

单词 placed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETRAY〕What Evans did amounts to a betrayal of the trust placed in him by the company. 埃文斯的所作所为辜负了公司对他的信任。朗文写作活用〔BUT〕Some house plants thrive if placed near a window with plenty of sunlight while others prefer to be in a more shaded spot. 有些室内盆栽植物在阳光充足的窗口附近会长得很茂盛,而另外一些则适合在较阴暗的地方生长。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕We think the bomb was placed by an extremist, acting on his own initiative. 我们认为这枚炸弹是一名独立行动的极端分子放置的。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Food is placed in a large cage, and when the animal enters, the door drops down. 食物放在一个大笼子里,动物进来时,门就落下关上了。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕New students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class. 新生须进行数学和阅读测试,然后分配到合适的班级。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The spies’ payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials. 间谍名单上有小职员和高官。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.帕里什小姐最近在本埠报纸上登了一则广告。柯林斯高阶〔advertisement〕We placed advertisements in a number of national newspapers.我们在多家全国性的报纸上都刊登了广告。牛津搭配〔airing〕When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。柯林斯高阶〔aleatory〕An object placed inside the piano added an aleatory element to the piece.放置在钢琴里的物品给这段乐曲加了一些偶然成分美国传统〔awkwardly〕The autoexposure button is awkwardly placed under the lens release button.自动曝光按钮安装在镜头脱卸按钮下面, 十分不便。外研社新世纪〔band〕Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.外科医生在膝盖骨上套了个金属箍以帮助其愈合。柯林斯高阶〔banquette〕A long upholstered bench placed against or built into a wall.软长椅:靠墙放置或安在墙上的软型长凳美国传统〔bead〕A strip of material, usually wood, with one molded edge placed flush against the inner part of a door or window frame.密封条:一片材料(常为木料),磨制过的一边严密地置于门框、窗框内,使门窗打不开美国传统〔bouquet〕They walked up and placed their bouquet of flowers on the grave.他们走上前,将花束放在坟头上。牛津搭配〔burden〕His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.他的病给家庭带来了无法承受的负担。牛津搭配〔burden〕His illness has placed a huge financial burden on the family.他的病使这个家庭背上了沉重的经济负担。韦氏高阶〔centered〕Being at or placed in the center.在中心的:位于或放置于中心的美国传统〔charge〕He placed his younger brother in charge of the lumberyard.他安排他的弟弟管理贮木场。英汉大词典〔chill〕Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them.韦德把冰凉的双手放在暖气片上取暖。柯林斯高阶〔ciborium〕A vaulted canopy permanently placed over an altar.祭祀天盖:拱形的天篷,永久放置在祭坛上美国传统〔colonnade〕A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals.柱廊:由有规则间隔排列柱子构成的建筑结构美国传统〔conspicuously〕The sign was placed very conspicuously.告示牌放在了很显眼的位置。韦氏高阶〔constitution〕The constitution was suspended and the army was placed in full control.暂时停止行宪,由军队实施全面控制。牛津搭配〔contend〕Critics of the school system contend that not enough emphasis is placed on creativity.学校制度的批评者认为创造性没有加以足够的强调。麦克米伦高阶〔core〕A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting.型芯:铸造模型中为铸件提供出口和形状的干沙块美国传统〔corporal〕A white linen cloth on which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.圣餐布:圣餐进用时用来放置献祭圣物品的一种白色亚麻布美国传统〔cozy〕A padded or knitted covering placed especially over a teapot to keep the tea hot.保暖罩:尤指罩在茶壶上面保持茶水热度的堑子或编织物美国传统〔curfew〕The town was placed under curfew.这个镇子实行了宵禁。韦氏高阶〔curfew〕The village was placed under curfew.在该村实行了宵禁。柯林斯高阶〔curfew〕The whole area has been placed under curfew.整个地区已经实行了宵禁。牛津搭配〔diaper〕A folded piece of absorbent material, such as paper or cloth, that is placed between a baby's legs and fastened at the waist to contain excretions.