

单词 photographic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUIPMENT〕There's a shop in town which sells all the latest photographic apparatus. 镇上有一家商店出售各种最新的摄影器材。朗文写作活用〔LIE〕She later did a series of photographic studies of reclining nudes. 她后来拍摄了一系列半躺的裸体摄影习作。朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕As weather conditions got worse, Watts and Peters abandoned their photographic equipment in order to lighten the load. 天气变得越来越糟,沃茨和彼得斯为了减轻负担,丢弃了他们的摄影器材。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕The Bishop's Stortford Photographic Society now has a membership of over 50. 毕晓普斯托福德摄影协会现在有五十多名会员。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The digitized images can be stored on a computer hard disk, or printed out on special photographic paper. 数字化影像可以储存在电脑硬盘上或打印到专门的相纸上。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕She is blessed with a photographic memory. 她天生有过目不忘的好记性。朗文写作活用〔admissible〕Convictions will rise steeply now photographic evidence is admissible.既然照片证据可以接受,有罪判决将大幅增加。柯林斯高阶〔blowup〕A photographic enlargement.照片扩大美国传统〔blow〕To enlarge (a photographic image or print).(照片或印刷品)放大,扩大美国传统〔carbon process〕A photographic printing process using permanent pigments, such as carbon, contained in a sensitized tissue or film of gelatin.碳素印像法:一种照片的晒印过程,使用包含在易于感光的材料或照像胶片里的如碳等永久性染料美国传统〔cartridge〕A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera.暗盒:可直接装入照相机中,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子美国传统〔cassette〕A lightproof cartridge containing photographic film or plates, used in specially designed cameras.暗匣:装有摄影胶卷或感光板的防光胶卷盒,用在特殊设计的照相机中美国传统〔celluloid〕A colorless, flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor and used to make photographic film.赛璐珞,明胶:一种由硝酸纤维和樟脑制成的无色、易燃材料,用以制作照相胶卷美国传统〔cellulose acetate〕A cellulose resin used in lacquers, photographic film, transparent sheeting, and cigarette filters.醋酸纤维素:一种应用于漆料、照相胶卷、透明薄膜和香烟过滤嘴的纤维树脂美国传统〔chemistry〕This new photographic paper has its chemistry built in.这种新型感光纸内含处理时所需的各种化学药品。英汉大词典〔colposcope〕A magnifying and photographic device used as an aid in the diagnostic examination of the vaginal and cervical epithelia.阴道镜:一种放大和照相装置,用作阴道和子宫颈膜诊断检查的辅助设备美国传统〔contact print〕A print made by exposing a photosensitive surface in direct contact with a photographic negative.接触印相照片:将感光纸与底片紧密连接在一起并通过光晒印成的照片美国传统〔cyanine〕Any of various blue dyes, used to sensitize photographic emulsions to a greater range of light.菁,花青:一种蓝色染料,用来使摄影用的感光乳胶容易感光来扩大其感光范围美国传统〔daguerreotype〕An early photographic process with the image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate.达盖尔银版照相法:早期的照相术,把像照在易感光的镀银金属版上美国传统〔darkroom〕A room in which photographic materials are processed, either in complete darkness or with a safelight.暗室:照相材料被进行加工处理的房间,或者是在完全的黑暗中或有一安全灯下美国传统〔debunk〕His research debunks the myth that savants have photographic memories.他的研究驳斥了关于学者们能过目不忘的传言。外研社新世纪〔dense〕Opaque, with good contrast between light and dark areas. Used of a photographic negative.反差强的:不透明的,在黑白区域之间有很好反差的。常用于照相底片美国传统〔densitometer〕An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.(光)密度计:测量材料,例如相片感光纸光密度的器械美国传统〔density〕The degree of optical opacity of a medium or material, as of a photographic negative.不透光度:一定介质或材料(例如照相感光纸)的不透光程度美国传统〔desensitize〕To make (a photographic film or substance) less sensitive to light.减低感光性:降低(照相底片)对光的敏感性美国传统〔distortion〕The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.化学药剂不合比例可导致摄影图像严重失真。牛津搭配〔emulsion〕A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass.感光乳剂:一种感光覆盖层,通常是银的卤化物颗粒在感光胶片、纸或玻璃上的一薄层胶体美国传统〔enlargement〕Something that has been enlarged, especially a photographic reproduction or a copy larger than the original print or negative.放大的照片:被扩大了的事物,尤指照片、复制品或比原先版或底片大的复制版美国传统〔equipment〕The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.这个摄影室的装备花费巨大。