

单词 compact disc
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abbreviation〕CD is the abbreviation for compact disc.CD是compact disc的缩写。外研社新世纪〔airplay〕The broadcasting of a phonograph record, tape, or compact disc on the air by a radio station.唱片播送:无线电台对图片、磁带或唱片的空中播送美国传统〔battler〕This March, a British and an American company will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.今年3月,一家英国公司和一家美国公司将会在最高法院就光盘压制权展开争夺。柯林斯高阶〔battle〕The two companies will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.两家公司将为争夺压制光盘权在高等法院打官司。外研社新世纪〔compact disc〕The movie's soundtrack will be released on compact disc at Easter.这部电影的原声光盘将于复活节发行。外研社新世纪〔compact disc〕The new album is available on vinyl, cassette, or compact disc.这张新专辑的塑胶唱片、录音带、激光唱片都可以买到。朗文当代〔compact disc〕The soundtrack of 'Highlander II' will be released on compact disc at Easter.《挑战者2》的电影原声光盘将在复活节时发行。柯林斯高阶〔eclipse〕The gramophone had been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc.激光唱片等新技术使留声机黯然失色。柯林斯高阶〔eclipse〕The gramophone has been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc.激光唱片等新技术使留声机黯然失色。外研社新世纪〔feeding〕He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player.他从她手里接过光盘,放入播放机中。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕Compact discs may be marked up as much as 80%.光盘可能会标高多达 80%。朗文当代〔off〕The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can run off batteries or mains.这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。柯林斯高阶〔reproduce〕The concert will be reproduced on compact disc.演唱会将被复制到光盘上。韦氏高阶Compact discs offer more faithful sound reproduction than records.激光唱盘对声音的复制比唱片更逼真。剑桥国际Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, a compact disc player, electric windows and a sunroof.第一流汽车的附件包括真皮坐椅、激光唱机、电动窗及活动顶。剑桥国际Because it stores music in the form of numbers, a compact disc produces pure music, with no surface noise.因为激光唱片是以数字形式储存音乐的,所以它能发出纯净的音乐,没有针头在唱片上的摩擦声。剑桥国际Customers have been so impressed by the superior quality of compact discs that they have given up old-fashioned vinyl (= records).顾客们为光盘的卓越质量所吸引,因而已经不再使用旧式的塑料唱片。剑桥国际Digital information is imprinted on a compact disc in the form of microscopic rounded hollows called pits.数字信息以被称作纹孔的微型圆形凹穴印在光盘上。剑桥国际Distortion on compact discs is reduced to an absolute minimum.光盘的失真被减到尽可能小的程度。剑桥国际Encyclopedias on compact disc include sound, illustrations and simple animations (=moving pictures).制成光盘的百科全书包含有声资料、插图和简单的活动图像。剑桥国际Lasers are also used to read information from compact discs and bar codes.激光还被用来从光盘和条形码上读取信息。剑桥国际The popularity of compact discs ensured that the days of vinyl records were numbered (= they would soon become rare).激光碟片的推广证实了使用塑料唱片的日子将为数不多了。剑桥国际The sound quality of compact discs is first-rate.激光唱片的音质是一流的。剑桥国际The technology used in compact discs offers the ultimate in high fidelity.激光唱盘技术应用提供最大的高保真音响效果。剑桥国际Within a few years of their introduction, compact discs were outselling vinyl records.激光唱片在引入的几年后销售就超过了薄膜唱片。剑桥国际




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