

单词 peaceful
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PEACEFUL〕peaceful 平静的朗文写作活用〔PEACEFUL〕a peaceful place 安静之所朗文写作活用〔PEACEFUL〕a peaceful state or situation 平和的状态或情形朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕a peaceful solution to the troubles in the region 一个和平解决该地区冲突的方法朗文写作活用〔accord〕an accord with France on peaceful use of nuclear energy 与法国关于核能和平利用的一项协定英汉大词典〔coexistence〕peaceful coexistence 和平共存文馨英汉〔coexistence〕over fifty years of peaceful coexistence 五十多年的和平共处朗文当代〔crown〕a long career crowned with a peaceful retirement 以平静的退休生活圆满告终的漫长的职业生涯朗文当代〔end〕a peaceful end 安宁的死亡麦克米伦高阶〔epoch〕a peaceful epoch in the history of Europe 欧洲历史上的一个和平时期英汉大词典〔evolution〕the peaceful evolution to democracy 走向民主的和平演变牛津搭配〔facilitate〕facilitate peaceful settlement of a dispute 促成争端和平解决英汉大词典〔gamut〕a face that expressed a gamut of emotions, from rage to peaceful contentment.一张表情丰富的脸,能表现从极其愤怒到平和的满意美国传统〔hold〕not hold out much hope / hold out little hope Negotiators aren't holding out much hope of a peaceful settlement.谈判人员对和平解决不抱很大希望。朗文当代〔honour〕honour the principles of peaceful coexistence 尊重和平共处原则英汉大词典〔initiative〕fresh initiatives to find a peaceful end to the conflict 和平解决争端的各项新方案牛津搭配〔interlude〕a peaceful interlude between periods of intense activity 剧烈活动之间的一段平静牛津搭配〔international relations〕peaceful and friendly international relations.和平友好的国际关系柯林斯高阶〔lead〕a process of negotiation leading to a peaceful settlement 引向和平解决的谈判进程麦克米伦高阶〔march〕a peaceful civil rights march一次和平的民权示威游行外研社新世纪〔onerous〕the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution 寻找和平解决方案的艰巨任务剑桥高阶〔paramount〕the paramount need for a peaceful solution to the crisis.和平解决危机的迫切性柯林斯高阶〔paramount〕the paramount need for a peaceful solution to the crisis和平解决危机的迫切性外研社新世纪〔peaceful〕peaceful demonstrations 和平示威英汉大词典〔peaceful〕peaceful demonstrators 和平示威者剑桥高阶〔peaceful〕peaceful music.柔和的音乐。牛津同义词〔peaceful〕peaceful sleep 安静的睡眠牛津高阶〔peaceful〕peaceful uses of nuclear energy 核能的和平利用英汉大词典〔peaceful〕a peaceful bay 平静的海湾英汉大词典〔peaceful〕a peaceful countryside 宁静的乡村韦氏高阶〔peaceful〕a peaceful evening 宁静的夜晚 英汉大词典〔peaceful〕a peaceful evening.宁静的晚上。牛津同义词〔peaceful〕a peaceful nation 爱好和平的民族英汉大词典〔peaceful〕a peaceful protest/demonstration/solution 和平抗议╱示威╱解决办法牛津高阶〔peaceful〕a peaceful society 和谐的社会牛津高阶〔peaceful〕a noisy but peaceful group of demonstrators 一群吵闹但和平的示威者朗文当代〔peaceful〕a political change achieved by peaceful and democratic means 通过和平民主手段实现的政治变革朗文当代〔peaceful〕find a peaceful settlement 找到一个和平解决的办法英汉大词典〔peaceful〕talks aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the crisis 旨在寻求和平方式解决危机的谈判麦克米伦高阶〔peaceful〕the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes 为了和平目的的核能利用朗文当代〔peaceful〕warriors who killed or enslaved the peaceful farmers.杀害或奴役本分农民的武士柯林斯高阶〔penetration〕peaceful penetration 和平的渗透(经由贸易、投资等)文馨英汉〔power〕the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected president 政权向新当选总统的平稳过渡韦氏高阶〔preach〕preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.宣扬容忍及和平共处美国传统〔prerequisite〕two usual prerequisites to a peaceful settlement 和平解决的两个一般前提英汉大词典〔press〕press for a peaceful solution 竭力主张和平解决英汉大词典〔protest〕peaceful protests against the war 反战的和平抗议集会麦克米伦高阶〔purpose〕be used for peaceful purposes 被用于和平的目的英汉大词典〔quiet〕a quiet, peaceful little village 宁静太平的小村庄剑桥高阶〔realm〕a peaceful realm 和平的王国韦氏高阶〔resolution〕a peaceful resolution to the crisis针对危机的一种和平解决方式外研社新世纪〔resolution〕in order to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis.为了和平解决此次危机柯林斯高阶〔settlement〕the peaceful settlement of a long-standing dispute 长期争端的和平解决牛津搭配〔sleep〕sleep a peaceful sleep 睡一个安稳觉 英汉大词典〔spirituality〕the peaceful spirituality of Japanese culture.日本文化的和平精神柯林斯高阶〔spirituality〕the peaceful spirituality of Japanese culture日本文化的平和脱俗外研社新世纪〔surroundings〕a peaceful holiday home in beautiful surroundings.环境优美宁静的度假屋柯林斯高阶〔turnover〕a peaceful turnover of power 政权的和平转移英汉大词典〔undreamed〕undreamed luxuries; a peaceful settlement undreamed of a generation ago.想象不到的奢侈品;一代人以前想像不到的和平解决美国传统〔warlike〕hopes of a peaceful solution despite increased warlike rhetoric from both sides.双方唇枪舌剑,火药味儿越来越浓,但仍然存在和平解决的希望柯林斯高阶




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