牛津高阶〔evidence〕The court was shown photographic evidence.有人向法庭出示了影像证据。牛津搭配〔expose〕To subject (a photographic film, for example) to the action of light.使曝光:使受到(如照相的胶卷)光的作用美国传统〔exposure〕A photographic plate or a piece of film so exposed.软片:感光照片底片或电影胶片美国传统〔exposure〕The act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate.曝光:感光胶片或底片的曝光的行为美国传统〔exposure〕The amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film.曝光量:感光胶片上曝光所需的辐射能的总量美国传统〔film pack〕A pack of photographic sheet films that can be exposed in succession and withdrawn from the exposure position for storage at the rear of the pack.软片暗包:一盒摄影胶卷,能被连续地曝光和从储存在盒子后部的曝光位置抽出美国传统〔film〕A thin sheet or strip of developed photographic negatives or transparencies.底片,幻灯片:显影后的照相底片或幻灯片的薄片美国传统〔fixer〕A chemical preservative used to fix a photographic image.定影液:用在保存照片影像的化学药剂美国传统〔fix〕To prevent discoloration of (a photographic image) by washing or coating with a chemical preservative.固色,定影:用化学防腐剂冲洗或覆以一层防腐物以防(照片)褪色美国传统〔flashlight〕A brief, brilliant flood of light from a photographic lamp.闪光:摄影灯发出的短暂而明亮的一大片光美国传统〔fog〕A blur on a developed photographic image.模糊不清:洗好的照片图象上的模糊处美国传统〔fog〕To be dimmed or obscured. Used of a photographic image.照片(模糊):被搞暗或搞模糊了。用于形容相片上的图象美国传统〔fog〕To obscure or dim (a photographic image).使模糊或弄暗(一张照片的图象)美国传统〔frill〕A wrinkling of the edge of a photographic film.脱膜:电影胶片边缘的皱褶美国传统〔glossy〕A photographic print on smooth, shiny paper.相片:印在光面纸上的照片美国传统〔halation〕A blurring or spreading of light around bright areas on a photographic image.光晕:从相片中影像中比较明亮的部份蔓延出的虚影或光美国传统〔hive〕Stuart Tannahill's shed is a veritable hive of photographic creativity.斯图尔特·坦纳希尔的小屋是个名副其实的摄影创意中心。柯林斯高阶〔intensify〕To increase the contrast of (a photographic image).增加(照片图象)的对比度美国传统〔latitude〕A range of values or conditions, especially the range of exposures over which a photographic film yields usable images.安全曝光的时限:价值或情况的范围,尤指曝光范围,在此期限内摄影用的底片能产生可用的影象美国传统〔mask〕To cover (a part of a photographic film) by the application of an opaque border.用遮光框遮住(胶片的一部分)美国传统〔medium〕The gallery has been committed to the photographic medium for 25 years.这家美术馆 25 年来一直致力于摄影艺术。牛津搭配〔microcopy〕A greatly reduced photographic copy, usually reproduced by projection.缩微复制品,缩微本:比原件大大缩小了的复本,通常以投影法复制而成美国传统〔microdensitometer〕An extremely sensitive densitometer used to detect on a film or photographic plate spectrum lines too faint to be seen by the human eye.显微光密度计;测微密度计:一种极其敏感的密度计,用以测定电影或摄影感光版中人眼看不到的微弱光谱线美国传统〔micrograph〕A drawing or photographic reproduction of an object as viewed through a microscope.显微照片;微观图:一个物体的图画或照片复制品,象透过显微镜看到的物像一样美国传统〔modelling〕Paris's top photographic fashion model.巴黎顶尖时装摄影模特儿柯林斯高阶〔model〕Paris's top photographic fashion model巴黎顶尖时装摄影模特儿外研社新世纪〔negative〕A film, plate, or other photographic material containing such an image.底片:含有这样一种映像的电影、感光板或其它摄影原料美国传统〔nuclear emulsion〕Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles.核乳胶:照片的感光乳剂,用于侦测并形象地显示带电亚原子微粒,尤指带电宇宙射线微粒的路径美国传统〔opaque〕Something that is opaque, especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative.不透明颜料:不透明涂料,尤指用在摄影的相片或负影像的暗面的一种不透明涂料美国传统〔openness〕A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday.星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。柯林斯高阶〔overdevelop〕To process (a photographic plate or film) too long or in too concentrated a solution.使显影过度:处理(摄影用感光板或胶卷)所用时间太长或所用显影液浓度太高美国传统〔overexpose〕To expose (a photographic film or plate) too long or with too much light.使(底片等)曝光过度:使(摄影用的胶卷或底片)暴露过久或过分曝光美国传统〔personally〕Parks has a tendency to become personally involved with his photographic subjects.帕克斯喜欢与其拍摄对象有私交。外研社新世纪〔personally〕Parks has a tendency to become personally involved with his photographic subjects.帕克斯往往会跟他的拍摄对象产生感情纠葛。柯林斯高阶〔photocopy〕A photographic or xerographic reproduction.摄影复制或静电复印美国传统〔photocopy〕To make a photographic reproduction of (printed or graphic material), especially by xerography.