

单词 ponderous
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔heavy〕ponderous prehistoric beasts. Figuratively it describes what is complicated, involved, or lacking in grace: 笨重的史前野兽。 它喻指复杂的、纠缠混乱的或缺少优雅的: 美国传统〔heavy〕a ponderous compliment. Somethingcumbersome is difficult to move, handle, or deal with because it is heavy, bulky, or clumsy: 肉麻的吹捧。 Cumbersome 形容因其沉重、巨大或粗笨而难以移动、对付或处理的事物: 美国传统〔heavy〕a book with a ponderous plot; 情节复杂的书;美国传统〔ill-judged〕ponderous and ill-judged irony 笨拙而轻率的挖苦英汉大词典〔impacted〕the ponderous impacted irony that marred many of sb.'s earlier books 使某人许多早期作品逊色的连篇累牍的挖苦话英汉大词典〔ponderous〕a ponderous and difficult book 乏味晦涩的书朗文当代〔ponderous〕a ponderous boulder 沉重的大石英汉大词典〔ponderous〕a ponderous joke 一则生硬的笑话英汉大词典〔ponderous〕a ponderous load.沈重的担子。牛津同义词〔ponderous〕a ponderous speech.See Synonyms at heavy 沉闷的演讲 参见 heavy美国传统〔ponderous〕a ponderous style.沈闷的风格。牛津同义词〔ponderous〕a ponderous sumo wrestler一个大块头的相扑运动员外研社新世纪〔ponderous〕an elephant's ponderous walk 大象笨拙的步态朗文当代〔ponderous〕students struggling to stay awake during a ponderous lecture 在沉闷的讲座中尽量不打瞌睡的学生们韦氏高阶〔ponderous〕the elephant's ponderous movements 大象缓慢的动作韦氏高阶




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