

单词 premised
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔premised on/upon〕The plan is premised on the belief that people are willing to pay more to use alternative fuel sources.这一方案基于人们愿意花更多的钱使用替代能源的设想。韦氏高阶〔premised〕All our activities are premised on the basis of 'Quality with Equality'.我们所有活动都是以“优质、平等”为前提的。柯林斯高阶〔premised〕The program is premised on the idea that drug addiction can be cured.这个计划是以毒瘾可以戒除为前提的。朗文当代〔premised〕Traditional economic analysis is premised on the assumption that more is better.传统的经济分析是以多多益善的设想为依据的。牛津高阶〔premise〕He premised his argument on several incorrect assumptions.他把自己的论证建立在了几个错误的假设之上。剑桥高阶〔premise〕He premised his argument with a bit of history.他讲了一些历史事实后摆出了自己的论点。英汉大词典〔premise〕The chairman premised his speech on the belief that the rich want to help the poor.主席的讲话是基于富人愿意帮助穷人这样一种信念。21世纪英汉He premised (= based) his argument on several assumptions which not everyone in the audience shared.他把自己的论证建立在并非每个观众都赞同的一些假设之上。剑桥国际She premised what she was saying by acknowledging that other interpretations were possible.她以承认其他解释是可能的来引出自己的话。剑桥国际The production of the play is premised on two highly original ideas.这个剧作以两个颇有创意的想法为前提。剑桥国际This policy is premised on the expectation that the public will be willing to accept it.这个政策以期望公众会乐于接受它为前提。剑桥国际




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