复印件,摄影复制品:进行照相似的复制(印刷或图表资料),尤指通过静电复印术复制美国传统〔photographic memory〕He is a good detective because he has a photographic memory.他是一名出色的侦探,因为他过目不忘。韦氏高阶〔photographically〕He had a photographic memory for maps.他对地图过目不忘。柯林斯高阶〔photographically〕The bank is able to provide photographic evidence of who used the machine.银行能提供用过该机器的顾客的影像证据。柯林斯高阶〔photographic〕He has a photographic memory.他有精确的记忆力。文馨英汉〔photographic〕Her paintings are almost photographic in their detail and accuracy.她的画从细节和准确性上来讲简直就像照片一样。剑桥高阶〔photographic〕His paintings are almost photographic in detail.他的绘画细致得简直和照片一样逼真。牛津高阶〔photographic〕She has a photographic memory for detail.她对细节过目不忘。英汉大词典〔photographic〕The software allows you to scan photographic images on your personal computer.用这个软件,你可以在自己的个人计算机上浏览照片。朗文当代〔photographic〕They produced a photographic record of the event.他们为这一事件制作了一套照片实录。牛津高阶〔photographic〕We have photographic evidence of who is responsible.我们有责任人的影像证据。外研社新世纪〔photogravure〕The process of printing from an intaglio plate, etched according to a photographic image.照相凹版印刷:根据摄影图像刻写,从一个凹刻印板上印刷的方法美国传统〔photolithography〕A planographic printing process using plates made according to a photographic image.照相(影印)平版印刷(法):根据摄影图像制作的,使用印版的平面印刷过程美国传统〔photoreconnaissance〕Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets.空中照相侦察:空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的美国传统〔plate〕Abbr. pl.Photography A light-sensitive sheet of glass or metal on which a photographic image can be recorded.缩写 pl.【摄影术】 感光版:在其上能记录摄影图像的一片感光玻璃或金属美国传统〔portability〕When it came to choosing photographic equipment portability was as important as reliability.说到挑选摄影设备, 便携性与可靠性同样重要。外研社新世纪〔portability〕When it came to choosing photographic equipment portability was as important as reliability.说起选择摄影器材,轻便性和可靠性一样重要。柯林斯高阶〔positive〕A photographic image in which the lights and darks appear as they do in nature.正片:明暗在其上的显示与在自然中一样的影像美国传统〔positive〕Having the areas of light and dark in their original and normal relationship, as in a photographic print made from a negative.正片的:使明暗区处于它们原本及正常的关系中的,如位于从底片印出的相片上美国传统〔potassium bromide〕A white crystalline solid or powder, KBr, used as a sedative, in photographic emulsion, and in lithography.溴化钾:白色晶体状固体或粉末,KBr,用作镇静剂、照相用感光乳剂中,及用于石板印刷术中美国传统〔printer〕A device used for printing, especially a photographic machine from which a duplicate of a master print can be made.晒板机或印相机:印刷用的装置,尤指印相机,可以复制优秀的印刷品美国传统〔print〕A photographic image transferred to paper or a similar surface, usually from a negative.冲印出来的相:从底片上晒制到纸或类似的表面上的照相图像美国传统〔print〕To produce a photographic image from (a negative, for example) by passing light through film onto a photosensitive surface, especially sensitized paper.翻印:通过使光线穿过胶片投射到感光板,尤指感光照相纸上,从而晒制出(底片上的)图象美国传统〔proof〕A trial photographic print.试用的照片印相美国传统〔record〕In all cases, a photographic record was kept.在任何情况下都存有照相记录。外研社新世纪〔redevelop〕To tone or intensify (a photographic print, for example) by a second developing process.二次显影:通过第二次冲洗改变或加深(影印件等)的颜色美国传统〔reproduction proof〕A proof of typeset material made for reproduction through a photographic process such as photo-offset lithography.复制清样:为通过摄影方法而进行复制制作的排字材料的样张,如照相平版胶印法美国传统〔reproduction〕The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time.影印件的质量会随着时间的推移而下降。牛津搭配〔reprography〕The process of reproducing, reprinting, or copying graphic material especially by mechanical, photographic, or electronic means.复印:再制造、再印刷或复制图表材料的过程,尤指使用机械、照相或电子的方式美国传统〔rep〕I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company.我一直在一家摄影公司做销售代表。柯林斯高阶〔retouch〕To improve or change (a photographic negative or print), as by adding details or removing flaws.修整(负片):通过添加细节或除去瑕疵来改进或改变(照相的负片或相片)美国传统〔roll film〕Photographic film rolled on a spool and encased before being loaded into a camera.