

单词 police officer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ESCAPE〕In 1998 the two men broke out of jail and murdered a police officer. 1998年,那两名男子越狱出逃,杀害了一名警察。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕Being a police officer isn't a job for someone who scares easily. 警察工作不是容易受惊吓的人能胜任的。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Police officers talked a man out of a suicide jump off the bridge. 警察说服一名男子不要跳桥自杀。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕People had left flowers at the spot where the police officer was killed. 民众将鲜花放在那位警察遇难的地点。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Police officers have been equipped with batons and riot shields in preparation for tonight's match. 警察为今晚的比赛配备了警棍和防暴盾。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕A police officer is critically ill after being shot in the chest. 一名警察胸部中弹,生命危在旦夕。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕She wound the car window down to speak to the police officer. 她把汽车窗玻璃摇下来和警察说话。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The combined efforts of four police officers and two paramedics were needed to lift the driver from the wreckage. 四名警察和两名医务辅助人员一起出力才把驾驶员从残骸里抬出来。朗文写作活用〔assault〕He has been charged with assaulting a police officer.他被控袭击警察。牛津高阶〔blue flu〕A sickout, especially by uniformed police officers.集体病假:尤指穿制服的警官的病假美国传统〔bring ... in〕The police officer just brought in two suspicious characters.警官刚才逮捕了两个嫌疑人。21世纪英汉〔brutalize〕Demonstrators claimed they had been brutalized by police officers.示威者称他们受到了警察的野蛮对待。朗文当代〔can〕Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver's license.任何一位警察都可以要求查看开车者的驾驶执照。朗文当代〔complaint〕All complaints against police officers are carefully investigated.针对警察的所有投诉都会认真调查。朗文当代〔cop〕A police officer.警察美国传统〔cordon〕Police officers threw a cordon around his car to protect him.警察在他汽车周围设置了防卫圈以保护他。牛津搭配〔couple〕Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。柯林斯高阶〔crime wave〕More police officers are being brought in to help tackle the current crime wave.派来了更多的警察帮助对付近来的犯罪高潮。朗文当代〔force〕He claims that police officers forced him to sign a confession.他声称警察强迫他在一份供词上签了字。麦克米伦高阶〔force〕It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.警官很难与警队外面的人交朋友。柯林斯高阶〔freeze〕The police officer shouted ‘Freeze!’ and the man dropped the gun.警察大喊“不准动!”那个男人便放下了枪。牛津高阶〔gun sb down〕The police officer was gunned down as he took his children to school.这名警察在送他的孩子去上学时被枪杀。剑桥高阶〔hotly〕He ran down the street, hotly pursued by two police officers.他沿街跑着,后边有两名警察紧追不舍。剑桥高阶〔identity〕The police officer asked him for proof of identity.警官要求他出示身份证明。牛津搭配〔in the shape of sth〕Luckily, help arrived in the shape of a police officer.幸运的是,一名警察模样的人过来帮忙。剑桥高阶〔injury〕Four police officers sustained serious injuries in the explosion.4名警官在爆炸中受重伤。柯林斯高阶〔irreproachable〕His conduct as a police officer was irreproachable.作为一名警官,他的行为无可挑剔。韦氏高阶〔league〕The police officer is privately in league with some crooks.那警察暗中和一些无赖勾结。英汉大词典〔narrowing〕Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.分裂主义者袭击他们的车辆时,两名警官死里逃生。柯林斯高阶〔outrun〕The men easily outran the police officer who was chasing them.小偷跑得很快,轻而易举地甩掉了追赶他们的警察。剑桥高阶〔pig〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a police officer.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 警察:用做对警察的贬称美国传统〔pocket〕The police officer asked us to empty our pockets.警官叫我们掏空口袋。麦克米伦高阶〔rightfully〕Killing a police officer is something that's taken very seriously and rightfully so.弑警被视为非常严重的罪行, 而且理应如此。外研社新世纪〔second〕During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service.在争端期间,很多警察从交通管理岗位上被抽调出来,派去监狱。剑桥高阶〔serve〕She served time in Holloway for assaulting a police officer.她因袭警而在霍洛威服过刑。麦克米伦高阶〔sight〕The police officer was hidden out of sight (= where he could not be seen) behind a tree.那名警官藏在树后隐蔽的地方。剑桥高阶〔slap〕The police officer gave Minna a slap on the wrist for not wearing her seat belt.警官因为明娜没有系安全带而对她稍稍惩戒了一下。剑桥高阶〔speed trap〕Police officers or electronic devices concealed and deployed on a stretch of road to catch speeding drivers.汽车超速暗监视者(器):在一段路面上暗中设置的警察或电子设备,以抓住超速的司机美国传统〔spot〕We'll have a police officer on the spot immediately.我们马上派一名警察前往现场。麦克米伦高阶〔uphold〕As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.作为警察,不管你赞成与否都应该维护法律。剑桥高阶〔wave〕The police officer waved the motorist into the right lane.警官挥手指挥骑摩托车者进入右道美国传统Police officers from the organized crime branch have raided (= entered in order to look for criminals or illegal activity) solicitors’offices in central London.有组织犯罪处的警官突然搜查了伦敦中部的律师办公室。剑桥国际A woman and a man have been convicted of assaulting a police officer following last month's demonstration.在上个月的示威活动之后,有一男一女被宣判犯有攻击一名警官的罪行。剑桥国际Obviously if a police officer offends it's a fairly serious matter.显然如果警察犯罪,那是一件相当严重的事情。剑桥国际Several police officers were injured by the stones, bottles and other missiles that were thrown by the rioters.许多警官被闹事者投掷的石头、瓶子及其它投射物砸伤。剑桥国际The police officer had him up against the wall, both arms behind his back.警官让他靠墙而立,两手放在背后。剑桥国际The police officer pressed the witness to identify the man she had seen.警官敦促证人去辨认她看到的那个男人。剑桥国际The police officer took their names, but did not follow them up.那位警官记下了他们的名字,但没有进一步追问。剑桥国际The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.以毒品贩子身份前来的人实际上是便衣警官。剑桥国际The two police officers were charged with perverting the course of justice by fabricating evidence in the trial.两个警官因在判案中伪造证据被告枉法。剑桥国际




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