

单词 passages
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESCRIBE〕The book contains many fine descriptive passages about everyday life in China. 本书中有许多描写中国人日常生活的精彩段落。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕He lifted passages almost verbatim from an earlier essay he had written. 他整段整段地照搬他以前写的一篇论文中的文字,几乎是一字不差。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕There are some wonderful descriptive passages in the novel. 小说中有些段落的描写非常出色。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕Some really dedicated fans have committed entire passages of the movie to memory. 一些非常忠实的影迷把这部电影的台词整段整段地背了下来。朗文写作活用〔arabesque〕Music A usually short, whimsical composition especially for the piano that features many embellished passages.【音乐】 阿拉伯花式乐曲:通常指短小,奇想的作曲,尤指以许多装饰性小节为特征的适于钢琴的作曲美国传统〔bedroom〕There is some strong bedroom stuff in certain passages.某些章节里有非常色情的内容。英汉大词典〔bronchodilator〕A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.支气管扩张剂:一种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松美国传统〔chrestomathy〕A selection of literary passages, usually by one author.选集:通常为一名作家的选集美国传统〔collectanea〕A selection of passages from one or more authors; an anthology.文选,文集:从一个或一个以上作者的文章中选编而成的选集;选集美国传统〔commonplace book〕A personal journal in which quotable passages, literary excerpts, and comments are written.备忘录:个人日记,其内写有引用段落、文学摘录和注释美国传统〔contain〕The book contains some amusing passages.这本书里有一些有趣的章节。美国传统〔cough〕To expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily, often to keep the respiratory passages free of irritating material.咳,咳嗽:从肺里突然的带有声响地排出气体,通常为了使呼吸道不受物质阻碍美国传统〔descriptive〕The descriptive passages are well observed.这部分描写性段落笔触细致入微。外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕The lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken.讲演词:讲演稿中的行或段美国传统〔dumka〕A song, especially a Slavic folksong, that has alternating happy and sad passages.当卡歌:交替快乐与悲伤叙事的歌曲,尤使用于斯拉夫民谣中美国传统〔echo〕Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前文的呼应。外研社新世纪〔echo〕Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前面段落的呼应。柯林斯高阶〔evacuation〕Discharge of waste materials from the excretory passages of the body, especially from the bowels.排泄:从人体通道排出废物,尤指从肠部美国传统〔excise〕Certain passages were excised from the book.书中某些段落已删去。牛津高阶〔foist〕The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book.作者发现翻译者偷偷在他的原著中插入了几段文章。21世纪英汉〔goblet cell〕Any of the specialized epithelial cells found in the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory passages that secrete mucus.杯状细胞:一种特殊的上皮细胞,见于胃、肠和呼吸道的分泌膜,可分泌粘液美国传统〔harmony〕A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.四福音对照书:一种平行段落的对照书,尤其是从福音书中摘取的带有评语以说明他们的和谐和解释他们的差异美国传统〔head cold〕A common cold mainly affecting the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, characterized by congestion, headache, and sneezing.感冒,伤风:一种主要影响鼻道粘膜组织的普通感冒,特征为充血、头痛和打喷嚏美国传统〔highlighter〕A usually fluorescent marker used to mark important passages of text.荧光记号笔:一种用干标出文中重要段落的带荧光的记号笔美国传统〔highlight〕I've highlighted the important passages in yellow.我用黄色标出了重要段落。牛津高阶〔highlight〕To mark (important passages of text) with a usually fluorescent marker as a means of memory retention or for later reference.