

单词 predetermined
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔combination lock〕A lock that will open only when its dial is turned through a predetermined sequence of positions identified on the dial face by numbers or letters.字码锁:一种仅当在拨盘上按预制的顺序拨动号码或按动数字而开启的锁美国传统〔drop〕A predetermined location for the deposit and subsequent removal of secret communications or illicit goods, such as drugs.藏匿处:预先确定的放置或取走秘密情报或非法物品,如毒品的地点美国传统〔entail〕A predetermined order of succession, as to an estate or to an office.预定的继承顺序:确定的继承权顺序,如对地产或职位美国传统〔fail-safe〕Acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence of any of a variety of predetermined conditions.能阻止军事攻击的:预定情况发生时能终止军事攻击行为的美国传统〔fall〕To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action.保持一致:坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案美国传统〔fatalism〕Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.对宿命论的信仰:接受所有事情是预先注定、不可避免的这一信仰的接受美国传统〔fatalism〕The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable.宿命论:认为所有事情都是由命运注定且无法改变的理论美国传统〔fated〕Governed by fate; predetermined.命运决定了的:由命运掌握的;预先注定的美国传统〔fateful〕Controlled by or as if by fate; predetermined.命中注定的:被(或像是被)命运掌握的;预先注定的美国传统〔inertial guidance〕Guidance of an aircraft or a spacecraft in which gyroscopic and accelerometer data are used by a computer to maintain a predetermined course.惯性制导:用于制导飞行器或宇航器的一种方法,即借助计算机利用方向陀螺仪和加速器的数据来使被制导体保持在预定轨道上的方法美国传统〔lottery〕Games A contest in which tokens are distributed or sold, the winning token or tokens being secretly predetermined or ultimately selected in a random drawing.【游戏】 抽奖给奖法:一种竞赛,其中记号被分配或卖掉,获胜的记号被预先秘密选定或在随意抽奖中最终被确定美国传统〔nitinol〕An alloy of nickel and titanium that has the ability to return to a predetermined shape when heated.镍钛记忆合金:镍钛合金,具有加热后能恢复原型的能力美国传统〔pass pattern〕A predetermined course that a receiver runs in order to be in position to catch a pass.传球模式:预先套好使接球者能跑来接住传球的路线美国传统〔pitched battle〕An intense battle fought in close contact by troops arranged in a predetermined formation.对阵线:以一定阵势进展的短兵相接的激战美国传统〔predeterminate〕A person's health is often genetically predetermined.人的体质通常是由遗传决定的。21世纪英汉〔predeterminate〕This predetermined me in his favour.这一点事先促使我要支持他。21世纪英汉〔predetermined〕The Prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.从出生的那一刻起,王子的命运就已经被预先决定了。柯林斯高阶〔predetermined〕The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.可以使这些胶囊在预定的时间释放杀虫剂。柯林斯高阶〔predetermined〕The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.可以使这些胶囊在预设的时间释放杀虫剂。外研社新世纪〔predetermined〕The colour of your eyes is predetermined by the colours of your parents' eyes.眼睛的颜色是由父母眼睛的颜色决定的。朗文当代〔predetermined〕The department has exceeded its predetermined level of spending.该系的开支已经超出了其预定的水准。麦克米伦高阶〔predetermine〕An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level.温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。牛津高阶〔predetermine〕It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.很难说一个人的行为有多少是由遗传基因预先决定的。剑桥高阶〔predetermine〕The sex of the child is predetermined when the egg is fertilized.卵细胞受精时,孩子的性别就预先确定了。韦氏高阶〔predetermine〕The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。牛津高阶〔predetermine〕This predetermined me in his favour.这一点事先促使我要支持他。英汉大词典〔predetermine〕We followed a predetermined plan.我们按预定计划进行。英汉大词典〔principle〕A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.行为模式:固定的或约定的政策或行为方式美国传统〔printed circuit〕An electric circuit in which the conducting connections have been printed or otherwise deposited in predetermined patterns on an insulating base.印刷电路:导电连接物被印刷或放在绝缘基体上预先定好的模型中的一种电路美国传统〔spot pass〕A pass directed to a predetermined place on a playing area so that the receiving player arrives at the same time as the pass.定点长传球:将球传到球场上的某一预定位置,以便让接球的队友与球同时到达该位置美国传统〔sprinkler system〕A fire-extinguishing system consisting of a network of overhead pipes that release water automatically when a predetermined temperature has been reached.喷水灭火系统:当达到预警温度时能够自动放水的管道灭火装置,通常称为喷水灭火系统美国传统〔straddle〕The option to buy or sell a specific asset, such as a block of stock, at a predetermined price before a certain date.买卖选择权:在一定日期前以预定订立的价格买卖一定的物品(如,一定的股份)的权利美国传统〔tomography〕Any of several techniques for making detailed x-rays of a predetermined plane section of a solid object while blurring out the images of other planes.X线体层照相术:一种X线照相技术,能够照出某确定物体上事先规定好的某层部分,而不会照下其它部分的像美国传统〔transponder〕A radio or radar transmitter-receiver activated for transmission by reception of a predetermined signal.发射机应答器:一种收到预定信号之后就开始发射信号的无线电或雷达发射接收机美国传统At a predetermined time, three groups of soldiers will simultaneously attack different places.按预先约定的时间,三组士兵将同时袭击不同的地点。剑桥国际It is impossible to say how much a person's normal behaviour is predetermined by their genetic make-up.很难说一个人的一般行为有多少是由基因组合预先决定的。剑桥国际Time locks can be opened only at certain predetermined times of the day.定时锁只能在一天中预定的时间打开。剑桥国际




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