

单词 polarity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔polarity〕an electric terminal with positive polarity 正电极接线柱英汉大词典〔polarity〕reversed polarity 反极性剑桥高阶〔polarity〕the polarity between the fifties and the sixties 50年代和60年代的截然不同英汉大词典〔polarity〕the polarity between the intellect and the emotions 理智和情感之间的对立朗文当代〔polarity〕the polarity of a car battery汽车蓄电池的极性外研社新世纪〔polarity〕the acute polarity between extreme passion and extreme control 极端纵情和极端克制两者之间的尖锐对立英汉大词典〔polarity〕the growing polarity between the left and right wings of the party 党内左右两派间日益明显的对立牛津高阶〔polarity〕the ideological polarity between nations.国家间意识形态的截然对立柯林斯高阶〔polarity〕the ideological polarity between nations各国在意识形态上的巨大差异外研社新世纪〔polarity〕view politics exclusively in terms of the left (right) polarity 完全从左(右)的极端来观察政治英汉大词典




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