

单词 privilege
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abuser〕officeholders who are abusers of privilege 滥用特权的公务人员韦氏高阶〔arrogate〕to arrogate privilege to oneself僭取特权21世纪英汉〔bastion〕a bastion of male privilege 大男子主义的堡垒牛津高阶〔cherished〕a weekend at home, a cherished privilege that presents itself only every so often周末在家——一个偶尔才会有的难得荣幸外研社新世纪〔distinction〕a society without distinctions of class and privilege 一个没有阶级和特权差别的社会牛津搭配〔gross〕gross inequalities in wealth, power and privilege 财富、权力和特权方面的极端不平等英汉大词典〔more〕the future when privilege and class are no more 特权和阶级不再存在的未来 英汉大词典〔penalty〕the penalty privilege 政府免费邮件专用权英汉大词典〔privilege〕privilege oneself to believe 特许自己相信英汉大词典〔privilege〕privilege sb. from liability 对某人免究责任英汉大词典〔privilege〕a life of privilege 优越的生活麦克米伦高阶〔privilege〕a life of privilege 特权生活剑桥高阶〔privilege〕diplomatic/parliamentary privilege 外交/议会言论特权剑桥高阶〔privilege〕doctor-patient privilege 医生为患者的保密权麦克米伦高阶〔privilege〕education policies that privilege the children of wealthy parents 特别优遇富家子弟的教育政策牛津高阶〔privilege〕parliamentary privilege 议会言论免责权韦氏高阶〔privilege〕the privilege of a good education 可以享受良好教育的特权朗文当代〔privilege〕the privilege of trial by jury 由陪审团审判的基本公民权英汉大词典〔privilege〕to privilege legislators from arrest使立法议员有免受拘捕的特权21世纪英汉〔privilege〕wealth and privilege 财富和权势朗文当代〔revocable〕a privilege revocable at any time 随时可取消的特权英汉大词典




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