标示记号:用荧光笔标出(文本中重要的段落)以便帮助记忆或日后查找参考美国传统〔indulgence〕He begged the audience's indulgence to read some passages from his latest book.他拜请观众以海涵雅量从他新出的书中选读几段。牛津搭配〔intercommunicate〕To be connected or adjoined, as rooms or passages.连接或毗邻,如房间或通道美国传统〔jerky〕There are jerky passages, not wholly within the author's control.有些段落文体变化突兀,多少不大听命于作者的笔了。英汉大词典〔labyrinth〕An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.迷宫:一种复杂的建筑,里面的通道互相连接很容易使人迷路;曲径美国传统〔lectern〕A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read during a church service.诵经台:一张顶部倾斜的书桌,上面放有经书,在教学礼拜时可以从中读取经文段落美国传统〔lector〕A person who reads aloud certain of the scriptural passages used in a church service.诵经员:在教堂礼拜中大声朗读《圣经》段落的人美国传统〔lift〕He lifted several passages from that novel.他从那本小说里剽窃了几段文字。21世纪英汉〔lift〕He'd lifted whole passages from a website.他从网站上整段整段地剽窃文章。剑桥高阶〔lugubriously〕He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.有些段落他演奏得异常徐缓,听上去有些忧伤。柯林斯高阶〔lugubrious〕He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.他将某些片段演奏得十分缓慢, 听着让人悲从心来。外研社新世纪〔lyrical〕There are some intensely lyrical passages in his first symphony.他的第一首交响曲里有些特别抒情的片段。牛津搭配〔maze〕I was lost in a maze of passages.我在迷宫般的走廊里迷路了。牛津搭配〔maze〕The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.老城区通道狭窄,纵横交错,简直就是一座迷宫。剑桥高阶〔nasopharynx〕The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages.鼻咽:软腭上部的咽和鼻道相连的部分美国传统〔obscure〕Solo passages in this register are very easily obscured by other instruments.在这个音区内,独奏乐极易被其他乐器的声音盖住。牛津搭配〔obstruent〕Obstructing or closing natural openings or passages of the body.造成阻碍的:对身体的自然开口或通道造成阻碍的或关闭的美国传统〔offending〕The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted.这本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。外研社新世纪〔offending〕The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted.这本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。柯林斯高阶〔omit〕Some passages were omitted from the book.本书中的某些段落被删除了。21世纪英汉〔open〕The operation will open up the blocked passages around his heart.手术将把他心脏周围被堵塞的通道打开。牛津高阶〔oral〕Linguistics Articulated through the mouth only, with the nasal passages closed.【语言学】 口腔发音的:只通过嘴、唇发音的,发音时鼻腔紧闭美国传统〔orinasal〕Pronounced with both nasal and oral passages open.鼻音化元音的:发音时鼻腔和口腔同时张开的美国传统〔passage〕Compare the following passages.比较下列片段。柯林斯高阶〔passage〕Her air passages were blocked.她的呼吸道堵塞。麦克米伦高阶〔passage〕His writings are filled with poignant passages describing winter winds.他的作品中充满了描述冬日寒风的感伤段落。牛津搭配〔passage〕I'll dig out the relevant passages in St Augustine.我会挖掘出圣奥古斯丁的有关段落。牛津搭配〔passage〕If the men resigned, they had to pay their outward passages.如果这些男人辞职,他们必须支付他们外出航程的费用。牛津搭配〔passage〕Several passages from the book were printed in a national newspaper before it was published.该书出版前,书中有几段文章被登载在一份全国性的报纸上。剑桥高阶〔passage〕Special ships clear passages through the ice.专用船只在冰上开出通道。韦氏高阶〔passage〕The medicine makes breathing easier by opening nasal passages.这种药物使鼻腔通畅,从而使呼吸更容易。韦氏高阶〔passage〕They had angry passages with each other during the debate.他们在辩论中恶言相向。英汉大词典〔pastiche〕The research paper was essentially a pastiche made up of passages from different sources.这篇研究论文实质上是由不同来源的文章拼凑而成的。韦氏高阶〔plagiarize〕The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.该书有许多段落是抄袭的。剑桥高阶〔plagiarize〕To appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another).