尿布:一种折叠的吸附物(如纸或布),它放在婴儿的两腿间并系在腰上,收纳排泄物美国传统〔dilemma〕This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma .这让罗伯特‧肯尼迪陷入了两难的境地。朗文当代〔discipline〕Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。柯林斯高阶〔disposal〕A car and driver were placed at my disposal.有辆配司机的车子供我随意支配。麦克米伦高阶〔disposal〕He placed (或 put, left) his house at my disposal during my holidays.在我度假期间他把房子让给我随意使用。英汉大词典〔distraint〕His property was placed under distraint.他的财产被扣押了。文馨英汉〔dolly〕A small piece of wood or metal placed on the head of a pile to prevent damage to the pile while it is being driven.桩垫木:放在木桩一头的小块木头或金属,使钻凿时不致损坏美国传统〔electric guitar〕A guitar that transmits tones to an amplifier by means of an electronic pickup placed under the strings.电吉他琴:通过安装在弦下的电子拾音装置把音传递到扬声器上去的吉他琴美国传统〔emphasis〕We discussed where the main emphasis should be placed.我们讨论了主要的重点应放在哪里。牛津搭配〔face〕She placed the cards face down on the table.她把牌反扣在桌上。牛津搭配〔faith〕He distrusted political systems and placed his faith in the genius of individuals.他不相信政治体制,而是相信个人天赋。牛津搭配〔faith〕She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh.她对彭利先生极为信赖。外研社新世纪〔faith〕She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh.她对彭利先生极其信任。柯林斯高阶〔favourable〕Japan is thus favourably placed to maintain its lead as the most successful manufacturing nation.这样,作为头号制造业强国,日本在保持其领先地位方面十分有利。柯林斯高阶〔feint〕He placed the ball and tried a couple of feints.他放好球, 然后连续做了几个假动作。外研社新世纪〔fifth wheel〕A wheel or portion of a wheel placed horizontally over the forward axle of a carriage to provide support and stability during turns.转向轮:呈水平方向放置的马车前轴的轮或轮的一部分,以便在拐弯时保证车子的平稳美国传统〔fillet〕Heraldry A narrow horizontal band placed in the lower fourth area of the chief.【纹章学】 筋鞘:刻在纹章底子上部四分之一处的狭窄水平带美国传统〔frank〕A mark or signature placed on a piece of mail to indicate the right to send it free of charge.免费邮戳或签名:盖于邮件上的印戳或签名,以表明具有可免费送到的权利美国传统〔free-fire zone〕A battle area or combat zone in which no restrictions are placed on the use of arms or explosives.自由射击区:不限制使用武器或爆炸物的战区或格斗区美国传统〔good〕Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.他们中的许多人置一己私利于集体利益之上。柯林斯高阶〔gravestone〕A stone placed over a grave as a marker; a tombstone.墓碑,墓石:置于坟墓上作为记号的石头;墓石美国传统〔grid〕A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in.在洞口铺了一个铁格栅,以免有人跌入。剑桥高阶〔handily〕We're handily placed for the train station.我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。牛津高阶〔hash mark〕Football A mark in either of two series placed on the field perpendicular to the yard lines and used for spotting the ball.【橄榄球】 界内虚线:用于确定球的位置的与场地界线垂直的两条线美国传统〔hat〕He placed a battered felt hat on his head.他把一顶破旧的毡帽扣在头上。牛津搭配〔head〕Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart.每天都有一个不同的名字被列在这张表的最上端。柯林斯高阶〔highly〕According to one highly placed source, the prime minister had threatened to resign over this issue.据一位高级官员透露,首相曾威胁说会因这个问题而辞职。剑桥高阶〔holding〕The prisoner was placed in a holding cell.囚犯被关在一个临时牢房里。韦氏高阶〔hood〕A sack placed over a falcon's head to keep the bird quiet.头罩:套在猎鹰头上使其安静的袋子美国传统〔hospice〕He was placed in hospice care for the last three months of his life.他被安置在临终安养院,度过了生命中最后的三个月。韦氏高阶〔house arrest〕He was placed under house arrest until the trial.审讯前他一直被软禁在家。韦氏高阶〔house arrest〕She was placed under house arrest.她遭到了软禁。牛津高阶〔house arrest〕The main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest.主要反对派领导人都已经遭到逮捕或软禁。