

单词 personalities
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔antipodal〕twin brothers with antipodal personalities 个性恰恰相反的孪生兄弟英汉大词典〔bandwagon〕the cult of bandwagon personalities 对得势人物的崇拜英汉大词典〔clash〕a clash of personalities 个性的不合英汉大词典〔compatible〕two people with compatible personalities 性格相投的两个人韦氏高阶〔difference〕a striking dissimilarity between the personalities of the sisters.姐妹间个性的显著差异。美国传统〔egocentric〕egocentric personalities lacking in feeling for others 对别人毫不关心的自私之辈英汉大词典〔formation〕factors that affect the formation of children's personalities 影响儿童性格形成的因素麦克米伦高阶〔hazard〕innovative personalities who are willing to hazard the uncertainties of expansion乐于冒着不确定的风险进行扩张的创新者外研社新世纪〔known〕nationally and internationally known TV personalities 国内外知名的电视人物麦克米伦高阶〔offscreen〕conjecture about what telly personalities are like offscreen 对荧屏明星私人生活的揣度英汉大词典〔personality〕personalities from the world of music 音乐界名流牛津高阶〔personality〕a broadcast network with well-known on-air personalities 拥有知名播音员的广播网牛津搭配〔personality〕one of the most well-liked TV personalities 最受欢迎的电视名人之一朗文当代〔personality〕places which have strong personalities of their own有鲜明特色的地方外研社新世纪〔show business〕a charity dinner attended by a host of showbiz personalities 有众多娱乐界名人参加的慈善晚宴剑桥高阶〔world〕personalities from the sporting world 体育界的名流朗文当代




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