

单词 placement
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔biracial〕the placement of biracial and multiracial children with white families 两种族及多种族儿童之安置于白人家庭文馨英汉〔placement〕placement with a foster family 安置到寄养家庭牛津高阶〔placement〕a placement exam 编班考试英汉大词典〔placement〕a placement office 安置办公室英汉大词典〔placement〕a forty-five day placement in a factory 为期 45 天的工厂实习朗文当代〔placement〕a job placement service 职业介绍所牛津高阶〔placement〕a social agency that does the work of child placement 从事儿童安置工作的社会机构英汉大词典〔placement〕a three-month placement with the BBC 在英国广播公司为期3个月的实习麦克米伦高阶〔placement〕job placement programs 工作安排程序韦氏高阶〔placement〕job placement schemes 工作安置方案麦克米伦高阶〔placement〕the placement of children for adoption 安排孩子们的收养问题麦克米伦高阶〔placement〕the placement of children in foster homes 让儿童到寄养家庭的安置朗文当代〔placement〕the placement of fire hydrants along the city's streets 沿城市街道设置消防栓朗文当代〔placement〕the placement of furniture 家具的布置英汉大词典〔placement〕the placement of microphones around the room 房间各处麦克风的安放韦氏高阶〔placement〕the placement of unemployed workers 失业工人的安置韦氏高阶〔placement〕the strategic placement of products at the entrance of a store 商店入口处产品的策略性摆放韦氏高阶a job placement service 职业介绍所牛津商务a work experience placement 实习安排牛津商务the practice of product placement of cigarettes in the movies 在电影中安插香烟广告的做法牛津商务




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