柯林斯高阶〔how are you placed for...?〕How are you placed for money? 你经济状况如何?剑桥高阶〔howdah〕A seat, usually fitted with a canopy and railing, placed on the back of an elephant or a camel.象轿,驼轿:放在象背或驼背上的座位,通常装有华盖及扶手美国传统〔impossible〕I've been placed in an impossible position.我陷入了进退维谷的境地。牛津高阶〔incriminate〕He was incriminated by an eyewitness who placed him at the scene of the crime.由于目击者提供看见他在犯罪现场的证词,他被牵连进案件。英汉大词典〔inglenook〕A bench, especially either of two facing benches, placed in a nook or corner beside a fireplace.炉边高背长椅:长椅,尤指放置在壁炉边角落里的两个相对的长椅之一美国传统〔institution〕Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.许多患有痴呆症的人宁愿留在家里也不愿被送进福利院。牛津搭配〔interconvert〕The ordinary and extraordinary rays were interconverted when the crystals were placed at right angles.晶体成直角置放时,寻常光与非寻常光便互相转换。英汉大词典〔intolerable〕The job placed almost intolerable pressure on her.工作给她带来的压力几乎无法承受。牛津搭配〔invidious〕Such a difficult choice placed her in an invidious position.如此为难的选择使她处于一种易招人反感的境地。剑桥高阶〔lid〕A lid can be placed on government spending.可对政府的开支加以限制。英汉大词典〔lockdown〕Prisoners have been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at the jail.已对囚犯实行活动限制,以免狱中再出现暴力行为。牛津高阶〔lonely hearts〕He placed a lonely hearts ad in a magazine.他在一份杂志上刊登了征友广告。牛津高阶〔marker〕He placed a marker where the ball had landed.他在球落地的地方放了个标记。牛津高阶〔minefield〕An area in which explosive mines have been placed.雷区:布有地雷的地区美国传统〔moratorium〕The city placed a moratorium on industrial development in town.该市强制暂停了市区的工业开发。牛津搭配〔moxa〕A cone or cylinder of cotton wool or other combustible material, placed on the skin and ignited in order to produce counterirritation.艾,艾蒿:以棉毛或其它可燃物卷成的圆锥或圆柱形,置于皮肤上,点燃以使身体产生反刺激美国传统〔multitude〕Political power has been placed in the hands of the multitude.政治权力已交到民众手中。朗文当代〔navigate〕In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。柯林斯高阶〔neck〕The three winners had medals placed round their necks.这3位优胜者的脖子上都挂有奖牌。麦克米伦高阶〔nest egg〕An artificial or natural egg placed in a nest to induce a bird to continue to lay eggs in that place.留窝鸡蛋:放进巢中引诱鸟继续在此产蛋的人工蛋或真蛋美国传统〔nick〕Printing A groove down the side of a piece of type used to ensure that it is correctly placed.【印刷术】 凹纹:沿着模板的一道凹线,用来保证正确的放置美国传统〔on waivers〕He was placed on waivers.他当时处于自由签约阶段。韦氏高阶〔onus〕The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender.在诽谤诉讼中,举证责任反过来由辩方全权承担。柯林斯高阶〔order〕He was placed under a two-year supervision order.他被处以两年的监管。外研社新世纪〔order〕I've placed an order for the CD.我已订购了这张激光唱片。牛津搭配〔order〕The government has placed an order for (=asked a company to supply) new weapons.政府订购了新武器。朗文当代〔order〕They have placed an order with the Boeing Company for 30 new middle-size airliners.他们已向波音公司订购30架中型新客机。英汉大词典〔overlay〕A transparent sheet containing graphic matter, such as labels or colored areas, placed on illustrative matter to be incorporated into it.透明塑料膜:含有一些绘画痕迹(如标签、色块)的透明膜,置于解说性的印刷品上以将其印于膜上美国传统〔oxygen mask〕A masklike device placed over the mouth and nose and through which oxygen is supplied from an attached storage tank.氧气面具:象面具的一种置于嘴和鼻子上的装置,通过它氧气可以被从与之相连的贮存罐所提供美国传统〔palm〕He went over to the wall and placed his palm on it.他走到墙边,用手掌撑墙。牛津搭配〔palm〕She placed the money in his palm.她把钱放在了他的手心里。外研社新世纪〔palm〕She placed the money in his palm.她把钱放在他手心里。英汉大词典〔paperweight〕A small, heavy, often decorative object that is placed on loose papers to hold them down.镇纸,纸压:一种常装饰性地放在散纸上把纸页压平的小而重的物体美国传统〔place〕A bomb had been placed under the seat.