

单词 precaution
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Bennet had taken the precaution of transferring his house into his wife's name before his company collapsed. 贝内特在他的公司倒闭前,就已经作好了以防万一的准备,把他的房子转到妻子名下。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕The villagers had already taken precautions against random raids by the militia. 村民们已经采取措施,以抵抗武装组织的随时袭击。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕Tourists should take precautions as they would in any large city, and should avoid traveling alone at night. 游客应当有所防备,像在任何大城市一样,也应当避免夜间单独外出。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Any climber who neglects these simple precautions does so at their peril. 攀登者若是忽视这些简单的安全措施,自己承担风险。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕We handle many chemicals that require special safety precautions. 我们处理各种需要特别安全措施的化学物。朗文写作活用〔SHUT〕You should take basic precautions like locking your car up. 你应该采取基本的防盗措施,比如说把汽车锁好。朗文写作活用〔SPY〕The banks take precautions to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while confidential documents are on the premises. 银行里都有机密文件,所以他们采取预防措施以防任何商业间谍活动。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕We take every precaution to avoid accidents. 我们采取一切预防措施避免事故发生。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕In his statement the chief of police said, ‘We are dealing with a warped mind, and we have to take all precautions.’ 警察局长在他的声明中说:“我们面对的是一个思想怪诞的人,我们必须采取一切预防措施。”朗文写作活用〔adequate〕You should take adequate precautions.你应该采取充分的预防措施。文馨英汉〔against〕They took precautions against fire.他们采取了防火措施。牛津高阶〔as a matter of course〕Safety precautions are observed as a matter of course.安全防范措施作为常规检查进行。剑桥高阶〔boost〕The government boosted security precautions.政府加强保安预防措施。英汉大词典〔checklist〕Before takeoff the pilot went down/through his checklist of safety precautions.起飞之前飞行员逐项检查他的安全保障措施。韦氏高阶〔clear out〕I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left.我临走时特地事先把办公桌清理了一下。柯林斯高阶〔clear out〕I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left.我离开之前把我的桌子清空了, 以防万一。外研社新世纪〔damn〕The inquiry into the disaster damns the company for its lack of safety precautions.这起灾难的调查报告强烈谴责该公司没有预先采取足够的安全措施。剑桥高阶〔elementary〕Millions of travellers fail to take even the most elementary of precautions.上百万的旅行者甚至没有采取最基本的预防措施。剑桥高阶〔elementary〕They clearly failed to take even the most elementary precautions.很明显他们没有采取甚至是最基本的防范措施。麦克米伦高阶〔example〕A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适。柯林斯高阶〔extra〕As an extra precaution, I turned off the electricity.作为额外的防范措施,我把电路切断了。麦克米伦高阶〔fence about〕We must fence our machine about with much precaution.我们必须小心地保护好我们的机器。21世纪英汉〔flight〕They took elaborate precautions to prevent their flight from being discovered.他们做了精心防范, 以防逃跑时被人发现。外研社新世纪〔go away〕When you go away on holiday, you need to take extra security precautions.外出度假时,需要格外注意安全。柯林斯高阶〔have〕Having been warned of the danger, I took extra precautions.被警告有危险后,我采取了额外的防备措施。麦克米伦高阶〔inadequate〕These precautions have been judged inadequate.这些防范措施被认为不够周全。牛津搭配〔inefficacious〕The precaution is quite inefficacious.这种预防措施没什么效果。英汉大词典〔injury〕Hikers need to take sensible precautions to prevent injury.远足者需要采取合理的措施预防受伤。韦氏高阶〔laurel〕Look to your laurels and take every possible precaution to ensure you're not being tricked.要防范你的对手, 采取一切可能的预防措施确保你不会上当。外研社新世纪〔leak〕Even the tightest precautions have some leaks.防范再严密也会有漏洞。英汉大词典〔logically〕It is logical to take precautions.采取防范措施是合乎常理的。柯林斯高阶〔logical〕It is logical to take precautions.采取预防措施是理所应当的。外研社新世纪〔obliged〕Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions.法律规定医生有责任采取某些预防措施。剑桥高阶〔obvious〕To state the obvious, if we don't take precautions now, we'll suffer for it later.说句明摆着的话,如果我们现在不采取预防措施,以后会吃苦头的。麦克米伦高阶〔pack〕The man who killed him was acquitted, having taken precautions to pack the jury with his friends.