

单词 previously
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SAY〕to say that something you previously said was true is not true 收回原来所说的话朗文写作活用〔dereliction〕lands which have previously been formed by accretion or dereliction由冲积加积作用形成的土地外研社新世纪〔deviation〕deviation from the previously accepted norms 违背事先接受的准则牛津高阶〔disclose〕prosecution material not previously disclosed to the accused 之前未向被告透露的起诉材料牛津搭配〔establish〕a previously established formula 先前确立的公式牛津搭配〔estimate〕substantially more than previously estimated 远远超过先前的估计牛津搭配〔friendliness〕a worsening in relations between the two previously friendly countries.这两个曾经友好的国家之间关系的恶化柯林斯高阶〔friendly〕a worsening in relations between the two previously friendly countries这两个曾经友好的国家之间关系的恶化外研社新世纪〔hidden〕areas that were previously considered private and hidden in our society我们社会中先前被视为私秘的领域外研社新世纪〔like〕technological advances the like of which the world had previously only dreamed of只存在于前人梦想中的这些惊人科技进步外研社新世纪〔linkage〕the creation of new research materials by the linkage of previously existing sources.通过整合已有资源而创造出新的研究材料柯林斯高阶〔previously〕two days previously 两天以前文馨英汉〔refute〕a refutation of previously held views 对过去所坚持的观点的驳斥牛津高阶〔revelation〕the revelation of previously unknown facts 之前不为人知的事实的披露朗文当代〔separate〕to merge the two previously separate businesses 将两个先前彼此独立的企业合并牛津搭配〔territory〕an expedition through previously unexplored territory 一次穿越未经勘探地区的探险朗文当代〔unconsidered〕a previously unconsidered strategy 之前未被考虑的策略韦氏高阶〔undiscovered〕a previously undiscovered talent 以前没被发掘的天才牛津高阶〔unheard〕a previously unheard recording 一段以前没人听过的录音韦氏高阶〔unheard〕a previously unheard tape of their conversations 以前未听过的他们谈话的录音带牛津高阶〔unheard〕a previously unheard tape of their conversations 先前没人听过的他们谈话的录音带牛津搭配〔unknown〕a period of democratic development previously unknown in their country 以前在他们国家无人知晓的一段民主发展时期牛津搭配〔unknown〕a species of insect previously unknown to science 科学上以前尚未了解的一种昆虫牛津高阶〔unrecognized〕a previously unrecognized problem 先前未知的问题韦氏高阶〔unsettled〕previously unsettled areas 以前荒无人烟的地区 英汉大词典〔unstudied〕a previously unstudied species 从未研究过的物种韦氏高阶〔untapped〕discover sb.'s capabilities previously untapped 发现某人以前未曾发挥的才能 英汉大词典technology that creates energy from a previously untapped source 用以前未开发的资源创造能量的技术牛津商务




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