers had been badly (= seriously) hurt/injured/wounded in the accident.没有一个乘客在车祸中受重伤。剑桥国际Rail competes with road, and to some extent with air, for passenger and freight transport within Britain.铁路在英国国内同道路交通,以及某种程度上同航空运输,竞争乘客和货物的运输。剑桥国际Several passengers from the wrecked vehicle were taken to hospital suffering from shock.出事的车辆上的几位乘客被送往了医院,处于休克状态。剑桥国际She asked the flight attendant (=a person who serves passengers on an aircraft) to bring her some more coffee.她请空中服务员再给她倒点咖啡。剑桥国际Staff evacuated passengers from the underground train by torchlight through the tunnel to the station.车组人员靠着电筒的光线让乘客穿过隧道从地铁撤离到了车站。剑桥国际The passenger pigeon is extinct. 旅鸽已绝种。译典通The passengers gathered their belongings preparatory to getting off. 乘客们收拾自己的东西为下车做准备。译典通The passengers in an airship travel in the car which hangs underneath.乘飞艇旅行的乘客呆在艇下吊着的座舱里。剑桥国际The passengers stepped down gingerly from the narrow gangplank. 乘客们战战兢兢地从狭窄的跳板上走下船来。译典通The passengers were told to brace themselves (= to press their bodies hard against something or hold them very stiff) for a crash landing.乘客们被告知要作好迫降的准备。剑桥国际The UK's seven airports handle about 10 million passengers a month.英国的七大机场每月接待约 1 000 万人次的旅客。牛津商务The angry passenger directed a volley of curses at the driver. 那愤怒的乘客对司机发出了一连串的咒骂。译典通The driver and all three passengers were killed outright.司机和所有三名乘客当场死亡。剑桥国际The female passenger was infuriated over the cheeky proposal that the taxi driver made. 计程车司机向女乘客提出了一个厚颜无耻的建议,让她很生气。译典通The ferry foundered in a heavy storm, taking many of the passengers and crew with it.在一次大暴风雨中,渡船沉没,淹死了许多乘客和船员。剑桥国际The recent drop in passenger numbers should be a reproach to the airline (= they should be ashamed of it).最近旅客数目的减少应是航空公司的耻辱。剑桥国际The research indicates that 4 out of 10 rear passengers flout the law by not wearing their belts.调查表明,坐在车后部的乘客10个有4个都无视法律规定,不系安全带。剑桥国际The sea was rough and half the passengers were seasick. 海面波涛汹涌,半数旅客晕船。译典通The ship carries both freight and passengers.这艘船既载货又载客。剑桥国际The taxi was cruising down the street in search of passengers. 计程车沿大街缓慢地行驶以兜揽顾客。译典通The ticket agent checked in the passengers one by one. 售票员逐一登记乘客。译典通There is a £20 penalty for passengers who travel without a ticket or override.无票或乘过站的乘客要受到20英镑的罚款。剑桥国际These flights are usually overbooked by 10-15 passengers.这些班机通常超额售票给 10 到 15 位旅客。牛津商务This aircraft is for passengers only, it doesn't take any cargo.这架飞机只运载旅客,不运载货物。剑桥国际Two helicopters winched the passengers to safety from the deck of the ship.两架直升飞机将乘客从船的甲板上吊到了安全的地方。剑桥国际Would all passengers please deplane by the rear doors.请所有乘客从后舱门下机。剑桥国际




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