胶卷:绕轴卷着且装入相机前用小盒装好的摄影用的胶卷美国传统〔réseau〕Astronomy A reference grid of fine lines forming uniform squares on a photographic plate or print, used to aid in measurement.【天文学】 网格:照相的感光板或照片上的由细线形成均匀方格供参考用的网格,用于协助测量美国传统〔sensitometer〕A device used for measuring the sensitivity of photographic film to light.曝光表:用于测量摄影用的胶片对光的感光度的设备美国传统〔shoot〕A photographic assignment or session.拍照:一个照相任务或一次照相美国传统〔shot〕A developed photographic image.一张冲洗好的相片美国传统〔silver chloride〕A white granular powder, AgCl, that turns dark on exposure to light and is used in photographic emulsions, photometry, and silver plating.氯化银:一种白色颗粒状粉末AgCl,见光后变黑,用作照相时的感光乳剂、测光和镀银美国传统〔solarize〕To be overexposed. Used of photographic film.使曝光过久:曝光过度。用于摄影胶卷美国传统〔spectrogram〕A graphic or photographic representation of a spectrum.光谱图:图解的或拍摄的光谱图美国传统〔spectrum〕A graphic or photographic representation of such a distribution.光谱相片:上述分布之图解或拍摄的相片美国传统〔speed〕A numerical expression of the sensitivity of a photographic film, plate, or paper to light.感光度:照相底片、底板或纸对光的敏感度的数字表示美国传统〔sprocket〕A cylinder with a toothed rim that engages in the perforations of photographic or movie film to pull it through a camera or projector.滚筒:齿状凸缘的筒体,通过照相机或摄影机把胶片或电影胶片转动美国传统〔steal〕I got loads of photographic apparatus at a steal.我以非常低廉的价格买到了大批大批的摄影器材。英汉大词典〔stop bath〕An acid solution used to check the developing process of a photographic negative or print.定影剂,停影药:用以检查摄影底片或印刷品变化过程的酸性溶剂美国传统〔stripper〕One that strips, as one that strips photographic negatives or positives.分离相片负像或正像的人美国传统〔strip〕To mount (a photographic positive or negative) on paper to be used in making a printing plate.放置:把(照片或底片)安置到用于冲洗底片的相纸上美国传统〔subtractive〕Of, relating to, or being a photographic process that produces a positive image by superposing or mixing substances that selectively absorb colored light.减色:属于或关于一种生成正象的摄影过程,通过混和或重叠能够选择性地吸收有色光的物质美国传统〔supersede〕Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.他们的地图从此就被摄影图册取代了。朗文当代〔talc〕To apply this substance to (a photographic plate, for example).将这种物质加在(比如,一张照像底版上)美国传统〔telephoto〕Of or relating to a photographic lens or lens system used to produce a large image of a distant object.摄远镜头的:属于或关于用来制作远处物体的大像的摄影镜头或镜头系统的美国传统〔telescope〕An arrangement of lenses or mirrors or both that gathers visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects.望远镜:采集可见光、能对远距离物体直接观察或照相记录的透镜、镜片或两者都有的装置美国传统〔thin〕Not having enough photographic density or contrast to make satisfactory prints. Used of a negative.明暗对比低的:摄影密度不足或无法获得满意的照片。用于底片美国传统〔time exposure〕A photographic exposure made by leaving the shutter open a relatively long time, generally a second or more.定时曝光:一种让快门打开的时间相对长的照片曝光,通常为一秒钟或更长美国传统〔toner〕A chemical bath used to change the color of a photographic print or to preserve black-and-white prints or movie film.调色液:一种用来改变照片底片颜色或保留黑白底片及影片的化学药液美国传统〔tone〕To soften or change the color of (a painting or photographic negative, for example).调色:使柔和或改变如(某幅油画或照像底片等)的颜色美国传统〔transparency〕A transparent object, especially a photographic slide that is viewed by light shining through it from behind or by projection. 透明物:一个透明物体,尤指那种通过用光从后背照射或投影的方式来观看的幻灯照片美国传统〔trompe l'oeil〕A style of painting that gives an illusion of photographic reality.视觉欺骗:一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格美国传统〔viewer〕Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them.观察器:通过变亮或者放大来提高图像清晰度的一种视觉设备美国传统An emulsion of very small grains of silver bromide and gelatin is used to make the surface of photographic film sensitive to light.溴化银的细小颗粒和明胶的混合物被用来使摄影胶卷的表面具有感光性。剑桥国际Her paintings are almost photographic in their detail and accuracy.她的画从细节和准确性上来讲象照片一样。剑桥国际She has a photographic memory for detail. 她对细节有惊人的记忆力。译典通The agreement forbids the photographic reproduction of written, printed, or graphic work.协议禁止对书写、印刷或绘画作品影印翻版。剑桥国际




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