

单词 pervasive
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔pervasiveness〕the pervasive influence of the army in national life.在国民生活中军队的影响无处不在柯林斯高阶〔pervasive〕a pervasive farmyard smell 到处都是农家庭院的味道麦克米伦高阶〔pervasive〕a pervasive odor 四处弥漫的难闻气味韦氏高阶〔pervasive〕a pervasive odour 到处弥漫的气味英汉大词典〔pervasive〕a pervasive smell of damp 四处弥漫的潮湿味儿牛津高阶〔pervasive〕a pervasive smell of diesel 到处弥漫的柴油味剑桥高阶〔pervasive〕a pervasive smell.瀰漫的气味。牛津同义词〔pervasive〕a pervasive uneasiness 普遍的不安心理英汉大词典〔pervasive〕one of the most pervasive problems 最带有普遍性的问题之一英汉大词典〔pervasive〕television's pervasive influence on our culture 电视对我们文化的渗透性影响韦氏高阶〔pervasive〕the pervasive beauty of a subtropical country 亚热带国家无处不美的风光英汉大词典〔pervasive〕the pervasive influence of American culture美国文化无处不在的影响力外研社新世纪〔pervasive〕the pervasive influence of Christianity in the Middle Ages 中世纪时基督教无处不在的影响麦克米伦高阶〔pervasive〕the pervasive influence of television 电视无所不在的影响朗文当代〔pervasive〕the pervasive nature of the problem 问题的普遍性韦氏高阶〔pervasive〕the pervasive odor of garlic.弥漫着蒜味美国传统〔pervasive〕the increasingly pervasive subculture in modern society 在现代社会中日益普及的亚文化牛津搭配〔pervasive〕the most pervasive of the media 涵盖面最广的传媒英汉大词典〔presence〕the pervasive presence of the Web 网络的普遍存在牛津搭配〔shut〕administrators who shut their eyes to pervasive corruption.对盛行的腐败现象置之不理的行政官员美国传统




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