

单词 anyhow
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acknowledge as〕Anyhow Tony intended to acknowledge him as his son.不管怎样托尼打算承认他为自己的儿子。21世纪英汉〔anyhow〕Anyhow you can try.你至少可以试一试。英汉大词典〔anyhow〕Anyhow, I mustn't keep you from your work.总之,我不能阻止你工作。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕Anyhow, let us begin.不管怎样,我们开始吧。文馨英汉〔anyhow〕Account books and documents lay scattered anyhow across his desk.账簿和文件乱七八糟地散放在他的书桌上。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕Did you bring a map? Oh well, it doesn't matter anyhow – I know the way.你带地图了吗?噢,这没什么要紧的,我认识路。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕He dumped the tools into the box just anyhow.他把工具胡乱地丢进箱里。英汉大词典〔anyhow〕He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with his hair sticking up.他那样子邋遢透顶,衣衫不整,头发翘着。剑桥高阶〔anyhow〕He threw the papers down anyhow on the table.他将文件随意地扔在桌上。外研社新世纪〔anyhow〕I could see the poor animal was sick. Anyhow, I gave it antibiotics, and it started to recover.我看得出这只可怜的动物生病了,接着,我给它服抗生素,它就开始恢复了。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕I couldn't sleep anyhow.我怎样也睡不著。文馨英汉〔anyhow〕I don't want to talk about it, not tonight anyhow.我不想谈论这事,至少今晚不想。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕I must finish this report anyhow.我必须设法完成这篇报告。文馨英汉〔anyhow〕I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet.我想他们睡着了;不管怎样他们很安静美国传统〔anyhow〕I'll cook it anyhow you like. They came anyhow they could—by boat, train, or plane.我将按你喜欢的任何方法来烹制它。他们是以各种方式来的--乘船、乘火车或乘飞机美国传统〔anyhow〕I've never been to a circus, not recently anyhow.我从没看过马戏,至少最近没看过。朗文当代〔anyhow〕It may not work but I'll try anyhow.它可能行不通,但尽管如此,我还是要试一试。文馨英汉〔anyhow〕It sounds crazy, but I believe it anyhow.它听起来像疯话,然而我相信美国传统〔anyhow〕It's OK if we don't go to the movie. I'm not that interested in seeing it anyhow.即使我们不去看电影也没关系,反正我对它也不怎么感兴趣。韦氏高阶〔anyhow〕It's too late now, anyhow.无论如何,现在已经太迟了。英汉大词典〔anyhow〕Make the speed limit 30 miles an hour, and people will drive at 40 anyhow.把速度限在每小时30英里,人们无论如何也要开到40英里。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕Martin's been ill, but anyhow, I think he's hoping to come with us tomorrow.马丁病了,但不管怎么样,我想他希望明天跟我们一起来。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕Oh well, anyhow, as we were saying, nobody cares about the poor old farmers.好了,其实正如我们所说的,没人关心可怜的老农民们。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.她把文件在桌上随便搁成一堆。牛津高阶〔anyhow〕She put all the things in the bag anyhow.她随便地把所有的东西都塞到袋子里。文馨英汉〔anyhow〕Somehow, anyhow, I've got to get this car repaired before the weekend.我得想办法, 不管是什么办法, 在周末前找人把车修好。外研社新世纪〔anyhow〕The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.柜子乱塞了许多鞋,几乎关不上了。朗文当代〔anyhow〕The door was locked and I couldn't get in anyhow.门锁着,我怎么想办法也进不去。英汉大词典〔anyhow〕The experiment is a success anyhow you look at it.无论从什么角度看,实验都是成功的。英汉大词典〔anyhow〕The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.这宗丑闻可能损害她的名声,不过报纸还是给登了出来。朗文当代〔anyhow〕The world, my world anyhow, is full of stupid guys like Gary.这世界,至少我的世界里充满了像加里这样的笨蛋。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕There's nothing to eat. Anyhow, I'm not really hungry.没有吃的。不过,我也不怎么饿。麦克米伦高阶〔anyhow〕Things are all anyhow.一切事情都随随便便;事情做得很马虎。文馨英汉〔anyway〕I was told to go to Reading for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. Anyhow, I got the job.我被通知前往雷丁面试。整个过程很有意思。总之,我被录用了。柯林斯高阶〔anyway〕I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。柯林斯高阶〔anyway〕Mother certainly won't let him stay with her and anyhow he wouldn't.母亲当然不会让他和她住在一起,再说他也不愿意。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕He's welcome to the job; it's no catch, anyhow.欢迎他来干这项工作,反正不是什么好差事。 英汉大词典〔no〕I won't have no use for it anyhow.不管怎样我不会再需要它了。英汉大词典〔pleasure〕Thanks very much anyhow.—It's a pleasure.不管怎样, 非常感谢。——不用客气。外研社新世纪He looked a complete mess--hair sticking up on end and clothes dragged on just anyhow.他看上去不成个样子----头发横七竖八,衣服邋里邋遢。剑桥国际His clothes were thrown down just anyhow. 他的衣服到处乱扔。译典通It may snow, but anyhow I will go to town. 可能下雪,但我无论如何要进城。译典通




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