座位下面放了一枚炸弹。牛津高阶〔place〕At the end of the war, the island was placed under French control.战争结束时,该岛被划归法国管辖。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Ella placed the dish on the table.埃拉小心地把碟子放在桌上。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Emphasis is placed on studies in science and technology.重点放在科技研究上。英汉大词典〔place〕He placed an advertisement in the local paper.他在当地报纸登了一则广告。朗文当代〔place〕He placed fifth in a graduation class of 90.他在90人的毕业班中名列第五。英汉大词典〔place〕He placed great faith in her abilities.他非常相信她的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕He placed his hand on her shoulder.他把手搭在她的肩上。牛津高阶〔place〕He carefully placed the folder back in his desk drawer.他小心地把文件夹放回书桌抽屉里。朗文当代〔place〕He managed to get a lot done, considering the time constraints that were placed on him.考虑到对他施加的种种时间限制,他已经完成很多了。韦氏高阶〔place〕He was placed second他跑了第二名。21世纪英汉〔place〕He was ideally placed to get the job.他是这份工作的理想人选。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕He was later placed with a foster family.后来他被安置在一户寄养家庭里。朗文当代〔place〕Her name was placed on the list.名单上有她的名字。韦氏高阶〔place〕In high school, she was placed in advanced math and science classes.上高中时,她被安排学习高等数学和自然科学课程。韦氏高阶〔place〕Monga had his passport withdrawn, and was placed under house arrest.蒙加被吊销了护照,软禁了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕My daughter placed 2,000 yuan to her credit.我女儿把二千元存在她的名下。21世纪英汉〔place〕Orders may be placed by telephone or on the Internet.可以通过电话或因特网下订单。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Responsibility for the budget was placed in the hands of team leaders.预算的事情交由领队负责。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Scruton placed the shot just wide of the goalkeeper's left hand.斯克鲁顿这一记球就瞄准守门员左手边不远处。外研社新世纪〔place〕She placed her name on the list of volunteers.她把自己的名字列入志愿者的名单里。剑桥高阶〔place〕She placed the blame squarely on George.她干脆把罪责都推到了乔治身上。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕She poured the doctor a cup of tea and placed it on the table.她为医生倒了杯茶放在桌上。朗文当代〔place〕Some areas of the city have been placed under curfew.这座城市的一些区域已经实行宵禁。朗文当代〔place〕The authorities have placed the drug in Class A, the same category as heroin and cocaine.当局把这种毒品列为A类,与海洛因和可卡因一样。柯林斯高阶〔place〕The blame was placed squarely on the doctor.责任明确地落在医生身上。牛津搭配〔place〕The books were placed randomly on the shelf.书籍被随意放在书架上。牛津搭配〔place〕The box was placed at the center of the room.这个箱子放在房间的中央。韦氏高阶〔place〕The child was removed from the home and placed in the care of relatives.这个孩子从家里被带走安置在亲戚那儿。韦氏高阶〔place〕The government is being placed under pressure to give financial help to farmers.政府正面对为农民提供经济援助的压力。朗文当代〔place〕The hotel is well placed for most of London's theatres.这家宾馆地点优越,去伦敦大多数剧院都很便利。朗文当代〔place〕The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.这家宾馆位置很好,附近有很多餐厅、酒吧和俱乐部。牛津高阶〔place〕The students are placed in/with companies for a period of work experience.学生们被安排在公司里实习一段时间。剑桥高阶〔place〕They have considerable reserves and so are better placed than we are.他们有雄厚的资金储备, 因此比我们有优势。外研社新世纪〔place〕Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.普遍的抗议让总统承受了极大的压力。外研社新世纪〔position〕All parking signs have now been placed in position.所有停车标记都已安放就位。朗文当代〔pot〕The area on a card table where stakes are placed.抬面:牌桌上放赌金的地方美国传统〔probation〕He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.他认了罪,被处以缓刑。