

单词 pick-up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEE〕Among the trees below, he could make out a yellow pick-up truck. 他在下面的树丛里隐约看到一辆黄色的小货车。朗文写作活用〔hitch〕You can usually hitch a lift in someone's pick-up.你通常都能够搭上别人的便车。外研社新世纪〔jointly〕They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.他们来到了全世界最有名的寻花问柳之地。柯林斯高阶〔joint〕They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.他们来到了全世界最有名的寻花问柳之地。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕And I'll leave a message for Kenny to make the pick-up first thing in the morning.我会给肯尼留个条, 让他早上先去接人。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕Garland worked as a piano player in pick-up bands.加兰在临时拼凑的乐队里担任钢琴手。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕He delivered the pick-up safely.他将货物安全送达。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕He gave us a pick-up.他让我们搭了个便车。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕He was attacked as he made his way home from a pick-up basketball game.临时组织的篮球比赛结束后, 他在回家的路上遭到了攻击。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕It began just in the usual way, I mean, a pick-up in a pub, and then his moving in with me.开始的时候和往常一样, 也就是说, 首先是在酒吧搭讪, 然后他就搬来和我同居了。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕It was a small car, but it had good pick-up.这车虽小,可加速能力很强。朗文当代〔pick-up〕Starch is absorbed more slowly, giving a sustained pick-up hour after hour.淀粉被吸收的更慢些, 能让人持续数小时精神振奋。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕The company had pick-up points in most cities.这家公司在大部分城市都有提货点。柯林斯高阶〔pick-up〕The economy remains deep in recession with few signs of a pick-up.经济仍深陷衰退之中, 几乎没有好转的迹象。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕The economy remains deep in recession with few signs of a pick-up.经济仍深陷衰退之中,几乎没有好转的迹象。柯林斯高阶〔pick-up〕The price includes travel from your local pick-up point in the UK to your hotel in Paris.这个价格包括从英国的上车点到巴黎宾馆之间的旅费。朗文当代〔pick-up〕There are signs of a pick-up in high street spending.商业区消费出现好转迹象。朗文当代〔pick-up〕They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.他们已来到了世界上最著名的调情场所。柯林斯高阶〔pick-up〕They parked the pick-up at the entrance.他们将那辆皮卡停在了入口处。外研社新世纪〔pick-up〕Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford.火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。柯林斯高阶〔straw〕The latest straw in the wind is a pick-up in sales among the nation's retail giants.最新的迹象是该国几家零售巨头的销售额有所上升。外研社新世纪〔straw〕The latest straw in the wind is a pick-up in sales among the nation's retail giants.最新的迹象是该国几家零售巨头的销售额有所上升。柯林斯高阶〔track〕The pick-up tracks badly.这个拾音器滑动得极不顺畅。外研社新世纪Jerry brought his latest pick-up to the party.杰利把他最新结识的女伴带到晚会上。剑桥国际The pick-up point for the long-distance coaches is now in the new bus station.长途汽车的搭乘点现在为新汽车站。剑桥国际The taxi driver said I was the first pick-up that he'd had all evening.出租车司机说整个晚上我是第一个搭他车的人。剑桥国际We arranged the pick-up for ten o'clock.我们约定在10 点时接人。剑桥国际




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