

单词 periodical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔annals〕A periodical journal in which the records and reports of a learned field are compiled.学科年刊:汇编某一学术领域记录及报告的期刊美国传统〔annual〕A periodical published yearly; a yearbook.年刊;年鉴:每年出版一次的期刊;年刊美国传统〔bulletin〕A periodical, especially one published by an organization or society.期刊:中某一组织或社团出版的期刊美国传统〔circulation〕It has the highest circulation of any periodical in the country.它在本国的期刊中发行量最高。文馨英汉〔digest〕A periodical containing literary abridgments or other condensed works.周期文摘:收集的文学作品节本或其它压缩品周期刊物美国传统〔ear〕A small box in the upper corner of the page in a newspaper or periodical that contains a printed notice, such as promotional material or weather information.报头角小栏,小专栏:在报刊或期刊上部角落一个小栏目,印有通知,如广告材料或天气预报等美国传统〔feature〕A prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper or periodical.特写:报纸或杂志上明显的或特别的文章、故事或图片美国传统〔feed〕The public feeds on these periodicals.公众以这些期刊为精神食粮。英汉大词典〔house organ〕A periodical published by a business organization for its employees or clients.商行内部刊物:由商业机构为其雇员或顾客出版的期刊美国传统〔magazine〕A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.杂志:一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊美国传统〔masthead〕The listing in a newspaper or periodical of information about its staff, operation, and circulation.刊头:载有编撰者姓名、制作情况和发行信息的报刊的刊头美国传统〔monthly〕A periodical publication appearing once each month.月刊:每月出版一次的刊物美国传统〔morsel〕I love the morsels of gossip that float around the tabloids and periodicals.我喜欢读小报和期刊上流传的那些八卦消息。外研社新世纪〔newsdealer〕One who sells newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals.报刊经销人:贩卖报纸、杂志与其它期刊的人美国传统〔newsstand〕An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold.报摊,报刊柜:对外出售报纸和期刊的摊点或售货台美国传统〔news〕Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television.新闻:最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导美国传统〔organ〕An instrument or a means of communication, especially a periodical issued by a political party, business firm, or other group.喉舌,报刊:通讯的机构或形式,尤指由政党、商业、公司或其它组织定期发行的美国传统〔periodically〕She made periodical visits to her dentist.她定期去看牙医。柯林斯高阶〔periodically〕The walls would be lined with books and periodicals.这几面墙会摆放书籍和期刊。柯林斯高阶〔periodical〕I expect regular periodical reports from you.我期待着你定期汇报。英汉大词典〔periodical〕She has written for several legal periodicals.她为几家法律期刊撰稿。剑桥高阶〔periodical〕She made periodical visits to her dentist.她定期去看牙医。外研社新世纪〔periodical〕She writes for a monthly periodical.她为一家月刊写文章。韦氏高阶〔periodical〕The library has a large collection of scholarly periodicals.图书馆收藏大量学术期刊。韦氏高阶〔pictorial〕An illustrated periodical.画报,画刊:有插图的杂志美国传统〔referee〕She refereed for a periodical a few years ago.几年前她为一期刊担任编审。21世纪英汉〔review〕A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.定期专栏评论:时事、文学及艺术方面文章或评论的期刊美国传统〔scandal sheet〕A periodical, such as a newspaper, that habitually prints gossip or scandalous stories.黄色报刊:习惯刊登造谣或猥亵故事的期刊,如报纸等美国传统〔second-class〕Of or relating to a class of U.S. and Canadian mail consisting of newspapers and periodicals.二类邮件的:美国和加拿大的一类由报纸和刊物组成的邮件的,或与之有关的美国传统〔set〕A group of books or periodicals published as a unit.作为一个整体的一套书或期刊美国传统〔subscription〕A purchase made by signed order, as for a periodical for a specified period of time or for a series of performances.订阅:通过签订购单来买东西,如在某一段时期订阅一期刊,或者订购一系列演出之戏票美国传统〔supplement〕A separate section devoted to a special subject inserted into a periodical, such as a newspaper.增刊:插入一期刊,如一报纸中专用于刊登某一专题的独立部分美国传统〔syndicate〕An agency that sells articles, features, or photographs for publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals simultaneously.稿件辛迪加:向各报纸或期刊同时出售稿件、专稿或照片以供同时发表的机构美国传统〔syndicate〕To sell (a comic strip or column, for example) through a syndicate for simultaneous publication in newspapers or periodicals.为了在多家报纸或期刊上同时发表,通过稿件辛迪加而出售(连环漫画或幽默小栏目等)美国传统〔tear sheet〕A page taken from a periodical and used chiefly to provide evidence to an advertiser of the publication of an advertisement.样张:从期刊上取下的纸张,主要用于向要登广告的客户提供资料美国传统〔triweekly〕A periodical published triweekly.三周刊:每三周发行一次的期刊美国传统〔unread〕He caught up on months of unread periodicals.他读完了数月之内出的没读的期刊。外研社新世纪〔unread〕He caught up on months of unread periodicals.他读完了数月之内出的没读的期刊。柯林斯高阶〔volume〕A series of issues of a periodical, usually covering one calendar year.合订本:一系列期刊,常包含一年的美国传统〔wing〕In the library's north wing, you'll find the current periodicals.在图书馆的北翼楼,你能看到最新的期刊。韦氏高阶I expect regular periodical reports from you. 我期待你定期汇报。译典通I was born during one of the periodical wanderings of my family. 我出生在一个我家周期性的流浪时期。译典通She has written for several legal periodicals.她为几家法律期刊撰稿。剑桥国际The periodical is published every month.这本期刊每月出版。剑桥国际




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