

单词 party-goer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assailant〕Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.其他参加聚会的人把这名伤者从行凶者手中救了出来。柯林斯高阶〔assailant〕Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.参加聚会的其他人把受伤者从攻击者手里解救了出来。外研社新世纪〔party-goer〕At least half the party-goers were under 15.这些参加聚会的人中至少有一半不到15岁。外研社新世纪〔party-goer〕Chants from the drunken party-goers woke residents and the police were called.酩酊大醉的聚会者唱歌吵醒了居民, 有人报了警。外研社新世纪〔party-goer〕Chants from the drunken party-goers woke residents and the police were called.酩酊大醉的聚会者唱歌吵醒了居民,有人报了警。柯林斯高阶〔party-goer〕Nigel Coates, the architect, party-goer and motorbike owner奈杰尔•科茨, 建筑师, 热衷聚会、有摩托车外研社新世纪The party-goers were a diverse assemblage of students, artists and aspiring philosophers.参加聚会的是一些不同身份的人,他们是学生、艺术家和踌躇满志的哲学家。剑桥国际




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