盗用:将(他人)的段落或思想窃为已有美国传统〔puff up〕The disease causes the nasal passages and skin to puff up.这种疾病会导致鼻腔和皮肤肿胀。外研社新世纪〔purple〕The book contains a few purple passages.这本书里有几篇文章辞藻过于华丽。韦氏高阶〔remember〕I remember long passages of Shakespeare.我记住了大段大段的莎士比亚诗剧。英汉大词典〔resonance〕Linguistics Intensification of vocal tones during articulation, as by the air cavities of the mouth and nasal passages.【语言学】 回声:发音时音调的增强,如通过嘴和鼻子通道的空气通道美国传统〔rest〕The book has some interesting passages about the author's childhood. For the rest, it is extremely dull.这本书中关于作者童年的一些章节倒还有意思。除此之外,便无聊至极。牛津高阶〔rhinoscopy〕Examination of the nasal passages by means of a speculum or similar instrument.鼻窥镜检查:采用张开器或类似设备所进行的鼻通道检查美国传统〔skip〕You may skip through a book, reading only those passages here and there which concern you.你可以跳著读一本书,只读这里和那里跟你有关的段落。文馨英汉〔slaver〕I found myself skipping these passages, though no doubt many readers will slaver over them.我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。柯林斯高阶〔sternutator〕A substance that irritates the nasal and respiratory passages and causes coughing, sneezing, lacrimation, and sometimes vomiting.催嚏剂:刺激鼻腔及呼吸道并引起咳嗽、喷嚏、流泪,有时呕吐的物质美国传统〔string〕The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.弦乐组为独奏乐章配上了动听的背景乐。柯林斯高阶〔sublime〕The book has sublime descriptive passages.这本书中有一些非常优美的描写段落。剑桥高阶〔subterranean〕London has 9 miles of such subterranean passages.伦敦像这样的地下通道有9英里长。柯林斯高阶〔thinking〕Many passages have been changed to reflect current political thinking.很多段落已作改动,以反映当前的政治思潮。麦克米伦高阶〔treble〕The trebles sing the following passages.最高声部的歌手们唱以下几节。英汉大词典〔tropic〕Astronomy Either of two corresponding parallels of celestial latitude that are the limits of the apparent northern and southern passages of the sun.【天文学】 (天球的)回归线:代表太阳经过的最北视界线与最南视界线的两条相应的天球纬线美国传统〔un-Englished〕He left certain passages of the Latin un-Englished.有几段拉丁文他未译成英语。英汉大词典〔warm〕There are no warm passages in this book.这本书中无色情段落。英汉大词典Floors, stairs and passages must be kept in good repair.地板、楼梯和走廊必须保持完好。牛津商务I used to lift whole passages from critics’essays when I was at college and nobody noticed.我上大学的时候经常从评论家的论文中抄袭整篇的文章而竟无人发觉。剑桥国际Several passages from the book were printed in a national newspaper before it was published.书中有几段文章在出版前被印在一份全国性的报纸上。剑桥国际The book contains sublime descriptive passages.这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。剑桥国际The choir's poor ensemble is disastrously exposed in the a cappella passages.合唱队拙劣的合唱在一段没有乐器伴奏的乐章中大大地暴露出来。剑桥国际The hill was honeycombed with passages and chambers.小山上布满了洞穴和通道。剑桥国际The hillside was a huge rabbit warren (= area of holes and underground passages in which wild rabbits live).山坡是个大兔窝群。剑桥国际The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages between whitewashed buildings.城镇的旧区尽是狭窄曲折的小道,两旁是石灰水刷砌的房子。剑桥国际The quotation of very long passages should be avoided. 应该避免摘引非常长的段落。译典通The solo passages were played with great panache.独奏表演得淋漓尽致。剑桥国际They discovered a series of underground caves and passages.他们发现了一连串的地洞和地道。剑桥国际They recently discovered that a woman had plagiarized passages from the book they had written.他们最近发现有个女人从他们的书上剽窃了几段。剑桥国际We wandered through subterranean passages. 我们漫游地下通道。译典通




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