朗文当代〔probation〕The student was placed on probation for copying test answers.这个学生因考试抄袭答案而被留校察看。韦氏高阶〔problem〕In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school.在某些情况下, 问题儿童会被安置在特殊学校。外研社新世纪〔prominent〕He placed the award in a prominent position on his desk.他把奖品放在书桌上一个显眼的地方。韦氏高阶〔receivership〕Years of financial difficulty eventually placed the company into receivership.多年的财务困难最终导致这家公司进入了破产管理。韦氏高阶〔reflector〕Reflectors are placed along the lanes of the highway.城际公路上沿各车道都铺设了反光板。韦氏高阶〔register〕He has been placed on the sex offenders' register.他的名字已经记入了性犯罪者登记名册。牛津搭配〔responsibility〕Later the responsibility was placed upon a man called Dick.后来,这责任落在一个叫狄克的身上。英汉大词典〔restraint〕The lunatic was placed (kept) under restraint in a mental hospital.疯子被送进(关在)精神病院。英汉大词典〔reticle〕A grid or pattern placed in the eyepiece of an optical instrument, used to establish scale or position.标线片,标线:置于光学仪器目镜中的格子或图式,用以确定大小或位置美国传统〔scale〕He placed the meat on the scales.他把肉放在秤上。文馨英汉〔scattering〕Placed irregularly and far apart; scattered.散乱的:不规则及很零散地放置;散布美国传统〔scorch〕There were scorch marks on the kitchen worktop where a hot pan had been placed.厨房工作台上放过热平底锅的地方有几处焦痕。朗文当代〔semicircular〕The chairs were placed in a semicircular arrangement.椅子被摆成了半圆形。剑桥高阶〔sheer〕The position in which a ship is placed to enable it to keep clear of a single bow anchor.单锚系泊的船位:放置船以使之能在该处保持单锚停泊的位置美国传统〔siege〕The police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege(= it was hard to get in or out).警方可说是已封锁了市中心。牛津高阶〔skid fin〕An upright auxiliary airfoil formerly placed above the upper wing in biplanes to increase lateral stability.防滑翼:早期在双翼飞机上翼装置的垂直附助性机翼,目的在于增加横向稳定性美国传统〔smart money〕Games Bets or a bet placed by experienced gamblers or those having privileged information.【游戏】 注钱:赌博老手或知情者下的一笔或数笔赌注美国传统〔straitjacket〕Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket.他的行为偶尔会变得如此失控,不得不给他穿上约束服。柯林斯高阶〔strategic〕Eve had placed marble benches at strategic points throughout the garden.伊芙已经在花园里各重要的地方放置了大理石长椅。外研社新世纪〔strategic〕His chair was strategically placed so that he could see the door.他的椅子放在一个可以看到门的关键位置。麦克米伦高阶〔strategic〕Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.在总统所经路线的要害地点安排了神枪手。朗文当代〔stress〕The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase.重音:放在词或词组中发音非常有力的声音或音节的重读美国传统〔suck〕The old man placed his pipe back in his mouth and sucked deeply.老头重新把烟斗放进嘴里, 深深吸了一口。外研社新世纪〔surveillance〕Diane was placed under psychiatric surveillance.戴安娜被安置接受精神病观察。朗文当代〔terminal〕An ornamental figure or object placed at the end of a larger structure; a finial.端饰:大的建筑物末端的装饰像或装饰物;尖顶饰美国传统〔topic sentence〕The sentence within a paragraph or discourse that states the main thought, often placed at the beginning.主题句:某一段文章或讲话中表明中心思想的句子,通常置于段首美国传统〔touch〕He barely touched the food placed before him.他几乎一口没吃摆在他面前的食物。外研社新世纪〔traffic island〕A raised area over which cars may not pass, placed at a junction of thoroughfares or between opposing traffic lanes.安全岛:汽车无法通过的一块被抬高的区域,置于大道交叉点处或相对的交通车道中间美国传统〔trapdoor〕The box was placed over a trapdoor in the stage.那只箱子放置在舞台的地板门上。英汉大词典〔tribute〕He placed a wreath on the Monument to the People's Heroes and bowed his head in tribute.他在人民英雄纪念碑前献了花圈并低头致哀。英汉大词典〔trust〕Sumner placed considerable trust in his lawyer.萨默纳相当信任自己的律师。麦克米伦高阶〔turntable〕The circular horizontal rotating platform of a phonograph on which the record is placed.