杀害他的男子预先将他的朋友们安插进陪审团, 从而被宣告无罪。外研社新世纪〔pilfering〕Precautions had to be taken to prevent pilfering.必须采取防范措施阻止偷盗行为。柯林斯高阶〔pitch off〕A strap buckled his chest as a precaution against pitching off the bed.一条带子用搭扣扣在他的胸部, 以防他从床上掉下。外研社新世纪〔potentially〕We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。柯林斯高阶〔potential〕We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution to avoid them.我们已经意识到潜在的问题, 并采取了全面的预防措施来规避这些问题。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Precaution was impossible in those dire circumstances.在紧迫的环境下无暇再去周密慎重美国传统〔precaution〕As a precaution, I had brought an extra sweater with me.我又多带了一件毛衣以备不时之需。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Be sure to follow the usual safety precautions when cooking outdoors.在户外烹饪时一定要遵守通常的安全防范措施。韦氏高阶〔precaution〕Condoms are a necessary precaution.避孕套是一种必要的预防措施。牛津搭配〔precaution〕Doctors recommend taking precautions to protect your skin from the sun.医生们建议采取预防措施防止皮肤被晒伤。麦克米伦高阶〔precaution〕Every home owner should take precautions against fire.每个房主都应采取预防措施,防止火灾发生。韦氏高阶〔precaution〕Extra safety precautions are essential in homes where older people live.在有老人的家里,采取额外的安全防范措施是绝对必要的。柯林斯高阶〔precaution〕Extra safety precautions are essential.额外安全预防措施至关重要。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Fire precautions were neglected.防火措施被忽视了。朗文当代〔precaution〕He took every precaution but still got a bad deal on that used car.他处处小心但还是在旧车交易中受骗美国传统〔precaution〕He was warned of the need for precaution.别人提醒他必须注意防备。英汉大词典〔precaution〕I had taken the precaution of doing a little research before I left London.我已在离开伦敦前进行了准备,做了些调查研究。柯林斯高阶〔precaution〕I took the precaution of insuring my camera.我把我的照相机投了保以防万一。朗文当代〔precaution〕I took the precaution of turning the water supply off first.我先关闭了供水系统,以防万一。牛津搭配〔precaution〕I'll keep the letter as a precaution.我会保存这封信,以防万一。牛津高阶〔precaution〕If you're going to have sex, make sure you take precautions.发生性行为一定要采取避孕措施。剑桥高阶〔precaution〕It's just a precaution.这只是预防措施。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.为了预防食物短缺,很多人一直在大量储备食品。剑桥高阶〔precaution〕Not wanting to have children, they took precautions.因为不想要孩子, 他们采取了避孕措施。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Remember to use all necessary safety precautions.请记住,要采取所有必要的安全防范措施。牛津搭配〔precaution〕Residents along the coast were evacuated as a precaution.为防万一,沿海的居民们均被撤离。麦克米伦高阶〔precaution〕Save your work often as a precaution against computer failure.经常保存所做的工作,以防计算机发生故障。朗文当代〔precaution〕She had to stay in hospital overnight, just as a precaution.她得在医院待一晚上,以防万一。牛津搭配〔precaution〕She took the precaution of packing extra medicine for the trip.她这次旅行多带了些药,以备不时之需。韦氏高阶〔precaution〕Staff are expected to take reasonable precautions for their own safety.希望员工为了自身安全而采取合理的预防措施。牛津搭配〔precaution〕The company should have foreseen the problem and exercised precaution.公司本应预料到这个问题并谨慎处理。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕The traffic barriers were put there as a safety precaution .那里设置了交通路障,作为安全措施。朗文当代〔precaution〕The trails are well marked, but carrying a map is a wise precaution.虽然路上有清楚的标志,不过带上地图仍不失为一种明智的做法。朗文当代〔precaution〕They failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection.他们未能采取必要的预防措施来避免感染。剑桥高阶〔precaution〕They took the precaution of seeking legal advice.他们采取了寻求法律建议的防范措施。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕Vets took precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.兽医们为防止疾病蔓延采取了预防措施。朗文当代〔precaution〕We didn't take any precautions and I got pregnant.我们没有采取任何避孕措施,所以我怀孕了。牛津高阶〔precaution〕We take every precaution to ensure your safety.我们采取一切预防措施以确保你的安全。牛津搭配〔precaution〕What precautions can you take against flu?有什么方法可以预防染上流行性感冒?牛津同义词〔precaution〕When driving, she always wears her seatbelt as a precaution.驾车时,她总是系好安全带以防万一。