唱机转盘:电唱机上支承唱片的水平转盘美国传统〔tympan〕Printing A padding, as of paper or cloth, placed over the platen of a press to regulate the pressure on the sheet being printed.【印刷术】 压低格衬垫:放在印刷机压印板上的纸或布的填塞材料,用来调整正在印刷的纸张的压力美国传统〔under〕She placed the ladder under(= just lower than)the window.她把梯子立在窗户下面。牛津高阶〔unmo(u)ld〕He unmo(u)lded the gelatin and placed it face down on a plate.他把果冻从模子里倒出,面向下放在盘里。英汉大词典〔uppermost〕She placed her hands palm uppermost in her lap.她把手掌心向上放在大腿上。柯林斯高阶〔ward〕Both the child's parents being dead, its grandparents placed it in ward.孩子的双亲都已过世,祖父母将其置于他们的监护之下。英汉大词典〔wide〕The poles were placed wide apart.这些柱子间距很大。韦氏高阶〔window box〕A usually long, narrow box for growing plants, placed on a windowsill or ledge.窗口花坛:一种种植物用的通常很长而窄的盒子,置于窗台或壁架上美国传统A cinnamon stick placed in a container of sugar gives it a pleasant flavour.在一罐糖里放一块桂皮会使它有种讨人喜欢的味道。剑桥国际A guard was placed at the door. 门口设了一个警卫。译典通A slick pass from Eaves to Brinkworth placed the ball neatly in the shooting area.伊夫斯给布林克沃斯的巧妙传球将球干净利落地送到了射门区。剑桥国际Bowls of flowers had been placed on tables around the room.一盆盆的花摆在屋子四周的桌子上。剑桥国际Consumer preferences were placed in rank order/ranking order from 1 (very unpopular) to 5 (most popular).消费者对产品的喜好被按1(很不受欢迎)至5(最受喜爱)的次序列出。剑桥国际Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.教育问题被明确地放在了总理周末演讲的政治议程中。剑桥国际He placed cups and saucers on the table. 他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上。译典通He adopted/assumed/struck (= moved into) an elegant pose, one foot placed neatly in front of the other.他摆出一副优雅的姿势,一只脚灵巧地摆在另一只前面。剑桥国际He was charged with treason and placed under house arrest. 他被以叛国的罪名软禁在家。译典通Her scarf was strategically placed to hide a tear in her shirt.她的围巾戴得很巧妙,掩盖住了她衬衫上的破口。剑桥国际I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.我从未想到他会滥用我对他的信任。剑桥国际If the order point is set at 10, an order is placed when the inventory level falls below 10.如果订货点是 10,那么库存水平降到 10 以下就要订货。牛津商务Payments are placed on deposit to earn interest.款项已存入银行以赚取利息。牛津商务She placed (= put) the letter in front of me.她把信放在我面前。剑桥国际She placed the money in his palm. 她把钱放在他的手心里。译典通Soldiers in battle array (=positioned in a particular way for fighting) have been placed in position, ready to fight.列成战斗队形的士兵已进入阵地,随时准备出击。剑桥国际Some of the shares placed with institutional investors had to be clawed back to satisfy the demand of existing shareholders.必须收回配售给机构投资者的部分股票,以满足现有股东的需求。牛津商务The company is well placed to withstand the recession.这家公司境况很好,足以抵御经济衰退。牛津商务The horse was placed first/second/third in its first race (= finished the race in first/second/third position).那匹马在首场比赛中获得第一/二/三名。剑桥国际The mine was closed and placed under care and maintenance.煤矿已被关闭,正在保养中。牛津商务The pillars, which are outside the building, are so placed in order to provide the maximum space inside.建筑物外的柱子按如此方式排列,以提供最大的室内空间。剑桥国际The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.警官说他已逮捕了那人,接着就是一场扭打。剑桥国际The shares are being placed with institutional investors subject to a right of clawback by existing shareholders.这些股票正配售给机构投资者,但前提条件是保证现有股东拥有购回这些股票的权利。牛津商务The union is the largest in the country and in this/that regard is best placed to serve its members.这个工会是国内最大的,鉴于此它被放在为其成员服务的最佳位置。剑桥国际Their bombs are always placed in strategic positions to cause as much chaos as possible.他们总是把炸弹安放在战略要地,从而尽可能大地引起混乱。剑桥国际Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.昨天一颗15公吨重的卫星被成功地放入了轨道。剑桥国际




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