韦氏高阶〔precaution〕You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family.你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。牛津高阶〔precaution〕You'd better take precautions in case there's an inspection.你最好小心谨慎以防检查。外研社新世纪〔precaution〕You'll be safe if you observe certain basic precautions.如果遵守一些基本的预防措施,你就不会有危险。牛津搭配〔pregnancy〕They took no precautions to avoid pregnancy.他们没有采取避孕措施。牛津搭配〔private〕I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left, and only my private secretary knows it.我在离开之前预先把桌子整理好了,这一点只有我的私人秘书知道。柯林斯高阶〔quarantine〕He was put in quarantine as a precaution.为防万一, 他被隔离了起来。外研社新世纪〔reasonable〕We have taken all reasonable precautions to avoid an accident.我们已采取了所有合理的措施来避免意外事故的发生。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕The government had taken elaborate precautions to crush any resistance.政府采取了周密的预防措施来镇压任何抵抗。麦克米伦高阶〔rig〕Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.已经对钻塔制定了安全预防措施,以应付火灾和小规模的爆炸事故。剑桥高阶〔safety belt〕A strap or belt worn as a safety precaution by a person working at great heights.安全带:高空作业的人所佩带的作为安全预防措施的带子或腰带美国传统〔security〕Every precaution has been taken to ensure the personal security of the delegates.为保证代表们的个人安全而采取了各项防范措施。麦克米伦高阶〔trust〕I trust that from now on you will take greater precautions.我希望从现在开始你会采取更好的预防措施。朗文当代〔unprotected〕Engaged in without taking precautions against the risk of pregnancy or infection by sexually transmitted disease.未防范的:未采取针对怀孕或性传播疾病感染风险的预防措施而进行的美国传统〔wake up to〕The fact woke them up to the need for the safety precaution.事实使他们认识到安全防范的必要性。21世纪英汉〔wake〕The tragedy woke us up to the need for safety precautions.这一悲剧使我们认识到必需采取安全预防措施。英汉大词典〔woefully〕The safety precautions taken by large resort hotels are often woefully inadequate for the number of people who stay there.那些旅游胜地的大型旅馆虽然采取了安全措施,但相对于游客的人数来说大多还不够完善。剑桥高阶〔world〕It makes a world of difference whether precautions are taken or not.是否采取预防措施是大不一样的。英汉大词典A quarter of all burglaries are carried out on homes whose owners have failed to take the basic precaution of locking doors and windows.四分之一的盗窃发生在主人未采取锁门关窗这样基本预防措施的人家。剑桥国际All this woke the local government to the need for safety precautions. 所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全预防措施。译典通Doctors are, after all, legally obliged/obligated to take certain precautions.医生有法律责任采取某些预防措施。剑桥国际E-commerce companies have to take precautions against computer fraud.电子商务公司不得不采取预防措施,防止计算机欺诈。牛津商务Extra security precautions are being taken to protect public buildings against bomb attacks.为保护公共建筑不受炸弹的攻击,额外的安全预防措施正在实施过程中。剑桥国际I took an umbrella as a precaution. 我带了一把伞以防下雨。译典通If you're going to have sex, make sure you take precautions.你发生性行为前应确保避孕。剑桥国际It is sometimes difficult to persuade farmers to take safety precautions and wear protective clothing.有时很难说服农民们采取安全预防措施,穿上劳动保护服装。剑桥国际Many locals have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.为了预防食物短缺,很多当地人大量储备食品。剑桥国际Millions of travellers fail to take elementary precautions.数以百万计的旅客都没有基本的预防措施。剑桥国际Run a virus check on a file before opening it as a precaution.在打开文件之前,运行杀毒软件查杀病毒,以防万一。牛津商务Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.石油钻塔的安全预防措施旨在应付火灾和小规模的爆炸。剑桥国际The inquiry into the disaster damns the company for its lack of safety precautions.经过对那场灾难事件的调查,公司因缺乏安全措施而遭到谴责。剑桥国际The safety precautions taken by large resort hotels are often woefully inadequate for the number of people who stay there.旅游胜地的大宾馆所采取的安全措施与住在那里的人数相比,常常是极不充分的。剑桥国际We are taking every precaution to make sure the plans remain under wraps.我们正在采取一切预防措施,以确保这些计划不被泄露。剑桥国际We have taken necessary precautions against fire. 我们已采取必要的防火措施。译典通We observe the safety precautions as a matter of course.我们当然遵守安全防范规则。剑桥国际You must take precautions when walking around, as the village has many rabid dogs. 四处走动时,你得很小心,因为村里有许多疯狗。译典通




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